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Jun 1, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Steve Harvey often talks to the studio audience during commercial breaks when filming Family Feud.
According to him, there's one difference between successful people and those who aren't:
"What goes on in here." (Your own mind)
" The hard part is believing that it's applicable to you. You've just gotta get out your own way sometimes."
I think a lot about that first point.
It applies across so many areas of life.
May 27, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
In 2011, Denzel Washington was asked to give a commencement speech at the University of Pennsylvania.
Although the entire message is quite good, a single 54-second segment changed the way I think about life...
In less than a minute, Washington hit these 3 points:
Point 1: If you don't fail, you're not even trying.
Point 2: To get something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done.
Point 3: Imagine the ghosts of your unfulfilled potential.
May 25, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
I'm convinced that there is one skill that separates truly intelligent people from those that aren't:
This concept of "being a recorder" by Rick Rubin explains it perfectly.
In less than a minute, Rubin provides 4 simple steps that will change how you think about...
your interactions with others.
Step 1: "It starts with coming in blank. Not having any preconceived ideas, being open, and really listening.
Not thinking about what you're going to say next or what your opinion is."
Jun 24, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
2 months after Rocky I was released in 1976, Sylvester Stallone did an interview with the BBC.
But it wasn't the Italian Stallion throwing punches.
It was the host––who at one point said:
"It was fairly presumptuous of you wasn't it? To expect to be able to star in it, because……
You can watch the full interview here:
If you like content like this, I also write a weekly newsletter. It's free, and nearly 30K people read it every Sunday.
May 27, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
"The solution to your problem is not going to be found in the problem."
I've spoken with 3 different friends in the last week (all high-achievers) who've expressed to me some level of feeling overwhelmed.
They all use the same tactic to get back on track––
Everyone has the same issue.
We're so narrowly focused on our own problems, the immediate issues in front of us, the trees instead of the forest, that we can't find our way out.
We've narrowed our field of vision to the point we're unable to see what we need to do.
May 10, 2023 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Humans have a tendency to believe false information.
It's called the "Illusory Truth Effect"
Here's why it happens and how you can train your brain to overcome it:
First, some background...
In 1977, researchers from Villanova and Temple were the first to coin the term during a study conducted over a 5-week period.
Separated into 3 sessions, participants were given a list of 60 statements.
Their task was simple.
Apr 30, 2023 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
I asked my audience a simple question.
"What's one product––under $500––that's impacted your health the most?
Out of nearly 1,000 responses, here are the best:
Item: Athletic Greens
User: @SahilBloom
"For me, it's been Athletic Greens—have taken most days since 2011. Keeps me feeling great daily.
Anyone interested can use my partner link for free vitamin D and travel packs."
Mar 18, 2023 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Google Sheets isn't Excel.
But it's more powerful than you think.
7 things Sheets can do, you'll wish you knew yesterday: 📊
Everyone has a smartphone these days...
Generating an easily scannable image to drive traffic to your site seems like a no-brainer.
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