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Jun 7 26 tweets 14 min read
Evolutionary Mysteries of ORF8

ORF8 has no role in attachment or fusion, SARS-CoV-2 can replicate without it. It doesn't form part of a virion, but is secreted by infected cells. It is immunogenic, and prone to mutations. It is a known virulence factor.…

ORF8 only exists in sarbecovs. ORF8 of SARS-1 and SARS-CoV-2 share just 20% nucleotide identity, compared to 79% average across the genome. But important features defining the protein structure are conserved e.g. cysteine residues forming internal disulfide bonds. Image
May 24 14 tweets 5 min read
What keeps Peter Hotez awake at night?

ICYMI I once managed to get Hotez to answer a few questions on Twitter about his PLA employees. Interestingly, he seemed relieved once he knew I wasn't asking about vaccines. 👇

Image @loofymectin asked me what type of Covid vaccine he made, tbh I hadn't looked into it, being more interested in origins.

It turns out Corbevax is a subunit vaccine based on the RBD of spike, the same type he was researching with his PLA friends Yusen Zhou and Lanying Du. Image
Apr 15 26 tweets 10 min read
Is the Middle East Respiratory virus also artificial?

Like SARS, MERS is assumed by most scientists to be zoonotic virus, descended from bat coronaviruses. While I don't dispute this, in both cases, the question of how they evolved to make the species jump is unanswered. Image In 2005-06 while hunting for SARS-like bat coronaviruses in rural Hong Kong, scientists from HKU discovered two new coronaviruses HKU4 and HKU5. These are the first known MERS-like viruses (or merbecovs), although MERS itself was unknown at the time. Image
Apr 4 41 tweets 20 min read
The BANALity of Evil

Early sequences supporting a natural origin for SARS-CoV-2 all came from WIV and the PLA. In time, concerns about their provenance would inevitably bubble up from the realms of "conspiracy theorists". Independent validation was needed.

Enter the Bat-ANALs. Image The BANAL viruses were the result of an expedition to bat caves in Laos in July 2020. Pasteur had been part of a group exploring the same caves 3 years earlier, but they never sequenced the >500 bat samples they collected. Pasteur's Marc Eloit didn't respond when I asked why not.
Mar 27 17 tweets 7 min read
Smelling a RaT - a reminder of WIV's deceit.

When I first posted this long thread yesterday I omitted a very important paper from the timeline h/t @worldwhatisup @Rossana38510044

This part of the story deserves a separate (short) thread...

In January 2018, PLA epidemiologists from Nanjing Command and a scientist from Zhejiang University posted some SARS-like bat viruses (ZXC21/ZC45) from Zhoushan, which is on the East Coast near Shanghai, nowhere near the Yunnan province SARS-like viruses were previously found.
Mar 26 49 tweets 24 min read
Why did the CCP *murder* their own doctors?

Some of us are desensitized to CCP abuse of political dissenters. The murder of a few outspoken doctors doesn't really shock. But these deaths have broader significance.

They lead us to ask: did the CCP spread the virus deliberately? Image @Dali_Yang has recently written a book documenting the early days of the pandemic. There was over a month between the earliest cases and any attempt to stem transmission. With prompt action a pandemic could have been averted.

Review by @mattridley👇…
Mar 19 26 tweets 10 min read
Did the CCP *murder* their own doctors?

Many have heard of Li Wenliang the 34 year-old ophthalmologist punished by the CCP for posting details of the novel coronavirus on a chat group. He caught the virus, was hospitalized and died from it weeks later.

Or so we've been told. Image In China his death became a focal point of demands for more transparency. The CCP responded by blaming local police.

Few have questioned the cause of his death, that he died naturally of Covid-19 disease. But with our understanding of Covid mortality it would seem very unlikely.
Mar 15 5 tweets 2 min read
For anyone wondering about my claim here. It relates specifically to an email I obtained by FOI from CSIRO that shows Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists using CSIRO's (AAHL) lab to conduct GoF experiments on bat virus.

Image One of my FOI's managed to turn up this email which I'm guessing survived deliberate deletion only by accident. This is CSIRO's explanation of what was happening: Image
Mar 11 26 tweets 13 min read
Lord have MERSy - it's the Fu@in Cleavage Site Again!

There are odd features of SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage site that some claim no-one would have engineered that way. They speak for themselves, its designers must have their reasons.

First we must know: what was their intent?Image
The unusual features are:

1) A leading Proline.
2) A non-canonical sequence. Furin is not cleaved with maximum efficiency.
3) The site has been created by an out-of-frame insertion, not substitution.
4) Presence of potential O-glycosylation sites nearby.
Mar 1 8 tweets 4 min read
"I never think this deep...[about bioweapons]" seems a common declaration among scientists working with dangerous pathogens with dual-use potential.

However, Xiangguo Qiu is lying. She had thought, and knew well the military potential of her work.Image Everyone is aware of the AMMS and their interest in offensive bioweapons - but western scientists (e.g. Eddie Holmes) still promote their research as evidence for a natural origin of SARS and SARS-CoV-2.

I am worried about the reliance on "online information" though.Image
Feb 28 12 tweets 5 min read
Lanzhou bioweapon release?

In July 2019 a biopharmaceutical plant in Lanzhou, China reportedly accidentally leaked an aerosolized bacteria - Brucella, ultimately causing around 10,000 infections (if official numbers can be believed).…
Image The official story is that a biopharmaceutical factory was preparing animal vaccines against Brucella and used expired disinfectants and sanitizers which failed to sterilize waste gas. Image
Feb 19 24 tweets 11 min read
Deconstructing DEFUSE

Recent revelations from DEFUSE have been seen as a recipe for SARS-CoV-2. The virus incorporates superficially similar features to those proposed.

But does it show the authors of the document are the culprits?

Part 1: Did DEFUSE propose to insert an FCS?Image The language in DEFUSE relating to the FCS is ambiguous, difficult to parse and interpret without relevant background. But some gaps can be filled by careful reading of the references provided.

Ambiguity is present from the first sentence... Image
Feb 17 19 tweets 8 min read
Why won't Baric squeal?

My *unpopular* opinion is that I don't believe DEFUSE is directly related to the origin of SARS-CoV-2 (a technical explanation soon).

But the question of why Baric isn't cooperating with the investigation is a good one...

Image My preferred explanation for the origin is that the PLA is responsible, and their main (but certainly not the only) bridge to the US were husband/wife team Lanying Du and mysteriously deceased AMMS officer Yusen Zhou. Image
Feb 6 8 tweets 3 min read
Just a few weeks ago a PLA group announced a dangerous new viral variant *they claim* comes from a pangolin. The senior author is Yigang Tong who was engaged in a secret military project in 2017 when he isolated a pangolin virus with an RBD nearly identical to SARS-CoV-2. Now the PLA announce isolation of another new virus from a pangolin, this one related to MERS. Useful idiots like Stuart Neil see it just as the PLA want us to, as evidence of a species teeming with deadly pathogens ready to spill over and infect humans.…
Feb 1 30 tweets 12 min read
Unrestricted Bioweapon?

A recurring criticism of the claim SARS-CoV-2 may be a bioweapon is its low virulence- particularly against the young. It would be ineffective on a battlefield compared to known agent like anthrax.

But this is based on a restricted notion of warfare. Image The US IC have rejected a bioweapon origin according to ODNI. But they don't seem to have investigated independently. The ODNI report only references a vitriolic public exchange between intransigent zoonosis proponents, and a dissident scientist who fled HK early in the pandemic. Image
Jan 27 10 tweets 5 min read
@jbkinney may be in a position where he's unable to comment on specific reasons for this, but nothing can stop us anonymous "conspiracy theorists" from speculating.🤔

I want to point out a big donor to his employer Cold Spring Harbor Lab (CSHL) - was (and is?) - BGI. BGI is effectively a state-owned enterprise and closely associated with the PLA since the early days of SARS-1 (h/t @KeithEv84928885).

Now it is in the crosshairs of the US Senate @committeeonccp @RepGallagher

Jan 21 23 tweets 8 min read
Evidence of Genetic Engineering Part 17:

Furin Furore

A question that keeps resurfacing is why the furin cleavage site would be engineered to be the way it is (i.e. non-canonical and sub-optimal). Why not use a canonical R-X-R-R motif that would cleave furin more efficiently? Early SARS-1 research wasn't especially focused on proteolytic cleavage, though SARS was known to have a cleavage site at the S1/S2 boundary (not cleaved by furin, but other proteases). Receptor binding attracted greater interest.

But an FCS was tried:

Jan 20 5 tweets 2 min read
Then explain why the only similar RBD published prior to the pandemic was in a virus "found" (or made) by the PLA? And why the only backbone virus of the SARS-CoV-2 clade (ZXC21/ZC45) published by the PLA? And while DEFUSE wasn't funded by the US, they did fund...the PLA?! Image While there is much interaction between these groups and WIV was likely involved in either case, EcoHealth may prove to be a bit player - useful idiots rather than central to the scheme.
Jan 9 25 tweets 9 min read
The Proximal Origin of Ebola
Part 1

Like Covid-19, there is mystery shrouding the origin of the 2013-16 Ebola outbreak in West Africa (Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia). Very different diseases but the outbreaks have much in common, including many of the same people involved.Image @samhusseini and @bioSRP recently revived interest in the possibility of a lab leak origin. Though they don't claim dispositive proof, they point out that evidence supporting a natural origin is fragile, and a plausible case for a lab leak can be made.

Jan 7 9 tweets 5 min read
The research group of former PLA scientist Yigang Tong has published a new paper showing a "pangolin" coronavirus (GX_P2V) variant is 100% fatal to hACE2 mice likely due to infection of the brain.…
Image Although previous studies the group did (including a collaboration with WIV) did not show this lethality, they now suggest that mutations gained through passaging in cell culture may have resulted in a far more lethal variant. Image
Nov 21, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Update on my own ongoing efforts to get hold of Edward Holmes' emails:

Sydney University also initially rejected my application on grounds that it would endanger Holmes' safety (among other things). I refuted this in an appeal to the independent Information Commissioner @IPCNSW. The @IPCNSW instructed Sydney Uni that they must consider the public interest for and against disclosing each document separately and withhold only those there is a genuine balance of public interest *against* disclosure.