Björn Jerdén Profile picture
Director of the Swedish National China Centre / Chef för Nationellt kunskapscentrum om Kina @kinacentrum @UISweden
Mar 24, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Chinese authorities imposed sanctions on me on Monday. Since then, I have received hundreds of messages of support from people and organizations around the world. I'm grateful and overwhelmed to see that free and independent research has such a strong backing.

The board of my employer, the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, condemns the sanctions:

‘It is completely unacceptable that China imposes sanctions on academics who conduct free and open research’

Jan 17, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read… Sweden's Foreign Minister Ann Linde calls the latest statement from the Chinese ambassador an "unacceptable threat". The Foreign Ministry has summoned Ambassador Gui to bring up the issue.

Dec 5, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
China will implement unilateral economic sanctions against Sweden, according to China's ambassador:

"We will not only impose restrictions in the cultural field, but also limit exchange and cooperation within economy and trade." - Open economic sanctions is a clear escalation of China's combative policy toward Sweden.
- The ambassador delivered the message in Gothenburg on Wednesday.
- According to a source at the Chinese embassy, there is already an impact on bilateral trade-related meetings.