Bailey Loosemore Profile picture
Reporter for @courierjournal. The situation’s a lot more nuanced than that. bloosemore (at) gannett (dot) com.
Jamie Profile picture 1 subscribed
Dec 14, 2020 24 tweets 10 min read
THREAD: Today, @courierjournal published Beyond Breonna, a series on systemic racism and how Louisville can end it.

It was spurred by the death of Breonna Taylor. But these issues have existed for generations. People are tired of the same conversations.… As @FBruceWilliams said: "It kills me when people ask, 'Well, what do you want?' ... Why is it so difficult for people to believe (a Black community) wants for its residents the same opportunities, services, convenience and quality in their neighborhood?"…
Oct 10, 2020 23 tweets 9 min read
A few hundred people have gathered at Tyler Park for a march organized by @MurphyCartoons. Many here are attending a march for the first time since protests for Breonna Taylor began May 28 “If the president says to white nationalists ‘stand down and stand by,’ we say today ‘stand up and stand with,’” @MurphyCartoons
Sep 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I've been covering Breonna Taylor protests in Louisville with @HayesGardner for several months and I really don't want this point to be lost:

Black people here - especially women - are deeply sad. They saw themselves in Breonna. They didn't want to let her down. 1/ Yesterday I saw women who I've formed strong professional relationships with break down, unable to speak. I heard distress and anger in their voices and watched them still work to calm tensions so that destruction would not occur. 2/
Sep 23, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
At least 150 people in the intersection of 6th and Broadway in Louisville following the announcement that just one of 3 officers will be indicted in the Breonna Taylor case The anger here is palpable. Protesters knew this was a possibility. But now that the decision is here, frustrations are clearly boiling over
Sep 23, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
.@louisvillemayor addressing the Breonna Taylor case now.

"I do not know what the decision from the AG will be. What is important is that all the facts come out on what occurred on the night of Breonna Taylor's death." "No matter what Attorney General Cameron announces, I urge everyone to commit once again to a peaceful, lawful response like we've seen for the majority of the past four months." @louisvillemayor
Sep 19, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
About 20 people protesting now at Mitch McConnell’s home in Louisville. They’re here to speak against the Senate Majority Leader’s statement on the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Image A lot of cars are honking as they pass.

One neighbor came out onto his porch.

“If we shout, we’ll shout that way.” A woman in a Ginsberg shirt said.

“Shout all you want,” the neighbor replied
Sep 15, 2020 17 tweets 5 min read
A press conference on a 'substantial' settlement for Breonna Taylor's family in a civil suit against the city of Louisville is about to begin.

Here's background:… The conference is being held indoors, reducing the number of people who can be present. Right now, local livestreamers have been prevented from entering. Attorney Sam Aguiar has volunteered to give up his spot so one can go in.

The livestreamers:…
Sep 5, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
Protesters arrive at Churchill Downs on Derby Day At least 300 people on the march down Central Ave
Sep 5, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Just got to Jefferson Square Park in Louisville. It’s the 101st day of protests

About 30 people are here, many with large guns. They’re expecting to confront a counter-protest group led by the Angry Viking

Jefferson St is blocked to traffic, but no barricades to separate groups Dump trucks have been set up at both ends of Jefferson Street in front of the park ImageImage
Sep 4, 2020 14 tweets 6 min read
100th day of protests in downtown Louisville.

Rosie Henderson added a David McAtee memorial.

One man sold shirts making the milestone day. ImageImageImageImage Derby-related poster at Jefferson Square Park Image
Sep 3, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Black residents have said for years that they've felt disconnected from the Kentucky Derby.

Those feelings have now come to the forefront amid protests for Breonna Taylor, forcing conversations about Black inclusion in the century-old event.… Quite a few Black residents have taken issue with Churchill Downs presenting the Kentucky Derby as a time of unity.

"To say the Kentucky Derby is a time of unity when it is the symbol of segregation in our city shows your lack of knowledge about reality." @jecoreyarthur
Sep 1, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
In Louisville, livestreams of protests have captured pivotal moments and transported the city's demonstrations anywhere someone has a phone.

Their purpose is to present an unedited narrative. It's also to keep an eye on police.

With @HayesGardner:… There are at least a dozen consistent livestreamers in Louisville, including 8 who've joined together as the #502livestreamers.

Here are 4 of them: ImageImageImageImage
Aug 25, 2020 19 tweets 5 min read
LMPD on Central outside the stadium. Protesters approaching now. Officers are blocking protesters from passing on the sidewalk.
Aug 9, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
A march for Mike Brown and Breonna Taylor is about to begin at the Muhammad Ali Center in downtown Louisville.

Today, @LMPD announced it will crack down on protests that block city streets. A police helicopter is circling above the group.

Organizers are asking white participants to stand in front of Black participants should they be confronted by police.
Aug 8, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I’m at the rally from @untilfreedom and No Justice No Peace Louisville. About 200 people are here outside a mural that was recently painted to honor Black people who’ve lost their lives at the hands of police. Image A choir is performing now
Aug 7, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Protesters from Atlanta arrived in downtown Louisville today to demand justice for Breonna Taylor. “Daniel Cameron, do your job.”

“Mayor Fischer, do your job.” Image
Jul 21, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
Black women have been getting work done in Louisville for years.

But in the wake of Breonna Taylor's death, many have stepped into even more prominent leadership roles, where they're attacking racial injustices from all angles.

Meet 8 of them here.… .@HannahDrake628 is a writer who was involved in getting Breonna's Law passed.

"We're just regular people that decided this does not make sense. This person should not have died."…
Jul 16, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
.@LMPD released this video, showing protesters chanting "If we don't get it, burn it down."

I was there for this moment. The group was at Ballard High School, and at this point, organizers had not told the group yet where or what they would be doing.… The point of the action was to keep details as sparse as possible. The local protesters who showed up to a training by @untilfreedom on Tuesday were told they might get arrested - but they weren't told what, exactly, could get them arrested.
Jul 14, 2020 18 tweets 5 min read
I’m at the @untilfreedom training ahead of a planned action today, meant to urge Louisville to fire and arrest the police officers who fatally shot Breonna Taylor.

Details on what and when the action is are sparse, so far, for security reasons. Tamika Palmer, Breonna’s mother, is here.

The training started with a standing ovation for her.
Jun 19, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
About 40 youth activists are marching to Mitch McConnell’s house right now. A few are going to give speeches when they get there. A woman standing on the sidewalk is yelling “Hey, Mitch. Your future’s coming.”
Jun 17, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Does Louisville Metro Council agree with defunding the police?

In short, no.

But if you've got a couple minutes, I spoke with 6 members to hear what they had to say.… .@CouncilmanJames says, "If we only chase the crime itself, then we never get to the root cause. The lack of housing and jobs and opportunities is the core issue, the root issue."

But he doesn't see the situation as either police or social services. It should be both.