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If the best females in the world aren't competitive against high school males, is it fair for HS males to compete against HS girls? See stats at
dniklasd Profile picture Liz Panton #POW 4 Newcastle East and Wallsend Profile picture 2 subscribed
Sep 6, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
The narrative pushed by trans activists & the media is that those wanting to segregate sport by sex fired started the legislative push of the “culture war”

But it’s not true

In Mar., 2019, the Equality Act (EA) was first introduced in the US House, but failed to become law The EA (HR5) adds civil rights protections to gender identity & would likely lead to trans athletes being able to compete w/o restrictions in Title IX sports

The first Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act (PWGSA) was introduced Jan. 2020 (US House) as a response to the EA Image
Jun 21, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Watch @Riley_Gaines_ testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee 👇

Well done! @Riley_Gaines_ Gaines testifies how, unbeknownst to the athletes, organizers redesignated the locker room as a unisex locker room - and allowed a male to use the room - something they discovered as they were changing.

"What message does this send to women?"
Jun 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
“Former UNC Coach Sylvia Hatchell: Males should not compete on women’s teams”

By Sylvia Hatchell… “I’m not just a casual observer of sports. I coached the USA Women’s Basketball team to a gold with Kay Yow of N.C. State in 1988, one of five gold medals I’ve received from my international coaching”
Jun 15, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
"Biden’s tricky path on trans issues: Forceful but cautious"

Trans Rights Activists (HRC) have been in "near-daily contact" with "Biden officials and congressional Democrats to plot strategy".… Image Given the HRC's position on inclusion at the HS level, (inclusion w/o restriction - pic 2 & link), they were probably surprised Biden didn't explicitly prohibit restrictions in its Title IX rule change.

Apr 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Quite an image:

According to speakers, a violent male is using girls' bathrooms

An educator(?) asks the school board not to be distracted by "transphobic language" as a woman holds up sign saying "Stop allowing biological men parading themselves as 'women' into women's spaces" Image Beginning of his speech can be found at 3:22:40

This clip is queued up to the beginning of the speech of the woman who as holding the sign 👇…
Apr 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
From the DOJ: “Justice Department Challenges Tennessee Law that Bans Critical, Medically Necessary Care for Transgender Youth”… Here is DOJ’s the complaint…
Oct 4, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
"Transwomen may have sporting edge even after years on hormones, study suggests"

"Transgender women are stronger and have better heart and lung capacity than women, even 14 years after taking hormone therapy, a study suggests."… "The study found transgender women were around 20 per cent stronger, and their ability to use oxygen during exercise was 20 per cent greater than women who exercised at the same levels."
Oct 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
"British Rowing's trans stance is nothing short of indefensible"

"Rowing's governing body has sacrificed competitive balance in its desperation to parade greater diversity" "The sport of rowing emphasises [...], the inherent physiological advantages enjoyed by men. It is one where speed is determined by the interplay of upper body strength, lung capacity and length of levers, all metrics that are influenced decisively by biology."
Oct 4, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
This article by @DrBenz3 on a Southern Poverty Law Center @splcenter website contains false & inaccurate information.

And one doesn't need to turn to sources critical of providing trans medical care for minors - the sources below are from supporters.… "Gender-affirming medical care for minors includes several options. Genital surgery is not among them."

Genital surgery is being offered to minors.

How do we know? Those who would or do perform the surgeries say so (see next tweets)
Oct 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Good article on the situation in VT where a male student is alleged to be changing in the girls’ locker room, staring, and maybe even making comments.

One thing - One allegation is the male student entered a room where girls were in a state of undress, when the girls asked for privacy, the male student entered anyway saying that it’s fine.

If you look at the Obama era guidance (for example), this would have been the “appropriate” response Image
Sep 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Many of the research papers which have influenced trans related policy are based on survey data.

But how accurate is that data?

A CDC presentation yesterday took a look at the "2 Step" method - thought to be accurate.

Apparently they are having significant accuracy issues 👇 They discussed the difficulty of accurately identifying trans individuals in survey results - even using the 2 step question method (1st asking "sex assigned at birth", then "current gender" - if the two don't match, then the person is trans).

Sep 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
19 US Senators wrote a letter asking the U.S. Dept. of Ed. to change Title IX athletics regs, stating that:

"Protecting transgender students’ rights to participate in athletic activities consistent with their gender identity in no way disadvantages their fellow students" ImageImage Reading between the lines in this and other policies supported by at least some of these Senators - they are almost certainly calling for a right for males who identify as trans to compete as women/girls, without restrictions other than self identification.
Jul 23, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
“AP Stylebook Issues Guide for Transgender Coverage”

From @abigailandwords

“the guidance appears to explicitly embrace the language and claims of transgender activists”… From the AP Stylebook:

“A person’s sex and gender are usually assigned at birth by parents or attendants and can turn out to be inaccurate. Experts say gender is a spectrum, not a binary structure consisting of only men and women, that can vary among societies and can change..”
Apr 15, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
This @washingtonpost article by @TheWillHobson is worth the read - questions are asked that most all other outlets ignore.… Chase Strangio is asked if there should be HRT requirements in high school, and the article reports Chase believes:

"restrictions on transgender athletes in high school, such as hormone requirements, as discriminatory and likely a violation of the law."
Mar 31, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
CNN on biological sex & gender

2011: "The condition is marked by discomfort about one’s own biological sex and gender expression."

2018: "the consensus is clear on this: Being transgender is not a mental illness" 2019: "medical consensus that gender is based on a person’s internal sense of self and not their body parts or the sex they were assigned at birth."
Mar 30, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
CNN on Noem's EOs: "they ​reference the supposed harms of the participation of "males" in women's athletics -- an echo of the transphobic claim, [...] that transgender women are not women."… "The orders also reference "biological sex," a disputed term that refers to the sex as listed on students' original birth certificates."

"​It's not possible to know a person's gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth."
Mar 29, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
This NY Times article by @jwpetersNYT features @BethStelzer of @SaveWomensSport.

Glad to see Beth mentioned, but the article seems to leave a few things out.… "Ms. Stelzer, who competes in a weight lifting league that does not allow transgender women to participate [...] “We’re nipping it in the bud,” she said."

She's "nipping it in the bud" because of what happened to her BEFORE USA Power Lifting's decision to require sex segregation
Mar 11, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Deleting the first tweet in this thread (screenshot) on the Politico polling, since it contains an error (should say 32% oppose, not support).

Will redo in the next tweet. Politico has released polling done on the topic of trans athletes & the women's category.

Wording could have been better- it asked about banning trans athletes from women's teams. (no one is asking for a ban based on trans status, just sex segregation)

Only 32% *oppose* a ban.
Mar 10, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
"Explainer: Why do dozens of U.S. states want to ban transgender women from sport?"

@Reuters They don't. They want to segregate sport by sex.

The article contradicts the headline. It's sloppy.… Explainer: Why does Reuters lie about and misrepresent the facts in it's reporting?*

*Actually, it reports some of the facts, but uses deceptive headlines for click-bait.
Mar 10, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
How the media shifts the goal posts when reporting on the topic of trans athletes & policies: (Thread)

"Lawmakers can't cite local examples of trans girls in sports"

ie: There are no examples; therefore, no need to change the rules… "Not a single complaint has been brought against a transgender athlete..."

ie: There are examples, but no complaints; therefore, no need to change the rules.…
Feb 11, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
When it comes to US High School & even college level athletics, there's good reason to believe the discussion on a policy level has shifted:

From: "Lowering testosterone levels the playing field"

To: "Trans women are women, therefore T level requirements should be illegal" The Biden EO & the proposed Equality Act both prohibit gender identity discrimination.

This gives room to argue that it is discriminatory to require a person, because of their gender ID, to undergo medical treatment (lowering T) in order to play.

That conflicts with NCAA policy