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Helping Agency Owners & B2B Companies reach $10k-$50k/mo at I am @thedanielfazio
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Jun 4 • 9 tweets • 1 min read
Let's say you're doing cold email for your agency right now to sign clients.

AND it isn't working for you.

Here's an exhaustive list of everything that could be going wrong: 1. You have a bad offer.

The target market is not interested in what you're trying to sell them.

There's no demand. You didn't do any research
May 27 • 31 tweets • 4 min read
30 random useful things to know about business: 1. It is more difficult to get somebody on a phone call than it is to get them to pay you money once they're already on the call.
May 12 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Here’s a timeline so far of me quitting Zyns / all nicotine.

It’s 7.5 weeks right now.

(Context: I was doing about 30-50mg every day for 3 years)

I’ll try to recollect everything so far: Week 1:

Basically couldn’t form sentences or speak coherently at all. No processing power at all. Extremely angry

Feelings of irregular heartbeat

However, physical energy started spiking and I wanted to be walking/working out ALL THE TIME
May 7 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
There's a difference between Automations & Systems.

Automation is for people with systems.

You make the systems first, and then automate what's possible to automate within them. Automation = The process of making a machine execute repetitive tasks

Systems = The process of creating a step-by-step series of actions that you hold yourself or somebody else accountable towards completing
Apr 3, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The difference between a stable infrastructure at $150k/mo vs. $400k/mo is the steepest learning curve ever

Relatively simple to go from 20k - 60k/mo or 60k/mo - 150k/mo

150k to 400k/mo basically otherworldly There's also not a lot of humans on the planet capable of speeding up the learning curve

There isn't really a "course market" after around ~300k/mo

(Especially if you choose to exclusively work with people who have been running long term operations)
Mar 20, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
You can spend your WHOLE life fighting this but EVERY single person running a business understands the inexplicable concept of waves

I’ve never encountered or experienced ANY situation where leads, calls, sales, or any conversion does not take place in groups

If you are running…… It reminds me of stock market analysis:

If you missed JUST the best 10 days of every year it essentially results in you making zero money
Mar 19, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
You will get more engagement & more people interested in you if you make content with complete thoughts, anticipate further questions, and show examples

This necessitates you are actually aware of the nuance, peripheral questions, and experienced examples Examples:

You are making a video about something

"But make sure you don't click this button here until you do this, because if you do that it will make you have to go back and do all of these other things"

Mar 14, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
These are the people you want buying your products And it’s only like 25% of the population
Mar 1, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Unsuccessful low income clients will demand the most custom & performance deals despite having something harder to sell

You should lean more towards performance deals the BETTER the client is, not the worse they are As a purchaser of services you don’t get the luxury of performance deals because you are inherently not special

There is no unique advantage to your business, it’s not proven, and you will effectively be punished for that in the market
Mar 1, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
You can't sell every offer with outbound

And you can't sell every offer with ads

The money lies in offers that can be sold with inbound, outbound, and ads

Your offer needs to be constructed to work on all of them Deep meta only few people understand
Feb 27, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Some of you guys are conditioned to find a *correct* answer for everything like life is a test

There are thousands of correct answers and all problems have unique solutions

You work a job and they say “this is how we do it”

There is almost certainly a better way I worked customer service at Apple and literally created a flowchart SOP for when people forgot Apple ID passwords

Every person on my team used it and was monumentally more efficient than everybody else
Feb 24, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
It doesn't take a genius to understand the positioning of offers & why people buy things

The more results you have, the more money you can charge

If you have no results, you need to compensate by having guarantee

Basic risk analysis from prospect point of view It's a super basic flow chart

If you were being pitched by yourself right now, with everything you have, would you buy?

If no, then adjust
Feb 20, 2023 • 9 tweets • 1 min read
6 Questions You Should Know About Your Prospects

THREAD 1. What specific things have they tried that didn't work?

What were the mechanisms they tried?

What kind of companies have they hired?

Did it work or no?
Feb 15, 2023 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
If you’re trying to sell something,

You’re selling something MORE valuable than what they pay you.

You have to sell ASYMMETRIC Opportunities.

Thread 🧵👇 Typical example:

You’re good at something and you charge X amount of money to do it.

Your clients should make more money than what they pay you.

That’s EXACTLY how business works.

And it’s how Client Ascension works.
Feb 14, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Pretty much what happens in all growth stages of a company

This is basically all a constant oscillation of hitting a barrier, needing to figure out abstract problems, which get you past the next barrier and onto another one. You might be under the impression "I just need to solve this one problem and everything will be alright"

This actually cannot be further from the truth.

You will perpetually, for the rest of your life, always and FOREVER be constantly bombarded by new issues & new barriers.
Feb 14, 2023 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
How to Create an Offer

Offer Formulation (with examples): You formulate an offer with 4 things.

These are in descending order of importance.

Each one down is less and less important.

If the one above it is strong enough, the others become inconsequential (to a degree).
Feb 12, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Do you need a guarantee? The scale at the bottom has a lot more nuance

Individual absurd results & other abnormal situations can override this
Feb 9, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Nobody ever wants to plainly say this.

There is ONE magic "trick" to getting clients.


Open this thread and I'll tell you what it is Quantifiable results.

Not "we loved working with him"

Not "he's a great guy"

ONLY: "we made this much money"
Feb 1, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
How to ACTUALLY turn Cold DMs & Cold Emails into Sales.

(stop getting ghosted)

Read this thread if you want to it work

👇 Let’s assume you have a good offer:

> A value proposition
> A guarantee
> Evidence that it works

This is the bare minimum.
Jan 30, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Idk who tweeted this a while back but “show them what to do and they’ll pay you to do it for them” only applies to B2B

B2C will just do it because they have all of the time and none of the money Best monetization of B2C is attention (YouTube ad revenue) because it’s all they have

Beat monetization of B2B is sales (a product or service) because they have all of the money and none of the time
Jan 24, 2023 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
"High Income Skills" will not make you money.

If you're running a business right now and you

> Can't sign clients
> Nobody is getting on the phone with you
> The calls you do get don't close

Read this quick thread.

It's a super easy fix. Here's probably what you're doing now

Which is the COMPLETELY WRONG WAY to do it.

You are picking some random skill, i.e. "Google Ads"