Lesbian Death Bed: The Bed that Eats Pussy Profile picture
Midnight Society founder @midnight_pals. Genderfluid transvestite goblin 🏳️‍⚧️👺 He/Him, She/Her. Three (3) x Hugo Nominee. Repp'd by @JJBker & @literaryfey
jjvors Profile picture Charles Tarnen Profile picture 2 subscribed
Sep 12, 2022 142 tweets 36 min read
Chapter 11 of the ink stained heart! (Previous thread w/ chaps 1-10 here: ) this is another chatlog chapter, which to be fair accurately captures the feel of a chatroom in that it's endless bits of people posting this Image
Sep 8, 2022 104 tweets 23 min read
lol I started reading JK Rowling's The Ink Black Heart aka Posting Through It: The Book and it's absolutely incredible. it sucks. like, from the very first sentence, just laughable. this is the opening paragraph. they're "self-declared best friends"? yeah that's usually how that works. that weird little detail about strike giving her black eyes and a curry does not come up again, so idk what the fuck that's about Image