BiggusBennus 💫 Ben Austwick 🔜 TwitchConEU Profile picture
Twitch & YouTube Partner | @GOSHCharity Senior Exec - Streaming & Gaming | 📧 | | He/Him 🏳️‍🌈
Sep 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
No stream today in solidarity with those experiencing hate raids and demanding action.

To those sneering that it won’t make any difference - it’s already trending in the UK and has been written about in many international media outlets.

#ADayOffTwitch Obviously there will be some who are contractually obliged to stream today and others who don’t want to be silenced, which I totally understand.

But those who claim that it won’t make any difference because it doesn’t hurt Twitch’s revenue directly are being wilfully ignorant.
Aug 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Our expectations were low but holy s**t. You just said the quiet part out loud, @/Asmongold

#ADayOffTwitch ImageImageImage I know there are a ton of comments replying to this calling me a hypocrite because I asked people not to harass those who don't participate.

If you think my tweet was criticising him for not participating, you ought to read it again & again until you understand it.