Bryan Johnson /dd Profile picture
Death is our only foe.
Eric Anderson Profile picture Adam M. Adamek, PhD Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jun 25 7 tweets 3 min read
Can my joints age backwards?

I received a cutting-edge therapy aimed at achieving age 18 joints, at a clinic owned by Tiger Woods & Justin Timberlake.

300 million young Swedish bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells were injected into my shoulders, hips, joints.

🧵Here’s why… Image Our joints, such as knees and hips, break down with age, resulting in pain, stiffness, and movement restriction. While I do not have any major joint problems, I do experience small aches and pains. We are exploring if we can repair normal age-related damage, restore vitality, and preventatively lessen future deterioration.Image
Jun 18 6 tweets 2 min read
My six-month longevity gene therapy results are in... In Sept 2023, I traveled to Roatan, an island off the coast of Honduras, to receive follistatin gene therapy.

Humans currently have a max lifespan of roughly 120 years. However gene therapies have the potential to help break through that barrier. Follistatin gene therapy ranks 7th among lifespan studies, extending mouse lifespan by over 30%.Image
Apr 11 4 tweets 2 min read
My lungs aged 19 years after having COVID.

After 18 months and numerous interventions, my lungs still have not regained full capacity.

+ In 2021, my lung capacity was age 26.
+ By Nov 2022, after getting covid, my lung capacity was age 45.
+ Now 2024, my lung capacity is age 37.

My covid symptoms were very mild and lasted only 3 days. Lung therapies below.Image Interventions I’ve done to regain lung capacity:

0. Bone marrow MSCs intravenously infused
1. Nebulized azithromycin (14 days)
2. Lung training (oumua and IMT)
3. Nurosym (HRV) used post covid to lessen damage and have used longer term. An indirect relationship and theoretical.
4. Starting Lumbrokinase this week (800,000 units 2x day)Image
Apr 4 4 tweets 7 min read
We are exploring if we can restore my joints to that of an 18 year old.

Our joints (i.e. knees, hips, etc.) break down with age. Resulting in pain, stiffness and movement restriction. While I do not have any major joint problems, I do have small aches and pains. We are testing if we can repair normal age related damage, restore vitality, and preventatively lessen future deterioration.

Last week, I had 300 million bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) injected into six joints over two days: both knees, shoulders, and hips as part of a clinical trial in the Bahamas. We may repeat this therapy as needed to achieve the outcome objectives.

MSC’s were manufactured by Cellcolabs. Injections were performed by Dr. Steven Sampson of Physical Longevity.

Prior to the therapy, we completed comprehensive baseline analysis of each joint with MRI and musculoskeletal ultrasound. Here were the findings:

Joint & tendon diagnosis
+ Bilateral shoulder labral degenerative tears with paralabral cysts.
+ Tendinosis (degenerated tendons): bilateral supraspinatus rotator cuff (shoulder) with subacromial bursitis (chronic inflammation in R>L shoulders).
+ Bilateral knee chondromalacia patella (cartilage wear beneath the kneecap) with left knee mild to moderate effusion/bursitis. (fluid in knee).
+ Bilateral hip gluteus medius tendinosis (chronic degeneration). Bilateral Hip Cam impingement syndrome. (Can predispose to osteoarthritis)

What we hope we can achieve with this therapy
Improved function, mobility, and athletic performance. Elimination of aches and pains. Potential tissue regeneration and prevention of future degeneration.

Treatment plan
+ Intra Articular injection of bilateral shoulders, hips, and knees.
+ Bilateral supraspinatus rotator cuff and bursa  injections.
+ Right shoulder anterior labrum injection.
Bilateral hip gluteus medius tendon injections.

What happened
The injections were completed in the Bahamas in collaboration with Cellcolabs Clinical Ltd. and Dr. Steven Sampson of Physical Longevity. Treatment was under a clinical trial approved by the national stem cell ethics committee in the Bahamas. Cellco Labs provided best-in-class, gold-standard cell manufacturing of allogeneic bone marrow-cultured mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). 50 million MSCs were injected into each of six joints, shoulders, knees, and hips, over two days. Cells were prepared and shipped from Sweden and were cryopreserved with liquid nitrogen. Cells were checked for viability at the point of care in the Bahamas and injected under ultrasound guidance by Dr Sampson for proper deployment under strict protocol.Image Proforma for recording performed injections
Peer reviewed March 2024 Image
Jan 31 4 tweets 2 min read
I injected Botox into my penis.  It increases penis length by 1 cm.

It also improves:
+ erection hardness
+ peak systolic velocity
+ end diastolic velocity
+ sexual health satisfaction

Therapy was built on a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled prospective comparative study conducted involving 70 patients with ED refractory to PDE5Is.

My penile function is optimal (EHS 4/4 and IIEF 25/25). We are testing whether an intervention that showed positive outcomes with ED will enhance performance.

This therapy is normally reserved for those that do not respond to PDE5is and shockwave. However there is some theoretical basis that it may enhance the tissue rejuvenation effects of shockwave therapy, otherwise by itself it has unclear long term safety or efficacy.

+ A tourniquet was applied at the base of the penis, the treatment dose (100 units of BoNT-A in 2 ml of saline) was distributed along 4 points, right and left distal and proximal shaft using a 23G insulin syringe.

+ The solution was injected into 4 different injection sites 1 inch proximal to corona and 1 inch distal to pubo-penile junction at right and left cavernosa, respectively. Following injection, a fine massage was applied to the injection sites for 5 min and the band was removed after 20 min.Image
Increased penis length Image
Dec 11, 2023 6 tweets 6 min read
My former fiance threatened to make fabricated and scandalous public accusations about me unless I paid her $9 million in one week. Two years later, a Judge ordered her to pay me $584,199.16 for fees I spent defending my innocence.

It started on April 6th, 2021 with a thirteen-page letter from her lawyers: “[Redacted] is willing to settle all of her claims against Mr. Johnson and his companies for $9 million dollars…”. After over a year of our relationship ending, for the first time ever, she was accusing me of a wide range of “abusive and perverse” behavior. Through her attorneys, she threatened to make her allegations public if I didn’t pay her $9 million dollars within one week.  WTF? What claims? What wrong-doing? It must be April Fools. Am I getting punked? This person who I’d once had the most beautiful relationship with was now unrecognizable to me.

The contents of the letter were shocking, but even more shocking was the fact that this letter was arriving after we had signed a separation agreement (with the help of our attorneys) a year earlier when ending our relationship. She and her attorneys were gambling that, even though she had already agreed that we’d go our separate ways, I'd cave and pay up to avoid my reputation being publicly tarnished.

She was emboldened by lawyers blinded by their greed to take advantage of her vulnerabilities and exploit my wealth. After over six months of threatening to destroy me with more scandalous allegations in “her new podcast”, a “book deal” and a “potential TV series”, the attorneys who sent the demand letter never filed a complaint or produced a single piece of evidence to support the allegations.

Then she got new attorneys. Seeing that threats alone were insufficient, they filed a case in court and tried to make me look like a monster.  I successfully moved part of the case into arbitration, where we had agreed to resolve any disputes. As their legal losses mounted, they became increasingly unhinged in what they were willing to say. Global media ate it up.

On March 31st, 2023, after extensive motions, depositions and discovery, the arbitrator dismissed all her causes of action that had been referred to arbitration and ordered that my accuser pay me $584,199.16 to reimburse attorneys' fees I’d been forced to spend defending my innocence. The ruling and award were confirmed by an active Superior Court Judge on September 29th, 2023.

After years of litigation, the corroborating evidence my accuser had of any of my accused wrongdoings?  Nothing. Not a single thing. In considering my accuser’s attempt to invalidate the separation agreement she had signed, the arbitrator, a well-respected retired judge, pointed out that my accuser’s “undisputed conduct and testimony refute her claim[s].” In other words, my accuser's own evidence contradicted her own story. Noteworthy as my accuser’s day job is Chief Storytelling Officer at an implantable medical device company where trust is life and death.

The entire thing was bizarre and surreal. My accuser's attorneys were sanctioned by the Judge - a severe reprimand that courts reserve for truly egregious conduct - for making, as the Judge wrote: “serious allegations…factually and legally baseless and frivolous”. Her lawyers were ordered to pay the court a fine of $2,500.  In our settlement discussions, I also insisted her attorneys pay some of what my accuser owed to me for their complicitness.

It would have been so easy to relent and quietly settle to make this go away. That’s what nearly everyone does. But I am not guilty and they gave me no choice but to spend over two years litigating to prove my innocence. Giving in and paying up would have been an injustice to me; an injustice to society enabling this twisted practice.

The legal fight was ugly and awful. The worst. The most hurtful part of the whole ordeal was that she spoke about our relationship in ways that were unrecognizable to me. For example, when she was sadly diagnosed with a serious health condition, I rearranged my life and worked non-stop beside her to beat it. We flew around the country together to meet with doctors and explore clinical trials.  Together we conducted extensive research into additional therapies and tests. It was our shared omnipresent focus. When tests showed that she was in the clear and it was time to celebrate her new lease on life, who was the one person in the world she invited to be by her side at this sacred event?  Me. She honored my unwavering devotion to her well-being.

The case is now wrapped and behind us. This time with a promise that she won’t sue me again, a provision the previous agreement didn’t have and which allowed her and her attorneys to weaponize the legal system for over two years. Their strategy was to inflict maximum pain and suffering on me so I’d pay up privately. They miscalculated my tenaciousness and resolve and their strategy backfired, inflicting collateral damage upon themselves. One of her attorneys is no longer with that firm and my accuser’s health deteriorated within the blast radius of her own creation.

My accuser has been astonishingly pernicious. Nonetheless, I choose, again, to support her as she works through her health challenges. The settlement funds she owes me will be routed to a trust I established for her medical needs. She is the sole beneficiary and the only person who can access this trust. I won’t keep a penny of what she pays me as part of the judgment.

Every minute of every day each of us diligently works to build and fortify our personal reputations. Showing up on time. Being respectful. Offering sympathy. Helping out. Apologizing when at fault. Telling the truth. Our reputation is our life currency. Then, in one moment, a headline can cause everyone you love and care about to question everything they thought they knew about you. A lifetime of work now in question. It’s great entertainment when it’s about someone else; a different thing when it’s your name in the headline.  It’s been no fun having my name dragged through the mud and not being able to comment during the proceedings.

“Innocent until proven guilty” is a bedrock of our society. In recent years, accusations have been weaponized and exploited for profit as “guilty until proven innocent” became de facto by mob rule. Ruining people’s careers, lives and reputations. Taking away from those who legitimately need the legal system. It has created a booming, dark underground economy that has destabilized society by straining our bonds of trust.

Our social fabric is fragile; woven together by a shared trust. The accusation strategy she used is corrosive to our shared stability. I hope more people stand up to this dark and twisted practice.
Image Endnotes:
Before the Apr '21 thirteen page scorched-earth letter from her attorneys, my accuser's first tactic to get money from me was a letter she penned in Sep '20. She praised my integrity, spoke of our shared love, & emphasized the reciprocal care we’d show for each other.
Jun 5, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
May Blueprint update:

New best:
+ VO2 max: 58.7 ml/kg/min, top 1.5% 18 yr olds
+ Leg press single rep max: 800 lbs, top 1-2% 18 yr olds
+ Bench press single rep max 240 lbs, top 10% 18 yr olds

+ Blood glucose 94% ideal range (w/HGH therapy)
+ golfing + bowling fun Image 2/
Note: Reference to age 18 is used because that's when single rep max to body weight ratio (bench and leg press) starts declining in men as per ACSM reference range that is attached. ImageImage
Mar 25, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Stripped naked of mind

🧵 We use washing machines because they’re superior to hand washing.

We use digital navigation systems because they’re better than a printed map in our laps.

We use ChatGPT because its emergent abilities are superior to existing tools.
Mar 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
My eyes were fixed on the airplane's attitude indicator. Flying steady at 9,500 feet, both hands gripped the controls. Seeing a bit of direction drift, I corrected ever so slightly left, now down, a tiny bit right…a never-ending game to keep the airplane in optimal position.
🧵 Image Lost in this play, my mind drifts to my on-ground performance: hard at work making micro-corrections for my well-being. Slightly less food here, a more nutritious menu option there, and squeezing in a good night's sleep whenever possible.
Mar 19, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
Individual: oh, I exist. This is uncomfortable. Now what do I do?

Architect: this and you’ll feel better

🧵 Majority of human meaning-making activities throughout history address native discomfort & arousal we feel w/ conscious existence. Biochemical states hunger/satiation, love/heartbreak, lust/orgasm, loneliness/community, jealousy & harmony, boredom and ecstasy, hope and fear.
Mar 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Evening Bryan here. Pretty unhappy about what Blueprint Bryan said publicly about me a few days ago. Pinning his life problems on me. Reality is that I live life to the fullest. All in. No regrets. Do it all. We live and die. Make the most of the moment.
🧵 Image What is life worth if not to indulge in all of its pleasures?

Blueprint Bryan’s efforts are frivolous and vain. So what if he extends his life by 20, 30 or even 40 years if he never has time for anything other than extending his life. Isn’t that ridiculous?
Feb 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Be your best today.

Nutty Pudding Nutty Pudding
50-100 mL Almond Milk
3 Tbsp macadamia nuts
2 tsp of walnuts
1 tsp of flaxseed
1 Tbsp non dutched cocoa
1/2 brazil nut
1 tsp sunflower lecithin
1/2 tsp ceylon cinnamon
1 cup blue/rasp/strawberries
3 cherries
2 oz pomegranate juice
Pea protein sprinkled
Jan 31, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
In case you are deciding what to eat for dinner Super Veggie
Black lentils, 300 grams (weighed cooked)
Broccoli, 250 grams 
Cauliflower. 150 grams 
Shiitake/Maitake Mushrooms, 50 grams 
Garlic, 1 clove 
Ginger Root, 3 grams 
Lime, 1
Cumin, 1 Tbsp
Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 Tbsp
Hemp Seeds, 1 Tbsp
After prep, drizzle 1 Tbsp EVOO
Jan 25, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
1/Eat this, not that;
Do this, not that.

So many strong opinions about food, health and aging. Who to trust?

Announcing Rejuvenation Olympics: a single number report card for your health. You win by never crossing the finish line. Image 2/Put to the test your current lifestyle, favorite guru, celebrity physician, biohacker, fad diet, self help book, and critic. Data > human opinion.
Nov 22, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
The holiday season begins this week, kicking off peak Self sabotage where one more dessert, drink, or late night doesn’t matter anymore bc the carnage will be addressed in January when you’ll be making a legitimate fresh start at being your best self.

Revolt this year. Image Let's revolt this year against the social norms that encourage all of this. The companies that profit off of our injury. The versions of ourselves that rationalize the behavior. The beliefs that sprinkle glitter to hide the insanity of it all.
Aug 28, 2022 20 tweets 3 min read
45 years have passed since I exited my mother’s womb. During the past 18 months, I’ve endeavored to measure - and then biologically age match - my every organ and biological process. One can be chronologically aged 45, but have a heart biologically representative of a 32 yr old, or 71. On my bday, I imagined my body deciding what to do for the day:
Jan 5, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
1/ Dec #blueprint notes:

117 new age reduction points
Total 1,216

Available now: Blueprint Basics guide ( Image 2/ When I Grow Younger, I’d like to be…
. ID’d
. asked if I need a note for being late