Brandon Zhang Profile picture
building @joinatomic Prev: @mavenhq @contrary @columbia
13 subscribers
Jun 18, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
6 traps to avoid when you start to build on Twitter: 1. Be strict with your time

The more you invest on Twitter ≠ more time spent on Twitter without purpose.

Building on Twitter involves:

• Writing
• DMing
• Replying
• Researching

Only open Twitter with a goal in mind:

• Clearing my DMs
• Responding to 10 tweets
Jun 13, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
After helping 15+ founders scale their audience to >100k, I've seen a fair share of big wins and even bigger mistakes.

Here are 8 takeaways for YOU to build a high-value audience.

Let's start with the most non-conventional tip: 1. Counter-content wins

People respond (like/retweet) to two types of content on Twitter (h/t @Julian) :

• Counter-intuitive: "I never realized the world worked that way."

• Counter-narrative: "That's not how I was told the world worked!"


Mar 15, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
If leveraged quickly, Twitter can lead to life-changing opportunities, jobs, mentors, and friendships.

It worked for me.

But 95% of people have no idea how to start.

Here's a thread of 13 unique tips to help you turn Twitter into your most valuable resource: 1. Protect your attention from the algorithm.

Twitter is geared to try and serve content they think you like, not content that will create a positive impact for you.

To protect your attention:

• Use Twitter Lists
• Block Trending Topics
• Regularly Mute Conversations
Mar 4, 2022 11 tweets 7 min read
an update ⚡️

excited to join @MavenHQ (back by @a16z and @firstround) to help them onboard and enable creators to build sustainable, $1m+ cohort-based courses.

why I'm excited to join a company looking to revamp the online education landscape: Image 1. I'm a user.

In 5 months, I've used @MavenHQ to run my own CBC.

It's allowed me and @aaditsh to reach:

• 3 cohorts
• 170+ students
• ~$80k in revenue

But it's still early, I can't wait to work w/ the product team to provide feedback from a course instructor's view.
Mar 2, 2022 21 tweets 6 min read
I'm helping @theSamParr and @gaganbiyani run Ideation Bootcamp.

Its primary goal: To teach people to spot and research scalable and viable product ideas that can grow to $100 million.

We're live with our first session now and I'll be live-tweeting my learnings below: 1/ On Ikigai

Because of Hustle Con, @myfirstmilpod, Sam's network.

He's seen behind the scenes of hundreds of businesses.

You don't NEED to love what you do, but having a sense of purpose certainly helps.

It removes a lot of luck and pain.
Feb 28, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
I've been behind the scenes in watching many Cohort-Based Courses (CBCs) grow to 7-figure businesses.

But contrary to what you've been told, launching them isn't complicated.

Here's a 7-step system to take your course from idea to first paying customer: First, what the hell are CBCs?

CBCs are interactive, community-centric online courses where a group of students advance through the material together - @wes_kao

Whereas async online courses have ~3% completion rates, CBCs usually have >70% completion rates w/ high engagement.
Feb 8, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
🚨 Exciting News: Launching a job board 🚨

If you're looking for a marketing/growth/chief of staff role at fast-growing startups, this is for you!

I add 8-10 handpicked roles weekly to help you find your breakout opportunity. Over the past few months, I've been experimenting with different ways to help friends get placed into startups.

To make it easier, I decided to partner with @Pallet_HQ to curate some of my favorite companies and opportunities.
Jan 12, 2022 17 tweets 7 min read
In 2021, I wrote 50+ threads for companies, founders, and my personal account.

In total, they generated around 18,000,000 impressions and >70k followers.

Here are 12 Twitter content frameworks to 10x your growth in 2022: 1. Overindex on Momentum

The fastest way to grow is in short sprints, not long marathons:

@hey_bernie grew from 0-20k+ after writing ~25 threads in 25 days
@alexgarcia_atx 32x'ed his following after posting for 5 weeks straight 👇

Nov 4, 2021 15 tweets 10 min read
Everyone tells you that Twitter can unlock opportunities.

But 98% of my DMs are people asking how to start.

Here are 11 different examples of people changing their lives via Twitter 👇 This thread will contain 3 main categories:

Part 1: Using Twitter to find their dream job

Part 2: Using Twitter to accelerate their projects (companies, side projects etc.)

Part 3: Using Twitter to accelerate their careers
Oct 27, 2021 17 tweets 6 min read
If leveraged quickly, Twitter can lead to life-changing opportunities, jobs, mentors, and friendships.

It did for me.

But 95% of people have no idea how to start.

Here's a thread of 13 tips to help you turn Twitter into your most valuable resource: 1. Protect your attention from the algorithm.

Twitter is geared to try and serve content they think you like, not content that will create a positive impact for you.

To protect your attention:

• Use Twitter Lists
• Block Trending Topics
• Regularly Mute Conversations
Oct 12, 2021 13 tweets 7 min read
Announcing: Makers Mark 2.0

A 3-week cohort-based course with @aaditsh:

• Supercharge your Twitter.
• Write for the internet.
• Build your content flywheel.

Read on to see how we're continually uplevelling the program👇… From our first cohort, we gained great feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the course.

We're excited to be launching new projects to improve the course experience:

• Course Onboarding
• Content Prompt Bank
• Makers Vault: Async tactical video recordings

and more!
Aug 18, 2021 15 tweets 9 min read
The best way to level up is to hang out with people 1-2 steps ahead of you.

The power of Twitter is that you can reach anyone.

The problem is people can't find others that push them to grow.

Here's 10 curated follows that consistently deliver amazing content: Most people on Twitter have the wrong follower distribution.

They only engage with:

• Detractors who constantly argue with them
• Thinkers who often don't have practical, growth advice

They fail to cultivate a community of smart, interesting people they want to learn from.
Aug 16, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Announcing: Maker's Mark

Building on Twitter has allowed me to:

- Work @beondeck
- Apprentice with @jackbutcher
- Find mentors and build friendships

Maker's Mark is a cohort-based course on how to effectively create content and network online. I'm teaching this with @aaditsh, someone I am grateful to have met through the internet and live proof of the networking potential on Twitter.

The course will be powered by Maven, and I'm grateful for the CBC platform that @gaganbiyani and @wes_kao are building.
Jul 21, 2021 24 tweets 9 min read
I've interviewed 20 of the best founders, builders, and creators on Twitter.

Here's what I learned 👇 1. "The only way to escape and achieve financial freedom is to create something where you control the conversation.

I think what more people need to understand is that you don’t need permission to do work." — @jackbutcher

Create your dream job, without permission from anyone.
Jul 19, 2021 16 tweets 7 min read

My Lindy Library - a thread of 0.1% of the resources I've consumed that derive 90% of the value.

The content I constantly find myself sharing or coming back to. Articles, podcasts and videos that are timeless.

THREAD... "The robustness of something is proportional to its life. The longer it has survived, the more likely it is to continue to do so."

Everyone should curate the content providing high signal in this world of noise.

(h/t to @george__mack for his original thread as inspiration)
Jun 14, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
The Permissionless Apprentice framework grants you an unfair advantage in generating dream opportunities.

@traf used it to get a job, build his portfolio and attract new business.

Here's how you can replicate this model for yourself👇 Traf is currently building @superso_, a $29k MRR product that lets you build websites with @NotionHQ, but before then he was on the hunt for a job.
Feb 12, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
CEOs interviewing other CEOs, Public Dating Shows, @sriramk + @aarthir becoming the next great show hosts.

I cannot read 2 tweets without seeing something on Clubhouse. A new room, a thread on Elon, a bull case on their $1B eval.

Let’s take a look at the rise of Clubhouse. Clubhouse is a live-voice chat app.

People can join different rooms, where predetermined topics are set by hosts who help moderate the discussion.

With quarantine, it gave people the space to shoot the shit and listen to high-quality conversations.
Nov 23, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
Thank you all for 10k!

It means everything!

Here are 8 lessons I observed on my journey.

These principles guided me to 4k and are as relevant now.

This is my reflection on what lessons are key for growth and audience building.

- A Thread - 1. The Hedonic Treadmill

Success comes in waves.

You get a shoutout, a RT, a big account follows you.

You get a dopamine hit from the 200 followers.

The next day you get 2. It's ok to feel bad.


Stay consistent, and you will get another big break.
Nov 22, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm always looking to experiment.

Around a month ago, @PaikCapital released his "Agency Course"

It was $50 at launch and I picked it up.

It was 10 hours of content. I was expecting 2.

A month in, I've generated 40x ROI w/ 2 clients while in college.

- A Thread - 1/ What's an agency?

The great thing about the course is how widely applicable it is.

An agency is an organization that helps businesses with certain tasks.

Here's just a small list of potential areas:

- Email marketing
- Lead generation
- Social media design
Nov 11, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
Everything I do is built off the back of my note-taking system.

To be a better creator of any medium, note-taking will be your accelerator.

- A Thread of 10 Lessons to make you a better note-taker- 1. Reduce, friction!

Like your physical environment, make your digital processes smooth.

Install Instapaper, Pocket or the browser plug-in of your note-taking app of choice.

Whenever you see something interesting, save it without second thought.
Oct 2, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
I just published my converastion w/ @mariepoulin

Watching her videos on @NotionHQ was what initially introduced me to the potential of Notion in managing projects.

Recounting her journey of building a business helping others manage their life & business in Notion

A Thread 👇 1/

Marie had come across Notion a couple of times, but it didn't stick until she worked on her permaculture certificate and needed a gallery.

Lesson: A project is the best way to learn Notion, just like a project is the best way to learn how to code.