stricture Profile picture
A washed up private dick, alone in a city of sleaze. "S-Ranked Southern Gamer" -Vanity Fair #PatronagePilled #PatronageTheory
Mar 6 8 tweets 2 min read
This is political nonsense. You could just say “Republicans buy podcasts too” and keep the rest of this to yourself, but you were a journalist, so let’s take a look at this blather 🧵 So Trump is not the moral paragon you are. I’m glad my attorney isn’t either.

For you, a politician should put more stock in shitty books they were read in college above delivering for their essential coalition. Good luck with that. Ask Jim Clyburn if that’s how he governs.
Feb 18 11 tweets 4 min read
None of this is true, and the only reason people can get away with saying it is that he was shot.

1. Civil war- Despite having way more manpower and the factories, the war dragged on far too long. He picked bad generals for a long time because it made his political life easier. 2. Commitment to abolishing slavery- this didn't exist until Dred Scott. As an attorney he happily defended slaveowners and hardly ever any free blacks. There's a letter here and there but zero commitment until it became obvious it could save his failing political career.
Jan 30 9 tweets 2 min read
People think im joking when I say moviebob is the true innovator of left wing political thought in the internet era. Every wild take today is something he said 10 years ago and was shunned by his fellow leftists for saying. Here’s a great example. Something RWers have noticed is the “marvel-brain” thing among the left. Movies and characters in it are treated as real, especially when it comes to moral examples and standards. Yeah, he did that before the marvel reboot. Image
Jan 2 8 tweets 3 min read
I need to post that "Rig Rundown" with the steroids guy from the Misfits

He explains to interviewer he has NO idea how to play guitar or music except where to put his fingers and when to play Misfits songs. He can not and has no desire to do anything else with the instrument. Image He's full of these Noel Gallegher moments too.

"Glenn Danzig hired me to be the new guitarist for the misfits. He told me to get a guitar. I didn't know where to get one so we made one at the construction site I worked at with the band saw."
Dec 18, 2024 16 tweets 9 min read
Behringer synthesizers is doing something I have only seen done once before. They've gone from "cheap chinese crap" to empowering a real expert and been doing just absurdly accurate recreations of vintage synths that cost like 6 figures.

But who has done this before? Image
Mad Catz. Horrible name, worse product. They made the cheapest garbage controllers in video game history. They broke the second you looked at them.

Your mom bought this with the system because it was so cheap and the system only came with one. Image
May 26, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
If you're anglo-🇺🇸 (✋) this is all foreign to us. But we have to learn fast. And yes like 2 people have attempted it since Andy Jackson.

Politician: I'm going to tax the public and give it to my ethnic group or patronage network.

Anglos: "Is he a Keynsian? I dont get it" Anglos don't like this kind of politics, it might not exist if everyone was anglo in anglotown but you can't behave like that in competition with others who play to win. It's like walking into artillery fire with a rapier
Dec 14, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
If you are American, and you go to church, you have no idea how many people are full time employed just to peel off a few trump votes from your SBC or Catholic church rn

It's obvious that team DNC thinks team Trump is well placed to pull in alot of church votes in '24

Where did this come from? Rachel Held Evans. She's in hell now. They're all funded to scale up her bit.

She pioneered this form of activism, basically none of the other people doing this would actually copy the looks of evangelical. She did that and was wildly successful
Dec 6, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
2023 Toyota Land Cruiser "Series 70", as available internationally. $41,000 US Dollars, brand new.

It is unavailable for sale in the US because of safety and emissions regulations. Think about this whenever you see democrats post about American trucks being too big. We didn't want those.

Liberals made them that way. They regulated our vehicles into being gigantic, expensive marshmellows. They're just lying about pedestrian safety, they just hate cars.
Dec 3, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
You can't understand why videogames aren't the same kind of thing that they were without a tube television and real hardware (a real nes/snes). Aka, if you just use emulation, you won't get it. This is because your TV is fucked in the same ways that your ps5 is. When you turn it on you get ads. It wants your credit card number. Every button you push lags as every command you could enter is being processed by hundreds of computers, including online in chaiwan
Nov 25, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
More D&D cultural bans for “inclusion.” Words and concepts like barbarian, savage, fat, insanity, and more.

Its very difficult to see how Tolkien/European inspired fantasy can survive without “bioessentialism,” which is being banned in stages.

The cocksucker that wrote this needs to be deported back to whatever shithole country they think deserves such reverence

I might keep this whole article on my person and just read it from time to time because reading it makes me more racist. Image
Oct 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
There are 2 actual threats to Harvard prestige:

1- it still sees the ideal student and graduate as someone that does full time "activism" and social media political propaganda. Even the law school. Anyone can do that. Maybe AI can do it better. It's a waste of advantages it has 2- Replacing all the super competent white guys with various high GPA minority women and gay black men.

They are a precious commodity anyways to companies that need them so they can say X dept is ran by a minority. Housing them there for 4 years is a tree falling in the woods
Jul 21, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
It's the ultimate question about America

Even sneed oils Image
May 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The most important thing about writing laws in post-civil rights America is that you can basically ignore any law that says something is illegal and punishable by cops/the state. The whole Soros DA thing is just one of 100,000,000 ways to nullify these laws. [1/5] What you have to do is write a law that works like the ADA. The ADA was not intended to be backed by badges and billy clubs- it was intended to be enforced by civil court CASH MONEY payouts. This exciting innovation is the only way real American laws work now. Use it or die
May 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Left: Hitler's childhood home
Right: Göring's childhood home/castle ImageImage Hermann Göring doesn't make much sense at cursory glance of ww2 to an American, I think because he had gotten fat and was an opiate addict at that time. As an ideal aristocrat and war hero (commanding the Red Baron's wing after his death), he added that quality to top Nazi brass. Image
Apr 22, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The civil rights act is defended as if it only means "you can't be fired for frivolous reasons."

But the OG text was taken into overdrive over the following years by judicial rulings

For example, people would be outraged by Disparate Impact if they knew it existed. [1/4] I welcome any neutral observe to ask themselves if american politics, especially in the cities, is dominated by racial patronage schemes (that cannot be challenged without violating the Civil Rights Act)

Every thing is <protected class> gets <free stuff from the general public>
Mar 4, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Leo Fender was not a musician.. yet he created the electric bass. He wanted to free the bassist from the back of the stage, and make something easier to play, so that guitarists could play it. (The standup bass has no frets and therefore requires you to always be in tune by ear) The electric bass was always Leo's proudest invention. Guitars are an easier engineering problem than a bass, to stay in tune and the neck in the right shape

The Precision Bass, his invention, was the first electric bass and still the most popular, for all styles, today.
Mar 2, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
The part of US foreign policy that has always troubled me the most is Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.

Mugabe is a hall of fame madman, starving millions, wanton slaughter, etc.

But 🇺🇸 HAD to depose Ian Smith while Mugabe enjoyed almost 4 decades of absolute rule. Why? ImageImageImage The British especially adored Mugabe, even knighting him. All of these people would later claim that he "became" a monster but was Good Ole Bob at the beginning.

This is of course a lie, he was already butchering his former allies by '81
Feb 28, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
I don't think there's a way to gatekeep people out of the Republican party. We don't have european style parties where you can kick people out and have party discipline. [1/..] ImageImageImageImage There's good & bad to that though. If we didn't have that, we wouldn't have Trump.

It's more good than bad. Someone like Trump could never even get on a ballot with european style party system. Also the smaller parties can never really challenge the big ones. Image
Dec 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Reloading your own ammo is easy and fun to do. That said, you won't really save money on 9mm or 556 unless you have a big stock of brass on hand or you shoot 44 magnum or other scenarios.

Also try to not live in an apartment I cast lead and do everything and learned with books and videos

Get the Hornady reloading manual used and watch 1/4 of ultimate reloader and FortuneCookie on youtube and give it a shot, if you want.
Dec 15, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Racial patronage has gone to court a bunch of times and mostly wins. Last time was Harvard admissions.

While I cant imagine US courts ending the ability for dems to do it, whenever it goes to court, the decisions are mealy mouthed and alot of "at least THIS line wasnt crossed!" What people need to understand about identity politics is that it wins. Well, except if you are white, christian, etc because it's illegal for you to do it, under the civil rights act.

If you can have voters group by race or other you can give them gifts for their votes
Sep 19, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
It's illegal to build that small, affordable tacoma now. You should look at what they go for on the used market: people love them, there is high demand

However, the people who complain about big trucks are the same people that support dems who over regulate auto industry Also this moron had most of those nice little trucks crushed in "cash 4 clunkers." Congratulations greenie go turn off some more nuclear power plants in Europe Image