Zaire 🤎👜 - writing Profile picture
"Calm n patient, by your grace I'ma be singing through the pain, I'ma dance in the rain I'ma feel it, I'ma always keep the faith." ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎︎︎ ︎ ︎ ︎︎ ︎~ Jhené
AboredIndividual 👻✌️ Profile picture Rifle Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 23, 2023 98 tweets 15 min read
Continuation of previous thread!!

Lan Wangji's eyes slowly opened at five in the morning. He hadn't set his usual alarm, as he'd hoped to sleep in with Wei Wuxian. Said man was sprawled across Lan Wangji's body, snoring into his chest and holding onto him. With a soft sigh, she turned the page over to find a letter.

She only skimmed it briefly, recognizing who it was meant for. She didn't need to know what else it said past the words "I love you."
Jun 22, 2023 56 tweets 10 min read
AU where wwx has acquired a lot of younger siblings to care for and lwj only has his older brother who moved overseas to pursue his career when lwj was only ten. Lwj doesn't know what it's like to grow up with so much chaos and people around him. Until wwx comes into his life. Disclaimer: Xue Yang will be in this as a GOOD though troublesome younger brother who is not morally corrupt and has both of his pinkies!
Mar 27, 2023 44 tweets 7 min read
Growing up with his uncle, Lan Wangji didn't get the things most other kids got. Like sugary sweets or partially dangerous toys or being allowed to go out with friends. His uncle never intended to be a father. So in turn, his nephews never got to be kids. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian were attached the moment they met. His uncle wanted nothing but the best for his nephews and sent them to the best high school and university around. Wei Wuxian's family sent him at that same school after his last one.. kicked him out.
Mar 19, 2023 63 tweets 11 min read
BRO. Wangxian au where they're really close online friends and when they find out they're closer in location than they think (they go to the same uni) they decide to meet up. wwx suggests their library and tells lwj "i'll be wearing a mickey mouse t-shirt! It's mostly black!" SO. On the day of, wwx gets so nervous that he arrives two hours early with JC as moral support in case his online friend hates how he is irl. Jc says he'll break the guy's kneecaps if that's true. So they're sitting there right with the milk tea wwx forced jc to get for them.
Sep 21, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
Lwj's family is strict. His uncle's love language is more chores, more responsibility. He got full marks on an assignment? Good job, Wangji, you can take the advanced class since you're already this good. You finished all of your laundry, lovely, Wangji, go clean the dishes too. He was always taught to do better than he best, which he never understood but accepted. He was taught to do more, take on more than one could normally handle. Taught to appreciate his family and taught that even though they have never told him, he is loved.
Jul 25, 2022 64 tweets 11 min read
Powerful CEO wwx and lwj who wwx pics up at the bar. wwx is very successful and settled and rich and has a son. he fucks lwj harder than lwj thought possible and makes him beg for more. lwj didn't expect to even enjoy himself in the cocky man's presence but he orgasmed more times than he cared to admit. he wakes up to wwx kissing his thighs, his shadow of a beard making lwj's thighs sensitive as he eats him out.
Jun 17, 2022 225 tweets >60 min read
Soulmates WX AU where lwj and wwx are fated to be together but wwx is immortal, unable to age past 24, and lwj is cursed to die at 24 in every life time w/o fail. No matter what they do to prevent it, it always happens. And in every life when lwj is reborn, he never remembers wwx Threadfic???
May 22, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
🔞 #sugarbabyjiseason where lwj is doing typical sugarbby things, spending wwx's money and spending his evenings with him. They intend to do sexual activities every time lwj comes over to wwx's home but wwx is always like "Just gotta work for five more minutes, Lan Zhan, wait for me, okay?" And ofc lwj waits patiently but five minutes turns into 3 hours and lwj finds wwx asleep at his laptop in his office for the fifth time this week.
Feb 18, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read

I want assistant lwj. Idc what wwx's job is, but lwj is his assistant and he has a very pretty office with SO many floor to ceiling windows. He's up pretty high but lwj will still blush so prettily when wwx shoves him up against the glass and makes him list wwx's schedule for the day as he fucks him hard, rough and without any regard for noise, mess, or obscenity.