Mar 1, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
1. McGeorge Bundy, in
“The Dimensions of Diplomacy”, 1964, noted, “All area study programs in American universities after the war were manned, directed or stimulated by graduates of the OSS: there is a high measure of interpenetration between universities with area programs
2. and information gathering agencies of the government of the U.S.” As head of the Ford Foundation, Bundy was in a position to know about the interpenetration.
The Washington Post, April 21, 1984, noted that the CIA was funneling money to many universities through Air Force
Mar 1, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1. The CIA has also spent billions to influence foreign elections, Always for candidates Inimical to the interests of the people of the United States, but dedicated to the programs of the World Order. However, its principal influence has been through its control of foundations
2.and universities.The American people remain blissfully unaware that their Constitutional government with its separated powers of legislative, judicial and executive departments, has been entirely superseded by the foundations, which generate basic policy for all three branches.
Feb 28, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1. Excerpt "ALL WARS ARE BANKERS' WARS!" article…
In the Colonies, we issueed our own money. It is called Colonial Scrip [interest-free, wealth-based money issued by The Colonies 1750-1764 before the Bank of England crooks made it illegal].
2. We issue it in proper proportion to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one."
The New Age Movement is only one visible face of the Illuminati Brotherhood, or `Moriah.` yet it is increasingly an acceptable face, and it has spread it's influence globally. Christians, Jews and Muslims should be in no doubt that the New Age Movement
is the `Church` of Lucifer, and that we, the believers are considered the `undesirables` in need of cleansing. Albert Pike, the nineteenth century Freemason wrote about three world wars to bring in the New World Order and we have already had two of them.
Feb 21, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Jean-Michel Angebert, states in the book
`The Occult and the Third Reich:`
"The Hitlerian myth can be understood only if viewed in the context of the particular philosophical system that produced it, which is itself but one link in an historical tradition
going back over centuries. Those who induced Germany to embrace the swastika are not dead. They are still among us, just as they have been in every era, &doubtless will continue to be until the Apocalypse. National Socialism was for them but a means, &Hitler was but an instrument
Feb 21, 2023 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
1. Brice Taylor :
Thanks For The Memories
Memoirs Of Bob Hope and Henry Kissinger's mind -controlled Slave
Used as a presidential Sex toy &personal computer
This book is 935 pages.
Much of what it describe is Horrific, The process of creating a mind…2. control slave from the earliest age. She was born into a family of mind-controlled slaves to be a slave or satanic sacrifice if not found to be of use.
The horror and abomination of what was done to this
Feb 20, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Antony SuttonIn the 1960's British-born Dr. Anthony Sutton was a Fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institute when he discovered that, in spite of the Cold War, the US was supplying the USSR with its technology, including weapons used against
American soldiers in Vietnam. Sutton dug deeper and discovered that Wall Street had sponsored both the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of Nazi Germany. The resulting books which are on line cost Dr. Sutton his academic career.
Feb 20, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The Illuminati originates in the Jewish Kabala, Babylonian mystery cults, the Templars, Freemasons & assorted interests dedicated to Satan worship & absolute power. On May 1 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the University of Inglestadt
in Germany, founded "The Order of the Illuminati." Many people believe Weishaupt was sponsored by Prince William of Hesse Casel and his banker Meyer Amschel Rothschild, the wealthiest man in the world.
The Illuminati's goal was to destroy Western Civilization and to erect a
Feb 20, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Conspiracy Too Monstrous To Conceive
June 8, 2003
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
G.W. Bush"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover
The world is in the malignant grip of a satanic cult.
People recoil at the suggestion but proof stares us in the face every day.
George W. Bush, President of the "Free World" is a member of "Skull and Bones" a chapter of the Illuminati order. His father, grandfather& uncle are also members.
In his autobiography, "A Charge to Keep"
Feb 20, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The Myth Of The Master Race:
Doctrines of Aryan superiority were at the very core of Nazism. They were used as a justification for religious persecution. It was not not only Jews, but also Christians included on Hitler's `Hit List.` The New Age has a slightly altered agenda.
Christians first, Jews next, then finally Muslims will be dealt with. All of these groups are marked for persecution.
At the occult core of their dogma, New Agers maintain the arcane Aryan doctrine of a blood taint resting upon Jews. Alice A. Bailey, whose twenty seven books
Feb 20, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
The Secret Doctrine:
“One cannot argue against the claim that the Nazi world view and major elements of the New Age Movement are identical. They should be, after all for they both grew out of the same occult root: Theosophy.
Their respective cosmology &philosophies are identical.”Joseph Carr `The Twisted Cross.
The foundational Theology of both Nazism and the New Age Movement can be seen to be based on the book, `The Secret Doctrine written by the founder of Theosophy, Helena P. Blavatsky in 1888.
Feb 20, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The Illuminati bloodline families claim to be descended from these Fallen Angels, who they say taught them the “Ancient Wisdom”, also known as the Kabbalah, which they have been preserving throughout the centuries.
The Fallen Angels are said to have descended to earth and `intermarried` with `the daughters of men` who then gave birth to a hybrid race known as the Nephilim. Christian translations have traditionally `struggled` with the passage, choosing to translate Nephilim as `mighty men.
Feb 16, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
1."Svali" is the pseudonym of the woman, age 45, who was a mind "programmer" for the cult until 1996. She was the sixth head trainer in the San Diego branch and had 30 trainers reporting to her. She has risked her life to warn humanity of the Illuminati's covert power and agenda
2. She describes a sadistic Satanic cult led by the richest and most powerful people in the world. It is largely homosexual and practices pedophilia, animal sacrifice, and satanic ritual murder. It works "hand in glove" with the CIA and Freemasonry.
Feb 16, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1. Svali- In 2002,
Illuminati Defector Predicted Financial Collapse
Svali's revelations almost 20 years ago of a well organized Satanist conspiracy add a new dimension to current events.
How much is pertinent today in your view? 2. It is hard to accept Svali's assertion that the Illuminati is "Aryan supremacist (German is spoken at the top) but welcomes Jewish apostates." Also, hard to believe her assertion, "there is no Marxism in the cult" and "they hate Israel and hope one day to see it destroyed."
Feb 16, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1. After WWII, Dillon Read banker General William Draper was put in charge of dismantling German industry and distributing it among the allies. Needless to say, this did not happen. His Wall Street cohorts owned too much of it. Nazis businessmen remained in positions of power.
2. War criminals were transported to South America or went to work for the CIA.
The list of US corporations that had the equivalent of $8 billion invested in Nazi Germany include Standard Oil, General Motors, IBM, Ford, the Chase and National City Banks, ITT and many others.
Feb 16, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
1. The key to understanding the elite, and the direction of world events, is to understand the psychology of the cartel.
Cartels by definition are a conspiracy.
Their purpose is to defraud the public by keeping prices high.
They do this by controlling competition, markets, --
2.raw materials and new technology. They are by definition meg-lo maniacal, anti-national, and anti social.
One of the earliest cartels was Rockefeller's Standard Oil, which eliminated the competition by fixing transportation costs. Rockefeller's said the only sin is competition
Feb 16, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Every facet of the mass media (movies, TV, magazines, music, commercials, news) is used for indoctrination and social control with the ultimate goal of enslavement.
In order to destroy the family, the media convinced women that they could not rely on men.
The Illuminati undermined women's natural loving instincts using the following mantras:
1. Men can no longer be trusted. Using the Lifetime Network as an example, Blyth concluded "all men are 1) unfaithful rats 2) abusive monsters 3) dishonest scumbags, or 4) all of the above.
Feb 16, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The Nazis required all Jews to join the Zionist-led "Reich Union" whose goal was emigration. Jews were to be converted to Zionism at any cost. The Zionists were able to publish books and newspapers critical of the Nazis so long as the audience was restricted to Jews.
The cooperation extended to political and economic spheres. Adolph Eichmann set up agricultural training camps in Austria to prepare young Jews for Kibbutz life. He visited Palestine and conferred with Zionist leaders who confessed their true expansionist goals.
Feb 16, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
In 1925, Germany's 500,000 Jews were overwhelmingly indifferent or actively hostile to Zionism. The German Zionist movement had only 9000 members.
The "Central Union of Germans of the Jewish Faith " represented most German Jews and favored active participation in German life. Its main focus was combating anti-Semitism.
Zionists, on the other hand, welcomed the Nazis' anti Semitic policies.
Feb 16, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
1.All money is created in the form of debt to the privately owned banking cartel.
Imagine if you could create money out of thin air. Imagine you have the credit cards of all the nations in your pocket.
2.Your first impulse is to lend money to your nominees so they can buy most of the world's real wealth for you
Your second impulse is to establish a totalitarian system (world government"globalization) to prevent nations from challenging this system defaulting on their "debt"
Feb 13, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Where's The Children?
950 children vanished from foster care system in Missouri"
They proceed to admit Child Trafficking was the result of missing children, but they then proceed to blame it on the Trump Administration
The only concern they expressed over these trafficked children?
That they would lose funding if the public found out.