Bruce McD Profile picture
Former CEO RB of Kingston. Now Lib Dem Leader of Elmbridge.
Jul 23, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
Let's Restore Trust and Fix This Mess - 🧵

Local People here are hugely disappointed about a planning inspector's decision to overturn EBC's decision to refuse an application at one of most sensitive sites you could ever imagine

Opposite Unesco listed Hampton Court Palace 1/ You might hope for a world class arrival experience when you arrive at Hampton Court Station

But that's not what greets you . And the scheme which the inspector has allowed doesn't measure up to what a world renowned visitor destination deserves 2/…
May 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@ks_1968 The problem interviewers face is that if they start accepting the government’s estimation of its actions at face value they have conceded an entirely false framing. Johnson is a bad faith actor. Lied about agreement he made, won GE19 on back of it and is now poised to break law @ks_1968 Nor does Article 16 provide for unilateral abrogation of the agreement as he claims. It provides, afair for suspension of elements subject to further negotiation and resolution.

But that’s sophistic anyhow. Because govt’s Big Bazooka is unilateral legislation
May 14, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Gratuitous intervention by BBC Political Editor to qualify @Catrinawrites's use of 'lie' re Johnson's claim of 'oven ready deal'

Objectively it is not sustainable to assert it wasn't a case of wilfully misleading Johnson won GE19 on claim that his 'oven ready deal' would get Get Brexit Done. The deal wasn't oven ready and it manifestly hasn't got Brexit done. Other than in the specific sense we left EU
May 13, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
There has always been a question in my mind as to where sophistry met stupidity in Jacob Rees Mogg’s answers on Brexit

Listening to him today on #R4Today I realise I have been wrong.

For all the self assurance and well modulated tones his answers are entirely stupid As the full scale of the Brexit disaster unfolds in the midst of our Cost of Living Crisis the haunting question is how has our system of accountability failed so comprehensively as to allow this gang of incompetent outlaws to wreak the harm they do
Sep 3, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Listening to Matt Hancock on #R4Today he sounds like a mutant Dr Pangloss where everything he does is for the absolute best , irrespective of whether in practice it achieves any of the benefits he claimed
Thus ignoring Council Leaders in Trafford and Bolton who pleaded with him not to lift Local Lockdown , and reversing his decision 12 hours later ( at point Starmer sat down at end of PMQ's) becomes 'swift and decisive action'

Not muddleheaded Westminster arrogance
Jul 17, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Priceless from Johnson - in answer to a question from @janemerrick23 - I have to say , in all candour to the British people, you only have to look around the world to see dire consequences of not bearing down on the virus

No need to look around the world PM PM demonstrated throughout contradiction of being absolutely clear and highly conditional simultaneously

In ans to qu from @carldinnen on Civil Servants going back to office effectively said was convinced it was safe for them to go back to work if it was safe for them to do so
Apr 16, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
This is obviously serious

Letter to Govt from Directors of Adult Social Services' concerns reflect what has been visible for some time

Govt not engaging effectively with those responsible for Social Care locally with damaging consequences
1/5… Damaging consequences are

1) Distribution of PPE to Care Homes has been paltry, haphazard and shambolic

2)Lack of planning around testing

3)750,000 volunteers recruited w/o consultation and left with nothing to do for 3 weeks

Oct 23, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
Feral gang around Dominic Cummings pumping out smears and deceit - @OborneTweets in coruscating form on #C4News speaking about his cogently argued piece for… Hasn’t it always been thus? @krishgm asks Oborne. No completely different scale and nature since Cummings and Vote Leave took up residence in No 10 . Now @bbclaurak and @Peston - Krish gets jumpy at names- and pumping out Cummings’s fake news unmediated. Not doing job as editors