Brennan Dunn Profile picture
Working on, co-founder of, writes at, smitten with @laurium
Jan 24, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read

"Hey Brennan Dunn,"

"Hey ,"

Emails look pretty awkward when you're just dumping user supplied content (e.g. their first name) into an email.

Here's a bit of code you can load in to your @ConvertKit account so you can greet your subscribers with style 💅 Go create a new Content Snippet. Call it "Greeting" (or whatever you want) - dump this Liquid code into it:…
Nov 8, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
Earlier this week, most of the @rightmessageapp was in Minneapolis to do some product / growth planning.

I wanted to share a few thoughts around the most exciting takeaway from the product side of things... Alright, so websites exist. On these websites, people put calls-to-action (CTAs). These CTAs often compete with each other - one will ask for an email, another a purchase for a course, and maybe another pitching coaching or something.
Jun 29, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Surprised that more ESPs haven't adopted the concept of an "event" – @getdrip does it really well (though their implementation is still rough around the edges)

Everyone uses tags, right? "Customer" or "Bought Foo" or "Already Promoted Coaching"

Tags are used to segment. "Send this broadcast email to everyone who is tagged 'Customer'"

Cool. BUT. They're limited. They don't 1) include temporal data, 2) frequency, or 3) metadata
