Bizzy Coy Profile picture
freelance human :: senior copywriter :: she/her :: :: the new yorker, mcsweeney's, fulbright :: absolute nightmare
Dec 11, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Contrary to popular belief, I think many freelance clients are not at all concerned with finding the "best" freelancer for their gig.

Thread... Finding the "best" freelancer usually means:

laboring over a job description

paying for a public posting

weeding through a hundred resumes

reviewing a ton of portfolios

holding multiple interviews

and generally going through a time-consuming process.
Dec 8, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
Hi freelance friends,

It’s time once again for my annual freelance income breakdown, where I have a breakdown trying to do math and make graphs!

I believe financial transparency is important for freelancers, so I hope this is interesting/useful in some way.

Thread... Disclaimers & FAQs:

I’m a freelance copywriter

I do marketing, branding, strategy

I don’t write articles, content, essays, journalism

I don’t pitch publications

I use project fees, not hourly rates (but my rate shakes out to about $100/hour)

I’ve been freelance for 7 years
Jun 29, 2020 14 tweets 4 min read
“Applying” for freelance copywriting gigs is a totally different process from pitching editors or applying for a fulltime writing job.

I thought I'd explain how I do it... (thread) First, there is no central portal for freelance copy gigs.

Jobs can come to you in many ways.

You might cold email someone, or get referred, or connect on social media or a freelancing platform...

The sky's the limit. And clients often aren't sure what the next step is.
May 14, 2020 25 tweets 6 min read
While she’s much too famous to be in #scribblewits...

I thought I’d tell you the tale of Dorothy Parker during the flu epidemic of 1918-19!

The Wicked Wit

(If you tuned in to @The_Belladonnas event last Friday, you already know this story!) It was 1918.

Dorothy was just 25.

And she stepped into the unfathomably prestigious role of Vanity Fair’s drama critic.

Women couldn’t even vote yet, and here was Dorothy, telling the biggest Broadway producers in New York exactly what she hated about all of their shows.
May 4, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
freelance copywriter friends, how's business?

i've been brainstorming ways to find gigs during this economy-shattering moment in time.

add your suggestions to the list! #1 Job sites

Lots of companies still have FT writer jobs posted.

But maybe they DON'T have the ability to interview/hire/onboard a FT writer right now.

Try reaching out to those companies directly and offering yourself as a freelance solution.
Jan 21, 2020 51 tweets 7 min read
I've talked with a few early-career freelancers lately...

And I couldn't emphasize enough that my network is the #1 reason I can make a comfortable living as a freelance writer.

Here are 50 ideas to create🌱maintain🌿grow🌳your network: 1

If you went to college and your school has an alumni directory, set up your profile.
Dec 26, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
Earlier this year, I was thinking about funny women.

Wondering: did funny women suddenly appear last century?

Or have we been around longer?

And if so, why don’t I know about any funny women pre-1900?

Where did that history go? Can I find it? I sat down at the ol' Google and started doing some research.

Could I find our funny foremothers?

Um, yes, I could.

What I discovered




And I had to share it.
Sep 25, 2019 33 tweets 6 min read
i've been thinking of ways freelancers can help other freelancers.

here are 30 ideas: 1. disclose your hourly rates / project fees

(financial transparency helps everybody)