Data & Analytics at the @ACLU. America’s Next Top Modeler. Views my own. she/her
Apr 24, 2020 • 14 tweets • 6 min read
Doing ~ data science ~ at the ACLU has been a dream job since I started nearly 2 years ago, but I don’t think I’ve ever been prouder of my team than I have been this week, or more honored to be doing the work we’re doing. To recap:👇
On Monday, we published a report we’ve been working on since last fall. We looked at the data, and found that across the country, in all states and nearly every county, Black people get busted for marijuana possession far more often than white people.…
Aug 29, 2019 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
just learned with horror that deleting any of the "family" emojis in google slides does not remove the emoji, but rather kills off each individual family member one by one, starting with the children
The soundcloud: I DARE y’all to give so much money to the ACLU that my data team has to do an analysis of the “emojicide bump”