In 3d life,I am very fond of gemstones, and lately I had discussion with a fren about how to invest in it, and realised there’s a lot in common between Gemstones and NFTs. So gemstone is what’s called hard asset, it’s portable asset, but first and foremost is personal adornment.
It’s a rare personal adornment that people will wear as jewelries, as opposed to investing it. And most people who buy gemstones are not going to make money on them.
Dec 22, 2021 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
For clarify few things up
A thread
1/6 There’s an guy who named Wang has pretended to be a team member of a DeFi derivative project,and he resold and oversold his allocation to some retail investors at a higher rate. And the token price up 60x+ at 1st token release.
2/6 He wanted to keep the profit to himself, so refunded most of the principal back to those retail investors. They are pretty upset because they transferred the principals to him back in late 2019 , which means they’ve missed the whole bullrun .
there's a mad mad story about how the most notorious crypto mining mafia colluded with gov official in jiangxi, screwed Genisis Mining, led to central gov in china cracking down on crypto mining, and caused the big dump in May 19th.
Before I begin , just want to clarify I am not 100% sure it’s true, but the press and news and info mention in the story can be verified, and I post the original link at the end of this thread.
Aug 30, 2021 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
Our investment thesis about Arweave,the most feasible solution to make decentralised data storage gain wider adoption. Now it’s market share and cap still very small, but it will overtake filecoin’s dominance. Big thanks to @jeremyongws helped editing .…2) Why we need decentralised data storage? Public chain like Ethereum ain’t design for data storage,the cost to same size of data on it is million times higher than web2 clouding computing & storage service. So normally only BLL and DAL data will stored on the etherum.
Jun 19, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
We gonna witness a history in bitcoin mining tonight, all mining farms (about 8m kw electricity load) will shutdown at 12pm Beijing time tonight, Harare rate already dropped significantly after sichuan gov announce shut down bitcoins mining farms in Sichuan.
Some mining farms already starting shutdown their facilities.
May 31, 2021 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
Curve @CurveFinance needs more appreciation and #crv is heavily undervalue.
1.the veCrv competition between @iearnfinance@ConvexFinance and @StakeDAOHQ , they all wants boost up their earnings and increase their APY by purchase and lock more #Crv.
2.Curve’s multi-chain plan
Polygon has bought 1billon TVL and 50M daily transactions volume for curve. if curve deploy on more chains and L2 it will brings more TVL, transaction volume and fees for Curve.