I have a lot of health issues that affect my mobility but I often can't use mobility aids. Mainly cause of the amount of times I've been harassed while outside when using them. It's easy to say ignore them, but people have tried to attack me because I'm Black and an easy target.
I've had people yell at me while using mobility aids. Some are curious cause I look young and want to ask what happened. Which is none of their business and my private medical information. While others are just straight up racist and upset that I have mobility aids.
Apr 22, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I've had issues being friends with non Black POCs that wanted to be "pacifists". They blamed me for the hate I faced for existing. And told me if I wasn't so outspoken that I wouldn't be attacked. They expected me to be silent about the racism and ableism I face.
It's easy for someone that doesn't face the level of racism or ableism that I face to tell me to stay silent to make white people comfortable. I realized then that a lot of the non Black POCs that call themsleves "pacifists" were just doing the whole model minority BS.
Apr 22, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
I don't talk a lot about having #PostExertionalMalaise because people just don't take it seriously. People have told me that I'm just making excuses or not trying hard enough. And it's like if I could work harder, I would. But my health just does not work that way.
I have lost people that I thought were friends & followers cause of my PEM. People could not empathize or understand why it takes me so long to respond or why I don't have the energy to respond fast enough to things. They also looked down on me for depending on disability benefit