Bryce Adelstein Lelbach Profile picture
US prog lang standards chair. C++ Library Evolution chair. @NVIDIA HPC Programming Models Architect. @CppNow & @CppCon prog chair. @include_cpp organizer.
Dec 31, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Over the last few years some of the key figures in C++ twitter have adopted a negative & pessimistic perspective which I find incredibly harmful & hurtful.

I am saddened & disappointed that others have chosen to act this way. You may not realize that you are a leader in the C++ community. But you are. People look up to you.

A culture of constant pessimism, even in jest, discourages newcomers and hurts the morale of those who have made this our career.
May 10, 2020 39 tweets 16 min read
The latest revision of @INCITS/@isostandards COBOL comes out this year

The goals of COBOL sound normal today:

- Portable
- Freely available
- Designed by the community

In 1959 it was radical & unprecedented

It was also conceived of & led by women

This is the story of COBOL The year is 1959

Companies & governments have a problem

When they buy a computer from a new vendor, they must port their software to a new language, which is expensive

The number of these vendor languages is rapidly growing