Bilgin Ibryam🦋 Profile picture
📌Architect, turned product manager 🦆Co-author Kubernetes Patterns 🤖AI optimist. PM @diagridio. Ex-Red Hat architect
Jul 15, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Book review 🌟Software Architecture Patterns for Serverless Systems🌟 by John Gilbert

TLDR: dissects the #serverless landscape into key patterns and mindset that everyone developing cloud applications must know!

🧠Top 3 ideas from this book are: 🧵👇 Image 1) Autonomous service - owns all the resources it needs to continue to function even when other services cannot. Its building blocks are: Command, Publish, Consume, Query (CPCQ)

CPCQ - this is the core serverless pattern👇 Image
Jul 2, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Book review 📕Solutions Architect's Handbook📕by
@it_saurabh & Neelanjali Srivastav

TLDR: probably the the most comprehensive guide, with the right balance of breadth and depth, for anyone aspiring to become a Solutions Architect 🧵👇 1/7…
2/7 Covers essential concepts: attributes, principles, patterms, artifacts, and latest technologies for solution architecture, using microservices, event-driven, cache-based, and serverless patterns
Jun 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1/5 📢 Excited to share my new blog post on
🌟Application Networking Trends🌟 @thenewstack

We are witnessing a shift where networking concerns either sink down ⬇️ to the compute layer, or raise up ⬆️ into de facto APIs in the cloud. Let's dive into it!…
Image 2/5 ⬇️🕸️Transparent networking will keep descending and disappearing.

If the network doesn't change the data, if the devs and apps are not aware of it (ex: Auth, mTLS, tracing, routing, discovery) it'll keep sinking to compute layer, sidecar, proxy, or even Linux kernel w/ eBPF Image
Jun 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Book review: "Scalable Data Architecture with Java" from @PacktPublishing

TL;DR: provides a practical exploration of wide-range of data-driven solutions for Java developers looking to get a direction in the ecosystem🧵👇 Image 👍Ideal Reader:

Java developers who already have a some understanding of backend systems and are keen on getting understanding of the broad data ecosystem, its architectures, and the inherent challenges. Image
Feb 15, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
"How Cloud Computing is transforming from raw infra to app-centric services"

Longer blog post 👉…

TLDR of timelines, app, infra, API changes 👇🧵(0..4) 1⃣ The pre-cloud/early cloud Era:

This is the time of monolithic apps and static raw on-prem infrastructure.

➡️In this era, the monolith contains and does everything it needs to. Devs responsible for most.
➡️The OS primitives are the interface with infra (static IPs and VMs)
Feb 3, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
🧵 "How does @KnativeProject compare to @daprdev?”

Both projects help create & run cloud-native applications on Kubernetes, but differ in important aspects.

I thought I'd quickly share where these projects overlap and complement each other from a user point of view. 0/10 1⃣Community

Knative originated from Google, whereas Dapr from Microsoft. Today both projects are incubating at CNCF.
Both projects have growing communities and are within top 20 active CNCF projects (Dapr #10 and Knative #17)
Jan 28, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Sidecar pattern coverage in "Software Architecture: The Hard Parts" is pretty good 👏, but a bit limited to traditional service mesh use case. 🧵👇 Image The Sidecar pattern decouples the domain logic from the technical (infrastructure) logic. It offer a clean way to spread some sort of cross-cutting concern across a distributed architecture, and can be used by more than just operational coupling . Image
Jan 23, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
📕Week #03 book review📕
“Fundamentals of Software Architecture”
by @neal4d @markrichardssa
tl;dr: A unique book on how architects approach decision-making, effective use of soft skills, and yet remain practical🧵👇 2) Who is this book for?
Tech leads and new architects (with 1-3 years of experience), this book is for you. Learn to think and act like an architect, make tradeoffs, deal with business buzzwords, and difficult developers.
Nov 23, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
I wrote a new blog post:
"The Flywheel Effect of Kubernetes APIs" and how @daprdev complements it.…
Here is the TLDR 🧵👇 1⃣ Kubernetes API is the de facto standard for #on_cluster application orchestration. It serve as axiom among #Devs creating distributed applications and #Ops keeping these applications running.
Nov 15, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
After browsing latest 100+ @OReillyMedia book titles, here is what I picked for my December reading list: 🧵👇 1⃣ "Software Architecture: The Hard Parts" by @neal4d and co. I love technology agnostic architecture books that are timeless.…
Oct 5, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
USE vs RED - which is the better methodology for analyzing the performance of microservices 🤔? 🧵 Begin observing the performance characteristics of apps before the production rollout using Google's four golden signals. #ShiftLeft…
Jun 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Slack’s Kafka journey to operational excellence at scale! Context and lessons 👇 🧵
➡️0.7 petabytes of data
➡️10 Kafka clusters x90 nodes
➡️6.5 Gbps throughput
💪small-but-mighty ops team… Challenge➡️ solution
Automation ➡️Chef, Terraform, CI/CD to build, release Kafka & ZK
Hot spotting➡️make partition counts to be a multiple of the broker count
Replication➡️limit the replication bandwidth
Imbalance ➡️ Cruise Control
Jun 1, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
🔸tldr of 245K words / 640 pages🔸
6 Most Important #Software #Requirements Practices in 6 Tweets 🧵… #1: Define business objectives & communicates to all stakeholders why they are working on the project.

Without business objectives, you can’t craft a clear product vision or establish the scope of either the entire project or any development increment.…
May 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
2021 State of the API design - a visual report by @getpostman 🧵👇 Who Works with APIs
May 30, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
📕Another week, another book review📕
"Learning Dapr"
tl;dr: A different perspective on distributed systems from the creators of Dapr. Introduction to @daprdev combined with creators early insights in one book 🧵👇 Starts with a detailed introduction to Dapr philosophy and architecture: Dapr is a language-neutral, unified programming model that abstracts infrastructure details from developers
May 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Airbnb’s Journey To Post-Microservices
(HINT: microservies didn't solve all the problems)… Airbnb started with a Monolithic architecture inside a Monorepo. This carried them far, to $2.6B revenue before observing limitations with
➡️Velocity of software changes
➡️Component ownership
May 14, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
2022 State of the Java Ecosystem (@newrelic customers segment) 🧵👇
• The most used production version: Java 11🌟
• The most popular vendor? oracle ↘️ amazon 🚀
• The rise of containers, i.e. Kubernetes 🤘
• The most common heap size & garbage collector? In a year, Java 11 became the new standard:
↘️Java 8 from 85% to 46%
↗️Java 11 from 11% to 48%
Non-LTS such as Java 14 bellow 1% Image
May 10, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
📕Another week, another book review📕
"Kubernetes – An Enterprise Guide - 2nd edition"
tl;dr: An extensive (580page) guide into Kubernetes ecosystem with an emphasis on #Networking & #Security 🧵👇 Security is a multi-dimensional concern, and I ♥️how this book covers it from all angles: container, nodes, networking, supply chain…with recommended projects, setups and code included!
Apr 23, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
🤯 This is just mind-blowing 🤯
ServiceMesh evolution towards Sidecarless with eBPF 🧵 It always starts with a small change in the linux kernel.
From hardware networking, to software-defined networking, to dynamic programmable networking…
Apr 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
"Designing Hexagonal Architecture with Java"
This is an excellent book about #hexagonal architecture theory and practice in Java. 🧵… It explains clearly the different hexagons in the architecture, the responsibilities, pitfalls, techniques and patterns to use in each