Brendan Miller Profile picture
Trying to think clearly and usefully about politics. Films for New York Times, BBC. Love nonfiction books.
Feb 7, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
A fascinating and (for me, personally) very relatable discussion from @juliagalef and @mattyglesias about why they were mistaken to support the 2003 Iraq invasion as students.…

Here's the lessons I took: 1) Beware thinking you've heard the best arguments for a position. Both J & M were partly persuaded to a pro-war position by hanging out with hysterical anti-war students (e.g. some campaigning for North Korea to *have* nuclear weapons)
Jan 15, 2021 15 tweets 2 min read
I'm trying to understand how those with radical politics expect /hope to win elections. What's the "theory of power" behind extinction rebellion, defund the police etc? ... [Thread] The basic puzzle is as follows: In a democratic system (I'm thinking of UK & USA) politicians need to - so it seems - win support from the centre-ground to win elections. But radical policies don't (by definition) have centre-ground support. So how will they win power? ...
May 2, 2019 26 tweets 5 min read
My argument against what's happening with #CasterSemenya and the dangers behind searching for a clear 'scientific' rule/test on who counts as a woman (Thread)... As a man, many will ask whether my opinion is relevant to a discussion like this. If that's how you feel I understand, and so probably best to get off here.