Jason Dreyzehner Profile picture
Bitcoin Cash, software security, and markets. Working on @Bitauth, previously @BitPay.
May 15, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Congrats on the 2023 upgrade, Bitcoin Cash! 🎉

Beginning with block #792773 (000000000000000002fc0cdadaef1857bbd2936d37ea94f80ba3db4a5e8353e8), $BCH supports #CashTokens, future-proof multiparty vaults (P2SH32), and several non-breaking technical improvements to TX validation. Having proposed and maintained the CashTokens CHIP, I'd like specifically thank the node teams at @bitcoincashnode, @SoftwareVerde, @FloweeTheHub, @KnuthNode, and @BitcoinUnlimit for their deep technical reviews, contributions, and implementations.
Jun 30, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
Excited to share a new proof of concept: Joint-Execution Decentralized Exchange (Jedex) is a non-custodial, censorship-resistant token DEX architecture for Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Jedex demos new techniques made possible by CashTokens, an upgrade proposal for 2023. (1/n) To start with the basics – Bitcoin Cash owes its performance, scalability, and privacy to the "UTXO model": funds are sent to a new contract in every transaction output, so the system never reuses "accounts", even if you re-use an address.
Sep 1, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
I’ll be joining the @CashDiscussions livestream shortly to talk about native introspection opcodes for Bitcoin Cash. These opcodes would allow us to build far more secure wallets, efficient recurring payments, and more. (1/x) Since Satoshi’s original release, Bitcoin’s contracting language has allowed developers to specify complex spending requirements: e.g. “to unlock this money, provide signatures from these 3 keys OR if 30 days have passed, any 2 of the 3”.