René Brooks | Black Girl, Lost Keys Profile picture
#ADHD | Professional loudmouth | Amateur adult | she/her |Email, PLEASE no direct messages: rene@blackgirllostkeys dot com
Joshua Cypess Profile picture Joe Hegyi 3rd 🇺🇲 ⚛️ 🕴️🌹 Profile picture 🎗️ ThinckFinck (Jeremy) | ∞ADHD∞ Profile picture Dionysian Fandom Chick (she/her) Profile picture Hot Girls Wear Afros Too Profile picture 6 subscribed
May 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
When white women do not get the reaction they want they go to my contact form and obsessively email. I never delete them because you all think if you haven’t ever seen something it doesn’t exist which is another thing that is foolhardy.
May 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
But instead of shutting your mouth and using Google as requested you stay and argue which in my opinion is disrespectful and I don’t do well with perpetual disrespect. It’s pretty arrogant and foolish to behave this way but you all do not respect people’s boundaries once they have something you envy and it is really shocking that you behave as though others cannot see you and your intentions. Because we do.
May 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
And I think it is interesting how many people now that I’m not swearing and fussing (because anger is a secondary emotion) everyone is asking if I’m ok as if I haven’t clearly identified the salient points And I just need you all to know that when I see that I’ve clearly and concisely identified an issue and you come to tell me you didn’t see it when my profile button is right there you are asking for double work.

I’m a very busy woman. Use what was already provided and I will……
May 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
And again note…not one person who sits at any intersection has disagreed. So stop being self righteous and fix it. People are dying. It’s sick. And I am loving it because the people who do not share my beliefs here are unfollowing which is excellent. One of my favorite authors ever is L. M. Montgomery. She called them kindred spirits.
May 11, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
Other white western world follks talking shit about white Americans racism is hilarious because you’re all terrible and all marginalized people know it and it is vile.

And any marginalized person could contradict me but you’ll notice none have. There’s a reason for that. It is…… Because I realized it is less about anything other than me being nicer to y’all than you deserve under the circumstances and you need to know how hypocritical ALL of you are. So take a shot at realizing you don’t know my gender and I don’t either and realize I may be trans. I’ll……
May 11, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
And the truth is that you assume you know who I am because you know my pronouns. Nobody has ever asked me and I’m now never telling. You assumed MY gender, Internet. And now you’ll have to always wonder what it is. Because maybe you’ll look at how you’ve spoken to me and fix it. When I learned the truth about myself I learned how out of line most people are with their own integrity. And people who are too proud get very self righteous. And people are not being honest on the Internet about anybod their shit. At all. Look at your own lives.
May 11, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
I don’t know I just think if integrity is important that if we don’t make amends for the way black people are treated in the US that the world may continue to get worse. That’s a real shame. Black people really do deserve reparations because a serious wrong was done. It’s true And as our world continues to devolve and become more self righteous it becomes clear to me that a lot of people are not in integrity with the things they say on the Internet.
May 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
All I cared about whyI started this shit was being helpful and my family. And now a fair portion of the family I started with is gone. Because not in one of those deaths has ANY of you people who batter me daily over semantics EVER bothered to consider that I may be in pain too. Because NOBODY here cares about me. But I cared and I tried to lead by example. But you don’t want leadership you want to blame ME for your problems and ticket prices and whatever else you mean selfish STINGY people decide you want to drain from me.
May 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In that moment I felt raped. And you just kept speaking over my pain.

I just looked to the sky and talked to Nelson every time someone rejected me. And he was bipolar and he died because he couldn’t get his insulin

A thing y’all often pretend to care about. And he told me so. And every time y’all spoke back to me it triggered me. Because the last thing my brother said before he died was to stay away from the Internet because it is evil. It isn’t evil but it will not get a single second more of my love while y’all rape me daily and scream me too.
May 6, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday I left social media and challenged you to pay for Black people to be coached. Shockingly, nobody signed up. Now I’m upping the ante.

If you REALLY care about Black ADHD coaching prove it for once and put your money up. We’ll do the rest. Sorry for the tech issues. The first link was a typo, the show BGLK some love- that one is wordpress strangenesses. I’ll correct that one in a minute. Thank you for calling it to my attention with humility.

Because you usually don’t.

Reminder: to create BGLK I was so……