Writing on Soviet AI, #RussHack. Books: Your Computer is on Fire. Soviet Internet. Digital Keywords. Media theory, history, frisbee. Grew up in Iowa. Parent.
1/ #russhack
Thus begins phase one of this multi-year public research initiative--which @MarijetaBozovic and I are co-leading with a completely crack team of Yale doctoral researchers and some of the smartest people we know--in studying Russian hackers as a media phenomenon....
Thread on #computerfire contributors (my summaries).
Why is tech smoldering? What is to be done?
Read Your Computer is on Fire: new book launch & readings TOMORROW, Tuesday March 9, 2021 at 5 pm EST. Register: mitpress.mit.edu/books/your-com…
1/ Happy IntWomen'sDay!
In “the Cloud is a Factory” @nensmenger launches the first section “nothing is virtual” with the cloud being coal-powered: Amazon, like Sears before it, organizes trust, bodies, and matter across the global carbon chains that is computing.