binji 🔴 Profile picture
growth @optimism | ex @coinbase |
Jerome Ku Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 28, 2023 27 tweets 10 min read
⚠️ You're about to hear the word 'Attestation' throughout ETH Denver; here's why it is important: 👇 🧵 To attest is to say something about something. E.G. "His name was Robert Paulson." We do this all the time in our daily lives; e.g when you sign into your email account, you attest that it is you.
Feb 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Alpha leak alert 🚨 I’m only going to leave this up for a few minutes. 🧵 Read this:…
Feb 23, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
“Traditional approaches to ‘multi-chain’ architectures suffer from two fundamental problems: 1) Each chain introduces a new security model, resulting in compounding systemic risk as new chains are introduced into the ecosystem.

2) New chains are costly to spin up because they require new validator sets & block producers
Feb 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵Today, Optimism announced the Superchain: a project that seeks to maximize interoperability and composability between different chains using the OP Stack, and integrate siloed L2s into a single, cohesive layer. As part of that launch, Coinbase announced “Base,” a chain powered by Optimism that is joining the Superchain ecosystem.

Read here to learn more:…

These announcements start a world where Optimism moves from just OP Mainnet to something more.
Dec 6, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Builders burn out while corporations profit off their free legos. Without financial support, free software becomes unsafe — putting users, companies, and communities at risk. And when building public goods isn’t profitable, the best and brightest of our generation are drawn to more lucrative work, rationally putting self-interest above the needs of the community.

The Optimism Collective believes that building public goods should be profitable.
Dec 6, 2022 13 tweets 7 min read
(1/x) Summarizing Vitalik's post on what he is most excited about and adding teams I know are building these out.

This one is for all the thread enjoyers who don't like to leave Twitter. This post made me feel super optimistic, and I hope it does to you too. "in many countries, links to global financial systems are limited, and inflation is a harsh reality. Črypto often steps in as a lifeline."

BUT gas and usability need help.

Things to watch for: L2s (@optimismFND +), Account Abstraction (@candidewallet , @soulwallet_eth ) Image
Jul 21, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
#EthCC talk: Sybil Resistance for a more democratic web3 by @owocki

TLDR: Boosting decentralized coordination and trust via identities utilizing soulbound and DID systems. To begin with, Kevin went through a list of answers to his "what is the purpose of Web 3" question. This was my favorite:

@carl_cervone: "to regenerate the world by taking the most powerful coordination tool invented - money - and reprogramming it with different values."
Jul 19, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
#ETHCC talk: Tales from MEV Land by @libevm

TLDR: a regular coder becomes an MEV extraordinaire. LibEVM associates with the left curve (humble man), he believes that if he can be an MEV Searcher; so can you. Don't let this inflate your ego anon, Lib is just humble and he's worked hard (but with effort, you can be a searcher too). Image
Jul 19, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
As part of my event FOMO coping strategy, I will be writing threads on as many talks from #EthCC as I can. I'll be watching these on the livestream and taking notes so us non-Parisians can tune in. 🧶 I cannot start any of this without doing my first one on those who make the entire event possible -- @EthereumFr!