🪓BK🪢 Profile picture
Psy-fi writer, co-host of @artofdarkpod, tarotphant, not a member of anything on here. HOUSE OF SLEEP is a book I wrote. You'd like it.
Potato Of Reason Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 9, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
The Legend of the Moon-Eyed people.

According to formulations of Cherokee legend as told by historians, the Cherokee in Appalachia--before the arrival of colonists--expelled a race of small, bearded people who could only see by night. ImageImage Some historians claim that the legend states that the Moon Eyed people were white. This is likely an embellishment. But it's used to explain the existence of a few anomalous sites. Such as the vaguely European-style Fort Mountain Stone Wall ImageImage
Jun 13, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
AI Engineer in 1940: "We can all agree that a human is basically a clockwork steam engine with some vacuum tubes in the head compartment. " AI Engineer in 1790: "Humans, you see, are basically like a water-powered grain mill."
Jun 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Amazing to me that the AI engineers still don't seem to understand the necessity of embodiment to approach anything close to 'sentience' (and even that just the perceptual part of sentience) They really think you can have 'feelings' without any sense organs. It's kind of quaint, actually.