Bikrum Gill Profile picture
Anti-imperialism; Third World Marxism; Descendant of Comrade Hari Singh "The angel would like to stay, awaken the dead, and make whole what has been smashed"
Jan 18 5 tweets 1 min read
Why are you all - supposed allies of Palestinians - in a rush to believe Netanyahu when he is desperately flailing about with lies to cover his losses?

Netanyahu can say what he likes to appease those who want a return to occupying Gaza.

There are two realities that matter: 1 - Israeli army has been teetering in a state of shock and irrationality for months in Gaza. With no strategic plan, they have slaughtered civilians and destroyed infrastructure, and yet the Palestinian armed resistance keeps coming back stronger.
Jan 15 11 tweets 2 min read
Central to ceasefire conditions (thread):

Did you know that Palestinian armed resistance in Beit Hanoun over the past weeks has generated such a crisis for the occupation army that 800 military families wrote to Netanyahu refusing to send their children back to Gaza to fight? Did you know that "israel" is experiencing major military and economic attrition, and have hit a wall - they have obliterated the Gaza strip and still cannot overcome the resistance? All that is now left as an option is to go door to door and to enter the tunnels
Dec 22, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
With the West approaching it's holiest of days, and I watch as the Kamal Odwam Hospital is attacked with no protest, I am haunted by this verse from the bible:

"What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul? I fear that we have permanently lost our souls, and what is left of our humanity, in watching time and again, Palestinians desperately appeal to us to stop our governments from arming Israel in its genocidal attacks. Yet, whether due to powerlessness or cowardice, we just watch
Dec 21, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
History will record Yemen's capacity to defeat the US-Saudi attack on its country from 2015-2023 as fundamental to the fall of the US led Western world order.

We see that it is those who resist zionism and imperialism who are attacked, but here the Yemenis only grew in strength The movement that is to become Ansar Allah, is deeply rooted in Yemen, as part of a tradition that for decades resisted the imperialist-Saudi-zionist designs on the region. But it emerged in its current iteration with particular urgency after the US invasion of Iraq
Nov 30, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
When Hezbollah defeated Israel in 2006, the collective West identified the Syrian state as a major source of arms support for Hezbollah. They recognized that there was no way Israel could defeat Hezbollah in battle, so next best option was to destroy Syrian state via proxy war On the pivotal role of the Syrian state in strengthening Hezbollah's force capacity in its repulsion of israeli invasion in 2006:…
Oct 14, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
(thread) Two logics of war:

The Palestinian and Lebanese resistance consistently target Israeli military sites.

The US-Israel army, unable to defeat the resistance, responds to losses on the battlefield by deliberately massacring wounded, unarmed, and displaced civilians. Today, the Lebanese resistance struck a severe blow against and Israeli military base. The Palestinian resistance has, in recent days, again shown it retains capacity to ambush and defeat occupation soldiers in battle.
Oct 13, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
We can now, two weeks since the US and Israel tried to impose "coercive diplomacy" on Hezbollah, say with utmost confidence that Hezbollah has permanently undermined two of the Israeli army's core military doctrines - escalation dominance and rapid deterrence establishment The racial supremacism of the US-Israel death machine has left them with no rational path. They cannot accept ceasefire based on deterrence equation set by the resistance, and believed instead that they could impose their "terms of peace" through massacres and assassinations.
May 19, 2024 22 tweets 4 min read
A Dying Imperialism

US imperialism is in its death throes, as its underlying military&economic power has been brought to existential crisis. This is why it joins Israel's genocidal war against Palestinians. It is a desperate attempt to restore its economic and military primacy Let me first begin by defining capitalist imperialism, which of course is the variety defining the US. Capitalist imperialism is a system wherein the imperialist power exercises sovereign power over the flow of capital across territories.
May 14, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
If Gaza is the cradle of the resistance, Jabalia today again reveals itself to be the bearer of the deepest truths of the past, present, and future of both the long march to Palestinian national liberation and the historic defeat Zionist colonialism Jabalia, the largest refugee camp in Gaza, inhabited by those dispossesed in 1948, but who continue, on a whole of society basis, to struggle to affirm their right to reclaim sovereignty over the lands and territories from which they were expelled by Zionism.
Mar 3, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read

More Israeli massacres today against unarmed starving Palestinians are a cowardly attempt, yet again, to cover for their battlefield losses and their failure to make the Palestinians submit to the conditions and terms desired by Israel. For past two weeks in al-Zaytoun, "Israel" has tried to demonstrate de facto control over Gaza, and thus make the permanent expulsion of Hamas, the disarming of Palestinians more generally, and a permanent Israeli military occupation of Gaza, the premise of any future "peace."
Feb 12, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
What the Israeli occupation did to Rafah tonight is part of a long established pattern.

1. Palestinian resistance, deploying forms of hybrid warfare that the conventional Israeli army simply cannot withstand, humiliates Israel on the battlefield 2. Israel responds by deliberately targeting Palestinian unarmed civilians with massive bombardment. The point is to inflict suffering on an unimaginable scale. To both convince Palestinians to abandon their resistance, and convince Zionists to believe they remain in control
Jan 12, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
[Thread] The attempt by the West to defend Israel by reversing the genocide charge is how colonizers/imperialists - owing to their very constitutions - have long responded to decolonization. Accuse the colonized of genocidal intent in order to then justify genocide against them The colonizer's very being is constituted through a relation of conquest that forcefully dispossesses the colonized of sovereign right over their lands. It is a relation of supremacism/subordination that precludes relations of equal co-existence and mutual recognition
Nov 22, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
A four day truce based on release of Palestinian women and children held captive in Israeli prisons. These are the legitimate demands Palestinians had been making before and since Al-Aqsa flood. This deal could have been reached weeks ago and tens of thousands of lives saved 🧵 Those who rushed to racialize Al-Aqsa flood as act of pure irrational savagery contributed to rendering inaudible the legitimate demands that Palestinians attached to the operation - freeing of prisoners, end of Israeli impunity in west bank and al-aqsa, end of blockade of gaza
Nov 4, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Israel is deliberately targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure - ambulances, hospitals, homes, etc. This is an intensification of Israel's long standing "Dahiya doctrine" which aims to restore Israel's fading deterrence capacity through attacks on unarmed civilians. 🧵 During 2006 war, Hezbollah clearly demonstrated that it had developed a military capacity to defeat Israeli forces in direct battle. Hezbollah fighters remarked on how pathetic and cowardly Israeli soldiers were in the field - a new equation of force was emerging
Nov 1, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This humanitarian/war disarticulation has long been central to Zionist and imperialist designs on Gaza. In disarticulating Gaza into a humanitarian space distinct from the political space of war, the aim is to produce an eternally rightless dependent people. This is the argument advanced by Sara Roy in her pioneering work on the political economy of "de-development" of Gaza. Palestinians in Gaza are meant to exist in a constant condition of minimum humanitarian subsistence, as charity cases with no political rights.
Oct 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The founding "rule" of Western order governing the genocidal response to Palestinian resistance:

In 16th century, founding thinker of international law, Vitoria, argued that as Indigenous peoples are human and have capacity for reason, relations with them fall under natural law However, the moment that Indigenous Americans contested the "right" of European settlers to "sojourn" in their territory, Vitoria held that they effectively undermined their capacity to reason and returned to a less than human status (say human animals?)
May 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If you are shocked by NYT series on Haiti, wait until you learn that in last 20 years, the West sanctioned Zimbabwe for reclaiming land from colonizers & last year Zimbabwe, in order to gain access to international credit, was forced to pay back the colonizers for "lost property"
Sep 25, 2021 25 tweets 5 min read
This thread is quite a reductive and disingenuous take on left positions on China. Going to respond in some detail here, so this will probably be a longish thread. First, to try to understand the main premise of his argument:

The key takeaway from his thread is that those who argue, from a left perspective, that China’s socialist path remains in play are guilty of undertaking an idealist rather than materialist analysis
May 20, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
On the celebrated "narrative shift" on Palestine. Agree that it is encouraging in many ways.

But, in other ways it reproduces a colonized desire for, and dependence upon, recognition from white supremacy/zionism. And this is, as Fanon showed, a dead end for decolonization. From John Oliver to AOC to Bernie Sanders, all of the imperial affirmations of Israeli culpability have done so by loudly condemning Palestinian resistance. It seems the celebrated "narrative shift" is premised upon re-inscribing Palestinians as inherently non-Sovereign beings
May 18, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The West falsely reckons with its history of genocidal anti-semitism by intensifying its commitment to the other genocidal violence it is founded upon: the racist dehumanization and colonization of non-Europen peoples. Would the German president make such a statement if responsibility for the Herero and Nama peoples were part of its identity?

The West has never had to reckon with its ongoing history of racist colonization, which is why they are now rushing to defend Israeli colonial violence
May 12, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
There should never be any legitimacy granted to Western claims that "human rights, law, a and democracy" are the "rules" and "values" they seek to uphold in service of a so-called "liberal world order"

We should name their "rules" and "values" for what they really are: The foundational rules and values they uphold are capital accumulation, white supremacy, and the permanent subjugation and erasure of those on whose dispossession and enslavement the Western world order is built.

It has been this way since Francisco Vitoria first proclaimed it.