@BirdlifeOz's Hooded Plover Recovery Project which began in 2006, focusing on Research, Education and On-ground Actions #ThinkBeachBirds #MindTheHoodies
Oct 8, 2020 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
1 #ISTC20 Low reproductive success threatens long-term viability of many #shorebird populations. Hooded Plovers (aka hoodies) are highly threatened #BeachNestingBirds along AUS southern coast and impacted by threats like human disturbance and introduced & superabundant predators.
2 #ISTC20 Threats’ impact on egg & chick survival is poorly understood. We set up remote-sensing cameras on 81 Hoodie clutches along the Victorian coast to confirm nest fate, and radio-tagged 27 Hoodie chicks (from 27 broods) to monitor survival and determine causes of mortality.
Oct 8, 2020 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
1 #ISTC20 Monitoring from 1980 onwards revealed a decline in Hooded Plover population along Victorian coast (southern Australia). From 2006, @birdlifeoz runs a broad-scale adaptive management project to improve this declining trajectory by managing threats to breeding birds.
2 #ISTC20 We identified human disturbance and invasive predators as major threats. Our objectives are to ⬆️breeding success to ⬆️population & protect habitat. >500 trained #CitizenScientists monitor breeding Hooded Plover pairs across ~300 sites in Victoria and South Australia.