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NFT Licensing Marketplace connecting owners & brands. Fair deals to monetize your @boredapeyc @worldofwomennft @GutterCatGang By: @baycstudios @mouse_belt
Aug 8, 2022 4 tweets 6 min read
Break free with your NFT, and build what you dream.

The gang, gang becomes the IP Gang. Welcome @GutterCatGang to the world of licensing possibilities.

We are working to announce the first client partnership in about 24H 👀

Claim your #GCG NFT today at Featured GCG:
- @grantpat GCG #1259
- @ABigThingBadly GCG #2079
- @DrDicatrio GCG #935
- @YatMuseum GCG #1085
- @throb81 GCG #1246
- @grantpat GCG #1259
- @srinigoes GCG #2139

Featured BAYC 1/2:
- @0xClawd BAYC #7613
- @Grape_Apiator BAYC #6346
- @Hunter_NFT BAYC #1079