Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi (not active on this site) Profile picture
Jan 28, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
Är skatten för hög? Absolut! Jag är vänster så det skriker om det men håller med. En sån här tråd kommer nu. Många människor har allt för låg lön. Hade vi haft lägre skatt kunde de klarat sig bättre. Jobben borde såklart betala mer men varje källa till mer pengar är mer pengar.
Sep 15, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Sverigedemokraterna kommer inte vilja sitta i regering. De hotar om det för att få än bättre förhandlingsläge. De vill kunna ha makt och inflytande men inget ansvar. Dessutom fattar de att de måste gå långsamt framåt. Just nu är alla oroliga för vad som kommer hända. Förändringar kommer ske gradvis så majoriteten upplever det som ofarligt. Samtidigt ligger en rädsla kvar som kommer få många motståndare att själva dra sig undan.
Oct 28, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
Deeply disappointed in @ProtonMail lately. I have been really glad about their existence, and have even tried to stay positive with the later issues, but turns out they sent @njal_la a demand for getting private user data, because someone wrote about them badly. I won't go into detail about the registrant. Proton might even be right that the post is partly incorrect. However, the posts are on a private blog, it's quite obvious personal views from a guy that is a bit not happy with Proton. I can understand that it's annoying for Proton.
Sep 6, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
So, @ProtonMail had to give out information about one of their users. Navigating what has happened is a bit tricky, and I'm not going to complain about the fact that Proton handed out the data. Why? Thread. First of all, Proton is (probably) not storing people's IP addresses. From what I understand, they have been ordered by authorities to turn on IP logging. That the suspects are a group of youth climate activists is not something Proton can use as a basis to refuse.
May 3, 2021 35 tweets 11 min read
Maybe you heard that the domain (@DarkDotFail ) got hijacked. Here's the story on how it happened. A thread! (I've pieced together the data I have so I might have some small errors in this thread, FYI.) First, the domain was registered through a service I started, @njal_la (or transferred in, not sure here). Njalla in turn uses @tucows as a registrar for .FAIL domains.
Mar 1, 2021 20 tweets 7 min read
A small update to this. The day after my twitter thread about @ICANN I finally got a reply to one of my many e-mails. Quote: "I apologize for our delay in getting back to you" (aka: Thanks for retweeting). And today we had a voice chat about the application. Another thread! I got some sort of semi-excuse regarding their claim that I lied on my application. They also said that they agreed it wasn't fraud or similar really. So both of the points they made regarding the denial was not really the reason.
Feb 25, 2021 38 tweets 8 min read
The non-profit organisation @ICANN, that controls the central backbone of the internet (the root-servers) and has a monopoly on letting registrars (think godaddy) resell .com/.net/.org/etc domains, denied my application to become a registrar. A thread. Since 2019 I've had an active application with ICANN. They're famous for being a bureaucratic nightmare to deal with, so I expected a long process. It got delayed by the passing of my mom last year and by covid. That's understandable.
Jan 25, 2021 20 tweets 3 min read
It's interesting to see so many artists, curators, activists are trying to make physical public spaces available as the public to a lesser extent offers them. We should replicate this understanding to the digital realm -- where public spaces never existed at all. The Internets as an invention was revolutionary because it was so unregulated and open. The mindset that ruled then, that the network was equalising people, that it would connect erveyone regardless of background, is falsely still the narrative used for the services online.
Jan 14, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
People are asking for more pirate bay stories. Sure. I have a few... Thousands.
Do you know that tpb once hijacked North Koreas Internet?… Someone managed to find a broken router setup which managed to make it possible to pretend to be north Korea, in a more central routing location than actual north Korea. To make it look real even the traffic was slowed down to look like a satellite connection.
Jan 10, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
The pirate bay, the most censored website in the world, started by kids, run by people with problems with alcohol, drugs and money, still is up after almost 2 decades. Parlor and gab etc have all the money around but no skills or mindset. Embarrassing. The most ironic thing is that TPBs enemies include not just the US government but also many European and the Russian one. Compared to gab/parlor which is supported by the current president of the US and probably liked by the Russian one too.
Oct 17, 2020 18 tweets 3 min read
Jag vill gärna påminna lite om turerna kring FRA. En tråd. FRA-lagen hade inte majoritet i riksdagen när den kuppades igenom. Det var 4 st allianspolitiker som var å det starkaste emot. De blev inkallade på hotfulla möten, där de t.ex. fick veta att de inte skulle få valbar plats på listorna vid nästa val.
Mar 19, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
So now it's proven that capitalism didn't work under pressure. We got saved by governments funded by collective taxes. We see the capitalists asking for bailouts so they can fail again later.
Time for system change. Instead of bailing out banks, we should get a citizen salary. Cheaper, more fair and will make the people have money enough to afford supporting local business' that will NOT get a bailout anyhow.
Apr 9, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
I wish there was an equally intellectual discussion about AI as to that about gene modification in humans. Essentially it's going to end up being the same thing - someone decides the genes of the future with AI, and where's the discourse about who's got a say? I'm fed up with the term AI as well. It's all an extension of the wishes of the creators of the "AI" - simply put, it's code that someone did for a certain purpose. The one controlling the code for the AI is controlling the future. Where's the democratic regulations for this?