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I teach people how to hack for a living #INFOSEC #OSINT #NETSEC #FREEMUSIC https://t.co/04vdw5wyUi
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Feb 28, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
For those shrugging off the CPAC stage thing I'd like to remind you how much the Nazis believed in the power of symbols. They believed the SS to be reincarnations of old vikings. The use of Norse symbology was to make a visual comparison between Nazi ideologies & Viking mythology Here is an SS officer recruiting a Norwegian for the Waffen-SS which was a special regiment comprised of volunteers. It was used to encourage expansion westward as if it was predestined by their forefathers to fight Bolshevism. Listen to the message of the GOP right now & compare
Jan 17, 2021 14 tweets 8 min read
I'm going to start a new chart from where I left off last night...


I'm going to also show the steps I'm doing to produce this on OXT If you go to the blockchain link of the transaction I posted above you can get the txt (transaction) hash ID. This is the ID of the transaction on the BTC (bitcoin) blockchain.

Jan 16, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
It's bigger than this one payment before from the French guy who killed himself. It's a system of hiding money and it's ongoing and it's fucking crazy how much money is related or possibly involved. This is from a related thread I did back in 2017 about related wallets to bitcoin payments specifically to Ali Alexander.

Remember "Microchip?" the Alt-Right Troll Bot Operator? Scroll up on this thread...

Jan 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
So this video was deleted after Baked Alaska was hired by MAGA3X/Chuck Johnson to "fuck around" on Twitter (for I think if I recall was $5k a week) to promote Cernovich's Milo & Trump books. It was deleted cuz it helps further the Trump "Russian" & "White-nationalist" narrative.
Jan 16, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Ali Alexander: Maybe if I just keep transferring it to different wallets it will hide my crime and be hard to follow.

BitBurner: You can run this chart yourself here:


Go to "bookmarks" and choose [Ali Alexander 10th Transaction]

I used his 10th transaction to seed the chart:
Jan 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
WOW That body language. I remember watching this live and thinking...Is he on Meth? There is a name for these kinds of movements he's making and I tried to look it up at that moment but all hell broke loose. Time to revisit.

"psychomotor agitation" Hmmm, seems spot on. Need to rule out Dyskinesia and see how he acted before his speech...
Jan 15, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
This is another big wallet that has trickled bitcoin to Ali via "peel chain"


The transaction is still in MEMPOOL so I'm not able to chart it.


You can go here though & follow the links back on that wallets transactions Ok so two or three transactions back in the chain before it gets to Ali Alexander they have come out of MEMPOOL and I can chart them. VERY OBVIOUS PEEL CHAIN. Ali's wallet will be connected to hops on the right end of this graph. Fatter line means high amounts of bitcoin ($2mil)
Jan 15, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Still looking at a wallet that paid Ali Alexander today & tracking back where the money originates from.

Almost all those blue lines are incoming 100 BTC to 1NDyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s

Right now it has $824,537,728.85

That incoming coin directly trickles down to Ali The BIG green line is 800 BTC out to 36EAqnTD7vREBytbbW1nmDYMp3wgCnQviN
Jan 14, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
This is a lie. John Sulivan who was there and was pretty much the only BLM guy they could find has been arrested but it's for "Rioting and Criminal Mischief" NOT "organizing sedition at the capitol". In fact, that's exactly what Ali Alexander did. This is projection at its finest Notice what he says here too... He's "moving"?
Jan 14, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read

Sorry, the total received & sent in 2,068 transactions is in the Trillions since 3/11/2019. That number is lower because of value of BTC at the time was lower but STILL, this is a significant amount of money moving from one wallet

Currently has $29,785,598 Million AND they are moving it like this:

Main Wallet ---> money put in new wallet | all moved to another new wallet ---> New Wallet it was moved to | All paid out to individual wallets ----> User wallets like Ali's

Looks like an attempt to step the payments through "buffer" wallets...
Jan 11, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read

"This group of Internet Warriors then used that account, to create a handful of other ADMINISTRATION accounts, and then created a script that ended up creating MILLIONS of fake administration accounts."


"Also, a lot of posts were deleted by Parler members after the riots on the 6th. Turned out... Parler didn't actually delete anything.. just set a bit as deleted.

Guess what has access to all "deleted" content?

Administrator accounts." "
Jan 10, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Jim Watkins the owner of 8chan/8kun, the site that hosts Qanon, also runs a fake news site called "The Goldwater" where he and his family broadcast "news" programming using fake names like "Jim Cherney". ImageImage Remember when Sean Hannity had to take a time out from FoxNews for posting and edited Seth Rich video? That video was created and spread by an account called "IWillRedPillYou" who Became "RedPillDropper" apparently is employed by "The Goldwater" as a ImageImageImageImage
Jan 9, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
These people have already said many times that if they were in control they would kill all the liberals. I remember a specific video where a guy said we should be loaded on trains. This is the idea behind "RIGHT WING DEATH SQUAD" which a lot of these guys wear as patches. If you think RWDS is just a harmless "meme" you're not paying attention. ImageImageImageImage
Jan 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Ok so here think of it this way...

You're in a group of 10 criminals that break into a house. During that break in the person who lived there had a heart attack and died.

What are you being charged with? Burglery or Murder? ok now add that they planned it and most of them had weapons and specific items to take hostages...
Jan 8, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Ask him about the Trump supporter who planned and murdered his mom for voting for Biden in his district that they are keeping quiet. Google Meranda Michele Batista.
May 30, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Wondered why "Hitler Youth" was trending and OMG they have literal kids in riot gear deployed to fucking riots. WTAF IS HAPPENING?!?! ImageImage SOURCE:

Aug 22, 2018 10 tweets 5 min read
I just want to point out something in this photo. There are NO home made signs and they were probably banned from the event. ALL these signs are made & sold by the Trump campaign & the purchases are considered "donations" to "Trump Make America Great Again Committee." Ahem...
Feb 22, 2018 14 tweets 9 min read
The unwitting: The Trump supporters used by Russia cnnmon.ie/2Fhv7kQ via @CNNMoney Wow...
Oct 22, 2017 20 tweets 6 min read
More MicroChunkyChip Charts 🔥 /thread /2 Zooming in to the stream coming off to the right.