Shay Stewart Bouley Profile picture
Chicago native exiled in Maine. Non-profit extraordinaire, ED @CCIBoston. Writer/Raconteur, Creator of Black Girl in Maine. Former legacy blue check
Aug 26, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Since we've been talking a bit about Covid with this surge, I recently reordered my supplies. Here's my Covid avoidance kit. I order my masks from @projectn95 and Home Depot. I use Aura and KN95 for low risk settings. My kid uses Life respirators, and she's in food service. Image I use Aura masks for indoor settings like nail shop, doc, etc. The Kn95 is for quick pick ups or getting on the boat, I typically sit outside but I use it for walking through the cabin, getting off boat with hordes of people.

We both use Enovid regularly, and I use CPC as well.
Aug 14, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
The long-term impact of Covid may very well be early death. Deaths that happen well after the initial infections, it appears to be happening now. A lot of ya'll aren't connecting the dots. Just because you feel fine doesn't make it true. I think the fact that we live in a society that has trained us to disregard our own physical wellness has made it easy to convince folks that Covid isn't a really big deal.

How many of ya'll slog through pain and discomfort regularly?
Jul 12, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
I'm twice this woman's age, but I think an ice cream date for an initial meeting is pretty cool. After two marriages and a number of dalliances, I offer this advice. The first meeting is a time to just see if there's a vibe. Why not enjoy a sweet treat while seeing what's good? Image Who is too grown for ice cream?

Some of ya'll got weird ideas on what being an adult is about.
May 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Black folks, what's going on with us?

Part of growing older is taking on the responsibility of maintaining familial connections.

In my family, all us kids of the elders now plan the reunions, and yeah, it does cost. Our was $50 a person last summer, including the t-shirts. My Dad was one of 16, and there are only 7 surviving elders left. The youngest is in his 60s. That means my generation (X) and the elder millennials are moving to the front.

Don't let family traditions die out because it's work. Once they are gone, you don't get em back.
May 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
No one is ready to discuss this, but at what point will someone consider that if Covid impacts the brain. Perhaps this marked uptick in violence is not occurring in a vacuum, given that most Americans have had Covid.

People are truly angrier and more aggressive. There's also the fact that increasing numbers of Americans are detached from their humanity and the humanity of others.

People are getting killed for turning around in the wrong driveway or ringing the wrong doorbell.

Sure, there's Fox, but people are rewired now.
May 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It's a reminder of how little Black Lives Matter. He was seen as a nuisance. The white man stopped the nuisance. I'm not surprised at all. Despite the "education" things have changed very little. I understand the deceased Black man struggled with his mental health and the white vigilante was a former Marine. So both men were proud not well. Except one man lost his life and the killer's privilege will probably protect him from consequences.
May 3, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Having received far more resumes than anticipated for a virtual assistant position at @CCIBoston. Yet hearing of chronic employee shortages, I'm gonna say people don't want jobs where catching Covid and dealing with violence are factors. I purposely didn't post the position on any job board. Just my social networks and our organizational newsletter..

People, it has been bananas! At the same time, very few resumes for our bookkeeping assistant position that requires being in the office 1x a week.
Apr 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Gen X, as we lose more elders, the closer we get to the front pew of life. For many Gen X peeps, we still don't quite see ourselves as the adults in the room, but we are well into our 40's, and 50's. It's time to think about what our legacy will be. We are the last generation born into an analog world, though that shifted for us.

What's our mission?
Apr 24, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
We talking about blue checks on Twitter, but the reality is that blue checks on all these platforms are now available for a fee. Therefore verification everywhere is meaningless IMO. I actually applied for IG verification but because I don't have my full government name on my account and unlike how verification used to work here, there's no way to even explain my work, professional name, etc. So they rejected me.
Apr 22, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
If you read my most recent blog post, you read that I've been dealing with some low-grade depression.

Life finally got to me. Too much shit, not enough support. Everyone in my support circle is hip deep in their shit. My own therapist took a sabbatical.

Anyhoo...(1/2) The fog is starting to lift. I'm scheduled now to see both my doctor and therapist soon. (She's returning to practice next month)

But today, for the 1st time in a month, I did a yoga class. Immediate tears and relief on the mat.

It's a baby step, but it felt good.