Brian Fallon Profile picture
Executive Director of Demand Justice. Formerly U.S. Senate, Justice Department, Clinton campaign. Views are my own.
Oct 10, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
I think the whole brouhaha over Warren doing fundraising events in the general is overblown. Her team clarified today she will be doing events for the DNC and state parties, recognizing the nominee's role in raising for coordinated campaign activities to help down ballot candidates.
Jul 22, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
It was fun for a while to debate whether the Democrat who beats Trump should focus on election reform or climate change in 2021. Now Republicans will make it a fight over lifting the debt ceiling. The negotiations over the debt ceiling clearly illustrate the asymmetry between the two parties. GOP is happy to preserve the debt limit because they know Dems will never hang it over a GOP President's head. On other hand, GOP happy to play chicken with it when a Dem is in office
Nov 14, 2018 14 tweets 3 min read
A few thoughts on this...
After 16, no one thinks holding up a mirror to Trump - or engaging him tit for tat- is a winning strategy. However, sticking to a plan of ignoring Trump is a lot harder in a one-on-one matchup than for House challengers running individualized races
Jul 1, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Susan Collins is on two Sunday news shows, @ThisWeekABC and @CNNSotu. She will obviously be pressed on her views on Roe when it comes to Trump's upcoming nominee. (1/6) She will almost certainly claim that she considers Roe a "precedent" and she wants a "judge who respects precedent." She may also add she considers Roe "settled law." (2/6)
Oct 25, 2017 5 tweets 1 min read
I regret I didnt know about Christopher Steele's hiring pre-election. If I had, I would have volunteered to go to Europe and try to help him If I'd gotten his dossier before Nov 8, I may have tried to convince Mook & Podesta to let me hold a Comey-style press conference to read it