How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Trump is not the moral paragon you are. I’m glad my attorney isn’t either. Commitment to abolishing slavery- this didn't exist until Dred Scott. As an attorney he happily defended slaveowners and hardly ever any free blacks. There's a letter here and there but zero commitment until it became obvious it could save his failing political career. don't like this kind of politics, it might not exist if everyone was anglo in anglotown but you can't behave like that in competition with others who play to win. It's like walking into artillery fire with a rapier is because your TV is fucked in the same ways that your ps5 is. When you turn it on you get ads. It wants your credit card number. Every button you push lags as every command you could enter is being processed by hundreds of computers, including online in chaiwan welcome any neutral observe to ask themselves if american politics, especially in the cities, is dominated by racial patronage schemes (that cannot be challenged without violating the Civil Rights Act) cast lead and do everything and learned with books and videos people need to understand about identity politics is that it wins. Well, except if you are white, christian, etc because it's illegal for you to do it, under the civil rights act. this moron had most of those nice little trucks crushed in "cash 4 clunkers." Congratulations greenie go turn off some more nuclear power plants in Europe