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Trying to do the right thing. Launching new AI start-up.
Aug 15, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
SEC Gensler's May Calendar: China regulators on Thursday night; booked on Friday; Hank Paulson (Xi interlocutor/GS) and Michael Pyle (Blackrock alum/ White House) on Saturday - memorial day weekend. 1/3 @LeeSmithDC @Jkylebass @JohnEDeaton1 @Byron_Wan @zerohedge @peterschweizer Image Independent SEC is responsible for enforcing laws. It reports neither to the White House nor to Hank Paulson. It reports to Congress. Last time Biden used SEC as a geopolitical tool —2013 MOU w/China— he allowed Chinese companies to violate US laws. 2/3…
Jun 4, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
The SEC Division of Corporate Finance, being run by Hinman under Clayton, issued new disclosure recommendations for China based companies on US exchanges in Nov. 2020. 1/7 @JohnEDeaton1 @digitalassetbuy @elonmusk @JDVance1 @RepTimRyan @twobitidiot @CryptoLawUS @EleanorTerrett The SEC (Hinman/Clayton) stated the following under the enforcement section of the considerations: “As a result, investors in China-based Issuers [companies] may not benefit from a regulatory environment that fosters effective enforcement of U.S. federal securities laws” 2/7