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(f/25+) mostly fandom, currently obsessed with shen jiu/bingjiu/liujiu | always fub free (no minors, please)
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Jun 17 β€’ 212 tweets β€’ >60 min read
(bingjiu? Nsfw, dubcon/noncon maybe) Ok on the opposite tune...

In Mistakenly Saving The Villain, the protagonist's cultivation is based on him staying chaste, which is a big plot point... methinks SJ should have the same deal, only to suffer when LBH finds out 🫣 SJ already has trauma against men and all-but-confirmed sexual abuse in the Qiu Manor (yeah I'll fight people about it), suppose WYZ also used him as a cauldron, so when he arrives at Cang Qiong he's just rife with Stuff Going On Inside and his shizun soon notices...
Apr 16 β€’ 66 tweets β€’ 10 min read
Feel/good bingjiu AU where Binghe decides to make his mama proud in a VERY different fashion than canon... by deciding to become a chef who will feed the people of the world for free! πŸ₯Ή He works his way up from a lowly assistant in various restaurant kitchens until he becomes a proper head chef through years of experience, and after saving up his salary (with the occasional protagonist's luck by randomly foraging and selling hella expensive mushrooms)...
Apr 13 β€’ 34 tweets β€’ 6 min read
#tianjiu 😈

At first SJ is overwhelmed (and actually a little happy) when he gets an absurdly large flurry of responses to his marital proposition. After listing his own negatives so blatantly in his ad he thought he'd turn most people off and get a few curious bites at most. Instead, Qing Jing Peak is simply awash in the letters of would-be suitors trying their best to win the hand of its Peak Lord!

... but SJ's excitement quickly wears off as he sifts through the many, many letters and realises how many of the proposals aren't even worth finishing.
Feb 9 β€’ 52 tweets β€’ 8 min read
Omegaverse stuff but give them Chinese palace drama rules to operate by (may or may not have any historical basis) AKA MQF placing a silk handkerchief over omega SJ's wrist before checking his pulse because it would be improper to touch him otherwise 😳 Omega cultivators of SJ's status (e.g. Peak Lord level) being extremely rare because of all the restrictions they have to live by e.g. he cannot even be around any alpha without an attendant, even someone like YQY (thank god for Ming Fan πŸ˜‚) and things of that nature.
Jan 26 β€’ 134 tweets β€’ 21 min read
Had a vague and probably incoherent bingjiu/meijiu idea permeating in my head during work that takes place during the 5 years SY was dead... anyway, Bingmei is doing his brooding edgelord shit running Huan Hua and the Demon Realm while trying to keep Shizun's body alive... And he's always desperate for fresh sources of spiritual qi since there are only so many cultivators slash power banks to go around... not to mention he's closer to falling apart every day thanks to Xin Mo being an ass and so on.
Jul 17, 2023 β€’ 93 tweets β€’ 14 min read
I have so many ideas and never enough time for bingjiu AUs, so let me just blab down the concept for this AU and maybe someone will take it off my hands or I muster the strength to write it out in full, idk 😭 Had earned Zheng Yang on his own merit despite Ming Fan wanting the sword since Wei Qingwei had told him about its storied past once on a class tour to Wan Jian. Won the interpeak competition one year and earned a commendation from Yue Qingyuan himself.
Jul 10, 2023 β€’ 49 tweets β€’ 8 min read

PIDW AU where Bingge vents to Madame Meiyin after yet another visit to the Water Prison where SJ continues not to give a shit about him (he's definitely thinking about the legs plan). MM offers to read SJ's "fate" so she can determine how to advise Binghe on what to do next, and he grudgingly agrees.
Jun 20, 2023 β€’ 81 tweets β€’ 12 min read

Overworked and lonely businessman Shen Jiu finds an injured homeless teenager passed out in front of his apartment building one rainy evening... though SJ just wants to call an ambulance and get the punk out of his hair, the boy wakes up and begs not to be sent away... And so SJ grudgingly takes him inside and fixes him up and agrees to let him crash on his couch... for one night 😾

(Little does he realise though...)

Binghe, as the brat's called, ends up staying with SJ indefinitely.
Jun 19, 2023 β€’ 92 tweets β€’ 14 min read
#liujiu, Bai Zhan SJ AU EXTRA I PART III (nsfw):

"And what can we humble ladies do to make the esteemed gentlemen comfortable tonight?" The moment the red-robed courtesan murmured those words, the scent of rosewater wafting from her gauzy layers and the gold glitter on the corner of her eyes shimmering in tandem with the extravagant hairpin dangling from her updo like a wind chime,
Jun 19, 2023 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Does anyone else remember the Havemercy series? πŸ₯΄ I read them back when I was a teen and desperate for any kind of queer rep in fantasy lit and I loved the first book (at least the Hal and Royston sections, and honestly if I had my way the entire series would revolve around those two alone 😭)...
Jun 18, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Decided to just have a Coke Zero and an orange for lunch and skip my actual meal since i ended up having my lunch break super late... instead I'll feast on a tasty ikuradon for an early dinner 😀 I said that before discovering I would work overtime πŸ₯΄
Jun 18, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Still amazed I managed to pound out 20+ near daily threadfics for my first prompt thread... I was stressing sometimes but I also had a blast with how varied the AUs could get πŸ˜‚ wonder what people's faves are... I think most people remember the liujiu divorce AU and the Maleficent AU (those were real labours of love 😭) but personally I ended up really loving the gen 79-ish AU where folks find out SJ is a good egg and he just gets to be happy at the end πŸ₯Ή
Jun 18, 2023 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
The tragedy of bingjiu is that Shen Jiu literally just wants to matter to one fucking person and have them be on his side... and Binghe was 100% ready to BE that person, but by the time the kid comes around SJ is simply too embittered and worn down to give him a real chance πŸ₯² Every time SJ tries to help people and reach out he gets beat down by the consequences and it repeatedly reinforced that trying to do good will literally only make his own life worse 😭
Jun 7, 2023 β€’ 97 tweets β€’ 14 min read

Shen Jiu had never slept in such a soft bed before.

For a while he luxuriated in the sheer comfort of it all, halfway between wakefulness and dreams, his face buried in a silk-soft pillow and the warm duvet over his thin body that felt so much like an embrace. "You say we're married," SJ said. "But why do you keep calling me Shizun then?"

LBH grinned. "Because you were my teacher before we got married."

"What?" SJ sucked his breath in horror. "That's - who would do that! How would I have agreed to marry you then?!"
Jun 4, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Once again, I would like to remind everyone that this account firmly hails Satan when it comes to Shen Jiu worship. No mealy-mouthed apologies for enjoying the most interesting character in SV here πŸ€ͺ Fyi people do not get extra morality points in real life for stanning "good" fictional characters; that shit doesn't work via osmosis.
May 26, 2023 β€’ 176 tweets β€’ 26 min read
#liujiu, Bai Zhan SJ AU EXTRA 1 Part II (nsfw):

"Do you... do you want to try something?"

They'd long since gotten into bed and lain next to each other, remaining fully wide awake in the dark, when Shen Jiu finally broke the silence and regretted speaking aloud immediately. He flushed with embarrassment, red from head to toe; just what was he thinking, saying something like that out of nowhere!!
May 21, 2023 β€’ 100 tweets β€’ 15 min read

"Are you alright?"

Shen Qingqiu was alone in the Qing Jing tent, licking his wounds in private after his match where the entire sect had seen him lose in mortifying fashion and laughed when he fell. He'd refused to be examined by a healer, and the Qian Cao disciple who offered to look at him had walked away muttering under his breath after SJ rejected him.
May 19, 2023 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Modern fluffy bingjiu/meijiu AU that starts when poor country boy Luo Binghe moves to the city for university and manages to find a living situation at a small women's dormitory where he gets a free room in exchange for cooking the meals... It's more peaceful than he ever imagined, living in this old house that used to be a brothel and a speakeasy in the old days. Even though the place is a bit rundown and his room is small, it's so much better than being cooped up in a cramped dorm with other students...
May 9, 2023 β€’ 121 tweets β€’ 18 min read
#liujiu, Bai Zhan SJ AU EXTRA 1 (nsfw, maybe):

"You know you don't have to do this." That was the first thing Liu Qingge said to Shen Jiu after they landed at their destination.

They'd spent two days of flying over plains and rivers and forests to arrive at the valley where the Ba Qi Sect was located.

Qiu Haitang's sect.
Apr 27, 2023 β€’ 69 tweets β€’ 11 min read
#liujiu, Bai Zhan SJ AU Part XIV (FINAL):

"Shizun! Shizun and Shen-shishu are back, everyone!" As soon as Shen Jiu and Liu Qingge landed on Bai Zhan Peak they were swarmed by an army of fellow cultivators, hallmasters, disciples, kitchen aunties, stable hands and even the stair sweeps,
Apr 25, 2023 β€’ 91 tweets β€’ 14 min read
#liujiu, Bai Zhan SJ AU Part XIII:

Shen Jiu had heard of Su Xiyan. Years ago, when Yue Qingyuan had been recovering in his sickbed and they reconciled at last, SJ had demanded he tell him _exactly_ what the hell the Siege of Bailu Mountain had been about, and why YQY had been involved when he was still a disciple.