Tristan | Decentralized Health Profile picture
Building healthier tech @daylightco | @WyomingBased
9 subscribers
Feb 13 9 tweets 4 min read
The ultimate building block of your brain:

Omega 3 fatty acid - DHA.

Here’s why DHA is crucial (and how to level up your intake):🧵 Image
1. What is DHA?

DHA known as Docosahexaenoic acid, which is an omega 3 fatty acid.

The body naturally produces it, but not in a large enough number, so we need to find it in out diet.

So where can you get DHA? Image
Nov 29, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
You can buy a 250W incandescent chicken lamp on Amazon for $10
and get similar benefits to a $500 red light therapy panel.

A winter must to avoid SAD and combat indoor living. Image
You can buy normal incandescent or red filtered bulbs.

Both contain the same wavelengths that a RLT device would have…

Plus a whole lot more. Image
Jul 29, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Officially coining the name RAW WATER

Raw water is alive & better for your health

- Unfiltered
- Untreated
- Mineral rich
- Microbe rich
- Structured

Most water is dead. Drink raw water fresh from a mountain stream/spring to get the highest level of hydration + connection.
Raw Water is NOT:

- Filtered
- Filtered then re mineralized
- Treated tap water
- Imported international spring water
- Purified
- Chemically Fluoridated Image
Jun 18, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨The largest barefoot shoe company in the world @VIVOBAREFOOT has now released a grounded boot.

The grounding movement continues ⚡️

See how this is different from other grounded shoes ⬇️
First, if you aren’t familiar with the health benefits of grounding…read this:
Jan 20, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Sometimes the best place to buy a “red light” is your local hardware store

Light on the left-$4
Light on the right from from a red light company-$15

What’s more astonishing is the RF-EMFs from the light on the right is through the roof.

(EMF Comparison ⬇️) Image This is very strange to me and can only mean one thing, that the right bulb is using a PWM frequency >20MHz (that is the lowest RF frequency of this meter)

Most LEDs use a pulsed frequency of 1-20kHz for lighting control

It doesn’t necessarily mean it is worse, but it’s something to be mindful of. It actually would be better from a flicker perspective.Image
Jan 3, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Cancer is a multi billion dollar industry (fact).

If I happened to be diagnosed with cancer, here’s what I would do:

*not medical advice

-Low Deuterium (High Fat/Low Carb) Diet —>grass fed meats
-Consider Deuterium Depleted Water
-Maximum Sunlight
-Red Light Therapy
-Optimize sleep sanctuary to schizo level (dark, cold, 0 EMFs/ light)
-Grounding as much as possible
-Consider spending few months in high sunlight/UV environment that is immersed in nature (low EMF) More on deuterium here.
Jan 2, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Want to avoid chronic disease in a modern toxic world?

You need to optimize two things:

Cell cleanup (autophagy) + programmed cell death (apoptosis)

How to do this?

-Optimize circadian rhythm (melatonin)
-Optimize mitochondrial function

Your body can heal itself Image How to optimize CR and mitochondrial function?

Live a life deeply connected to nature 🌞⚡️🌎

Also here is a thread on melatonin if you’re not convinced.
Dec 29, 2023 26 tweets 8 min read

The holy grail of download speeds and conspiracy theories.

It's time to unveil the truth about it works and how it is affecting our health.

Everything you need to know to understand 5G rollout + tips to avoid negative health effects.

(THREAD) Image First off, what even is 5G and how is it different from 3G/4G networks?

5G = 5th generation communication technology

It differs, and is "better" than 4G/3G because it provides faster internet at lower latency times. Image
Dec 12, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
There is a medical intervention that has been PROVEN to shrink cancerous tumor size + 3X survival time in terminal patients...

but Big Pharma / NIH won't spend a dime on funding research for it.


It won't make them any money.

Time to learn about Deuterium

THREAD Image This thread will cover:

1. What is Deuterium?
2. Why is excess Deuterium bad for us?
3. Deuterium treating Cancer
4. High Deuterium sources
5. Learn more
Nov 27, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
Most people think you need to supplement Vitamin D to avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

That is not true and I would not recommend it.

Here's what I would do instead to THRIVE in winter instead of being depressed.

*You don't need to move south

(Thread) Image This thread will cover:

1. Why Supplementing Vit D3 is not equivalent
2. Alternate Sources of Vitamin D
3. Embracing Dietary Seasonality
4. Embracing Cold
5. Light Therapy
6. Winter Activity
Nov 21, 2023 26 tweets 8 min read
This may be hard to believe, but Human Photosynthesis is REAL.

Our body can convert energy from sunlight into usable energy needed to drive our body's biochemical reactions

How is this possible ?


THREAD on Melanin & Human Photosynthesis

*Not taught in universities Image This thread will cover:

1) Functions of Melanin
2) Types of Melanin
3) Synthesis Pathways + Programmed Biological Addiction to the Sun
4) How Melanin Produces Energy
5) How to Optimize Melanin's Energy Production
Nov 14, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
There is a treatment that has been proven effective for:

-Heart Disease
-Macular Degeneration
-Male Patterned Baldness
-Skin Aging
-Wound + Injury Healing

Best part?
You can get it for free.

*THREAD on NEAR INFRARED LIGHT (NIR) Image Sunlight represents the single largest external energy source to our body

Multiple times higher than what we get from food

We utilize this electromagnetic energy differently than the energy we consume from food

Food provides electrons + protons + biomass
Light = photons
Nov 9, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
I am of the mindset that you should not stress over the things out of your control.

That being said, the future is unpredictable.

Here’s 50 THINGS YOU CAN DO to be prepared for a WWIII / New World Order Scenario ⬇️ Image This scenario could be anything from extreme government approach on freedoms to an actual nuclear fallout…

Comment below what I missed
Nov 6, 2023 22 tweets 6 min read
Did you or a loved one get the 💉 💉 and REGERT it?

Scared about side effects like Myocarditis/heart failure?

I have good news for you...MYOCARDITIS is a result of DYSFUNCTIONAL MITOCHONDRIA (induced by the 💉 )

This is reversible.

*THREAD on how to do so

Please share this. Image Myocarditis is defined as inflammation of the heart tissue (myocardium)
The myocardium is the most mitochondrial rich tissue in the body

Mitochondria comprise ~30% of total cardiomyocyte volume

Myocarditis is a result of severe mitochondrial dysfunction in my opinion.
Oct 25, 2023 21 tweets 6 min read
20+ hour transcontinental travel journey starts tonight

Here is everything I am doing to mitigate the negative effects and acclimate ASAP

ULTIMATE TRAVEL HACKING THREAD to AVOID JET LAG Image Traveling across time zones for many hours is easily one of THE MOST DETRIMENTAL things you can do to your health...


-Circadian Rhythm (CR) Disruption
-Extreme nnEMF Exposure
-Removal from the Earth's Surface & Native EMFs
-Sleep Disruption
-Artificial Light Everywhere Image
Oct 23, 2023 24 tweets 7 min read

Anti-Cancer, Anti-Oxidant, Circadian Dictator, Mitochondrial Composer.

THE ULTIMATE THREAD on this miraculous compound

How you can optimize your endogenous production + thoughts on supplementation

🧵 Image Key melatonin functions:

-Multi functional anti-oxidant
-Conveyor of message of darkness + sleep promotion in diurnal animals
-Regulation of reproduction in photoperiodic animals
-Modulation of energy metabolism / mitochondrial function
-Managing inflammation
Aug 10, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
Melatonin supplementation is a $1.7B global industry
Many biohackers + health influencers recommend it HEAVILY

Here is why I NEVER supplement with melatonin

(THREAD) Image First off, you need to understand WHY Melatonin is one of the MOST important compounds our body produces.

Check out a thread I wrote on it here.

This goes way beyond melatonin produced in the pineal gland.
Aug 1, 2023 28 tweets 9 min read

From a nutritional perspective 🧵

SAVE THIS to send to a vegan
You might just save their life (or their sanity) Image Plant based nutrients and animal based nutrients are not created equal.

They come in different FORMS, have different BIOAVAILABILITY and plants have ANTINUTRIENTS

You won't see any of this on the nutrition label

Lets dive in
Jun 26, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
For 30 years, the RUSSIAN government zapped the U.S. Embassy in Moscow with harmful Microwave radiation during the Cold War

The U.S. knew & did nothing for a decade while
multiple ambassadors/employees died or were diagnosed with cancer

The story of the MOSCOW SIGNAL

(Thread) In 1952, there was a meeting between USSR & US scientists to discuss the potential biological hazards of non-native electromagnetic fields (nnEMFs).

Apparently the concern of safety levels from the Russians was not reciprocated by US scientists
Jun 19, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
"Electro-Pollution" from non-native EMFs (nnEMFs) was a hotly debated topic in the 1970s...b/c there was PLENTY of research to warrant skepticism

@RobertKennedyJr IS NOT CRAZY


A story of how the U.S. Navy's hid EMF research from the public

(THREAD) Image If you do not know what I am referencing, @RobertKennedyJr recently appeared on the @joerogan podcast and stated that there are "thousands of studies" showing the dangers of radio frequencies (RF)/ cell towers.

The backlash has been ridiculous.
Jun 15, 2023 24 tweets 7 min read
What if there was a compound that was:

-Beneficial for mitochondrial health
-Anti-fungal, microbrial, parasitic
-Well researched (100+ years)
-Low cost + accessible

That compound is METHYLENE BLUE.

Here's what you need to know


Methylene Blue (MB) was invented in 1876 as a chemical dye for the textile industry. MB dyed jeans were a thing in the late 19th century

However its use solely as a textile dye would be short lived.

In 1891 scientists Paul Ehrlich discovered that MB was anti-parasitic