Bryan Johnson Profile picture
Conquering death will be humanity’s greatest achievement.
21 subscribers
Mar 7 15 tweets 6 min read
Dear humanity,

I am building a religion.

Wait a second, I know what you’re going to say. Hold that knee-jerk reaction and let me explain.

First, here’s what’s going to happen:
+ Don’t Die becomes history's fastest-growing ideology.
+ It saves the human race.
+ And ushers in an existence more spectacular than we can imagine.

It is inevitable. The only question is: will you be an early or late adopter?Image Why is it inevitable?

Four fundamental shifts are happening right now:
1) We are giving birth to superintelligence (AI).
2) No existing ideology solves AI alignment.
3) With AI, our species’ survival is not guaranteed.
4) With AI, individual biological death is no longer inevitable.

We are at risk of extinction without a unifying framework to solve human alignment and AI alignment.Image
Mar 5 8 tweets 5 min read
I am aging slower than anyone in the world.
#1 in a fierce competition among 5,677.
My score is off the charts.
And I'm genetically disadvantaged.

What does this even mean? 🧵 Image 0/ Biological Aging is mostly driven by the environment, habits and lifestyle choices and is malleable to interventions.

Unlike chronological aging, biological aging is malleable and is a direct outcome of your behaviour and lifestyle choices. A seminal study in over 2000 twins (gold standard for studying genetic effects) found that longevity was only 25% hereditary.

In other words, your genes determine only 25% of your biological aging speed and patterns, while the rest (75%) is up to you to decide and influence.

Speed of aging is the most dynamically responsive as it relies on estimating the speed of aging from a snapshot in time, hence allowing a quick intervention-measurement loop, allowing for the fast evaluation of therapies and protocol for their effectiveness as rejuvenation interventions.

Biological Age will normally follow the speed of aging, with some considerable delay for trends to appear.

Imagine a car changing its speed, you will be able to see the change directly at the speedometer (speed of aging) much faster than seeing when you reach your destination based on the new speed.Image
Mar 4 7 tweets 2 min read
People living in hotter climates age faster

Published this week a study used three distinct epigenetic aging clocks to show that more hotter days on average (caution-level and extreme level heat) make you age faster. 🧵Image Background

0/ The study tracked biological age in 3686 adults over 56 years across the US in relation to outdoor ambient heat exposure.
Feb 28 11 tweets 9 min read
The LA fires filled my body with harmful toxins.

One toxic chemical, NAPR, an organic solvent used in metal cleaning, foam gluing, and dry cleaning, increased by 728%.

If you were exposed too, here is what you can do. 🧵 Image 0/ I suppose if there was one person in LA who was routinely measuring their toxin levels when the fires broke out, it would be me.

My urinary toxins panel taken at the height of the LA wildfires on January 28th, 2025 showed 9 acutely increased metabolite toxins (4 of which above the 95th percentile and the other 5 between the 75th and 95th percentile).

A similar previous panel taken in October 2024 had all these toxin metabolites within normal or undetectable range.

Note, in-between the baseline test of Oct 2024 and the most recent test of Jan 28th, I spent a week in India which may have also contributed to an increased toxin load. More on that below.

Let us take a closer look at these metabolites, what toxic exposures and health hazards they indicate, and how these tie to wildfire and burning homes, as well as air pollution in general.

Let us also examine efficient approaches to the detoxification of wildfire fumes inhalation.
Feb 24 12 tweets 7 min read
The New York Times is preparing to publish a hit piece on me.

I found out this story is running because a reporter from NYT emailed me and my colleagues her “fact-checking” questions. This is standard practice before publishing a story.

“I am working on a story about Bryan Johnson and his weaponization of non-disclosure agreements over the years to cover a range of bad behavior…”

This journalist is trying to construct a narrative about me.

Let’s take a look at what she’s trying to do.🧵 Step 0: Motive.

Why is The New York Times coming after me? It’s a clash of self-serving narratives:

1. The New York Times wants a sensational story. Clicks = money.
2. The journalist wants to “take down” another target.
3. My ex is chasing clout by recycling allegations that have already been rejected in two legal forums.
4. Don’t Die is growing fast, threatening status-quo power. This makes me a target.

I’m fortunate that I have social reach. But what’s really unfair is when this happens to people who have limited recourse.

This isn’t just about me, this is about how the media manufactures reality. If a journalist is going to try and construct a narrative about any one of us, we should evaluate the foundation it’s built on.
Feb 18 5 tweets 3 min read
Last week, @chamath and I had dinner. He had this to say:

"Bryan's skin is incredible. His skin is like a porcelain dolls. Both my wife and I were like, we've never seen skin like this. It's incredibly soft. It's the softest skin I've ever touched in my life."

Supple skin is proof of young biological age, and a power-law marker of systemic health and efficient rejuvenation.

Let's look at the science 🧵 0/ Supple skin is proof of young biological age, and a power-law marker of systemic health and efficient rejuvenation

Achieving supple skin at 47 is far more than a cosmetic milestone—it's a potent, integrative indicator of overall health. In many biological systems, vital functions follow a power-law distribution, where small improvements in underlying systems can result in disproportionately large benefits in overall function.Image
Feb 18 10 tweets 5 min read
I injected the horse tranquilizer Ketamine and tracked my brain data for 15 days. It completely scrambled my brain.

In a world-first we answered the question ‘what happens to the brain before, during, and after ketamine treatment?’ We also discovered how long it took for my brain to return to ‘normal’.

The results surprised me. 🧵 0/ Before taking ketamine, my brain activity followed fixed, predictable patterns, as observed over 10 days of measurement. Imagine the brain as a global air traffic network, where each airport (or brain region) has consistent flight routes and traffic volumes—like the steady flow of planes between New York and London.

After ketamine, my brain’s activity patterns were completely scrambled. Instead of predictable routes between major hubs, traffic was rerouted to smaller, less-used airports across the U.S., Europe, and Asia.

This means brain activity that was once rigidly structured became more flexible and varied, potentially unlocking new connections and ways of thinking.

Top images: My absolute functional connectivity (brain traffic patterns) for minutes 5-15 after I received 57.75mg intramuscular injection of ketamine.

Bottom images: My relative functional connectivity (brain traffic patterns) changes after the ketamine took effect, starting at minutes 15-25.Image
Feb 14 11 tweets 5 min read
Love and deep social bonds can reduce mortality risk by up to 91%.

A landmark meta-analysis with 309k participants found meaningful and complex social relationships reduced mortality risk significantly.

Happy Valentine's Day. 🧵 0/ Close relationships may predict longevity better than wealth, status, IQ, or even genetics.

+ An 80-year Harvard study found that deep social bonds are the strongest determinant of long, happy lives. The effect transcends culture.

+ A study of 97,062 Japanese participants found that never-married men had a 91% higher risk of death; for women, 46%.

+ In Europe, a study of nearly 1 million people found marriage consistently associated with lower mortality across six countries.

+ A meta-analysis of 7.8 million participants across 22 studies showed a 22% and 33% higher mortality risk for unmarried women and men, respectively.Image
Feb 13 8 tweets 2 min read
I don't want to do this, but you need to hear this.

Sleep deprivation lowers IQ, increases toxic beta-amyloid buildup, and raises brain damage markers linked to stroke.

Learn how high quality sleep boosts the brain.
🧵 Image 0/ Sleep deprivation is brain damage

Shorter sleep correlated with lower IQ-test performance in school children.
Jan 31 4 tweets 1 min read
Who’s the best mind in tokenomics?

We’re designing rewards for the Don’t Die ecosystem—earn for hitting health markers, buying DD-approved products, dining at DD-certified restaurants, and more. omg within 5 minutes of this post I received 50+ DMs
Jan 28 6 tweets 5 min read
I am no longer injecting my son's blood.

I've upgraded to something else: total plasma exchange.

1. Take out all blood from body
2. Separate plasma from blood
3. Replace plasma with 5% albumin & IVIG

Here's my bag of plasma. Who wants it?
🧵 Image 0/ Total Plasma Exchange TPE Therapy is an advanced longevity therapy with great effects in removing toxins, waste products, old misfolded and glycated proteins and immune complexes. It has shown measurable effects in delaying and reversing age-related disease including dementia, as well as the capacity to reduce biological age based on various parameters, including blood proteomics and biological aging clocks.Image
Jan 21 7 tweets 5 min read
Hi friends, I am again posting about red meat and I come in peace.

Last week I shared why I don’t eat red meat. I did this because people have been asking me about this topic for 3.5 years and I’ve responded neutrally is what I do, but you do you. Just be sure to measure your biomarkers. It's also what I said last week.

That didn’t stop many people from losing their minds. It’s legit an interesting psychological phenomenon.

Let me be clear: if you like red meat, eat red meat. I choose not to and am providing you an explanation why. You can agree or disagree.

My team and I are conducting an experiment and are following the evidence as we understand it and transparently sharing my biomarkers.

Nutrition is not a solved science so there will inevitably be disagreement. I’m being transparent about our research, reasoning and measurement.

Whatever you decide, I'm wishing you the best.

The primary reasons I don’t eat red meat:

1) My goal is longevity and other foods (outlined in my Don’t Die nutrition guide) have more robust evidence for longevity

2) Is red meat good or bad? The evidence tilts towards red meat possibly creating health risks which is enough of a reason to exclude it from the protocol.

3) The foods we’ve selected to consume have me maintaining world leading biomarkers.
🧵Image 0/ Criticisms to my rationale

+ Most studies with evidence against red meat consumption are observational and not interventional, so not enough to establish causation

+ Harm originates from how the meat is consumed as opposed to the meat itself: like suggesting that the problem with a hot dog is the bun and ketchup, and not the processed meat itself.

+ Healthy user bias; assumption that people avoiding red meat are healthier due to unrelated factors (this assumes bias due to the bad reputation of red meat being bad for health, and hence health-aware people avoiding it)Image
Jan 16 18 tweets 13 min read
I don't eat red meat.
This is why.
You can eat meat.
I'm cool with that. Image 0/ We are the first generation that won't die.

This is my hypothesis on existence. We now have the ability to engineer the world at the level of atoms, cells, organs, and systems. AI is progressing faster than we can comprehend.

We will solve aging. It's a matter of time.
Jan 9 17 tweets 15 min read
People are pretty fired up about seed oils. Call them the devil and you get applause.

I shared a review of the scientific literature and got some heckling in return, but nothing substantial.

What this thread is going to explain:

1. Healthy fats matter: plant-based Omega-6 (e.g. seeds) and marine Omega-3 (algal or fish oils) support longevity and health, with Omega-3s being especially powerful.

2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is key: EVOO (rich in MUFAs) is strongly linked to living longer and preventing age-related diseases.

3. Choose fats wisely: While higher fat intake can improve health, saturated fats (from butter and fatty meats) are linked to higher mortality and more age-related diseases.
🧵Image 0/ TLDR

1) This is an expanded follow-up on the initial thread I shared to define the sources of harms connected to the use of plant seed oils covering aspects such as deep frying, high heat, and Omega3/6 imbalance.

2) Here I focus on untangling the most up-to-date evidence for particular components of plant seed oils, also in comparison with saturated fats.

3) Plant oils contain mixtures of Mono and Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs and PUFAs).

4) PUFAs have two kinds of Omega-3 and Omega-6, Omega-3 being most common in fish oils.

5) Linoleic acid is the most common Omega-6 in some plant seed oils including sunflower and nut oil.

6) Available evidence from humans indicate positive associations between seed oil Omega-6 (Linoleic Acid) and fish derived Omega-3 (EPA and DHA) reduced all-cause mortality. On the contrary, animal derived Omega-6 (Arachidonic Acid) and plant derived Omega-3 Alpha Linoleic Acid were correlated to modest increases in all-cause mortality.

7) Reliable evidence indicates that seed oil Omega-6 and Omega-3 is associated with decreased risk of heart disease. However, very strong evidence exists for marine Omega-3 association with a strong protective effect from heart disease in heavy smokers.

8) Plant seed oil MUFAs, especially as part of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) as part of the mediterranean diet, showed very strong evidence in reducing heart disease risk in landmark interventional studies.

9) Significant evidence supports plant-oil Omega-6 Linoleic Acid having an association with decreased type-2-diabetes risk, while weaker trends support the same for plant based Omega-3 (ALA). There is no such evidence for marine Omega-3. MUFAs, especially in olive oil show strong association to reduced diabetes risk, and MUFAs seem to outperform PUFAs in reducing diabetes risk.

In Conclusion:
Evidence indicates that plant-based Omega-6 fatty acids, mainly Linoleic Acid are favorable, while marine-based Omega-3 (rich in DPA and EPA) have stronger evidence in supporting longevity and overall health.

Plant based MUFAs, especially in EVOO, are supported by very strong evidence for longevity and prevention of age related diseases in humans.

While higher fat intake as part of the diet correlates to better health and lower mortality rates, the evidence points to saturated fats having association with increased all-cause mortality risk, and increased risk of age related diseases.
Dec 30, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
Scored a new personal best in speed of aging: .57

My birthday is every 21 months. I have the best comprehensive biomarkers of anyone in the world. Step by step to longevity escape velocity. I'm bringing you with me.

What is speed of aging?
How to slow yours?
🧵 Image 0/ What is the speed of aging?

Aging isn’t just about growing older as the time passes, it's about how fast you're aging.

The speed of aging refers to how quickly your biological systems accumulate damage and decline in function.

Two people born on the same day can have drastically different biological ages depending on lifestyle, genetics, and environment.

It’s not just about your years lived but how your body has aged during those years.

Think of your body as a car:
+ Chronological Age is how many years the car has been on the road.

+ Biological Age is how worn out the engine and parts are.

The speed of aging tells us how quickly you're wearing out those parts. Faster speed = quicker breakdown.

Keeping with the car analogy, the DNA methylation biological aging clocks are essentially cellular odometers.
Dec 27, 2024 14 tweets 6 min read
No one thinks of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) as a glow-up, but it is, for whole-body skin rejuvenation.

It creates stronger, firmer, bouncier, and glowing skin.

The data is compelling.
Let's look at the evidence.

🧵 Image 0⃣ What is HBOT? Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy involves breathing pure or nearly pure oxygen (95-100%) at increased atmospheric pressure. It’s been used for decades for wound healing & recovery (1)(2). But its benefit seems to extend beyond skin healing towards skin longevity and rejuvenation.
Dec 19, 2024 9 tweets 10 min read
I'm starting a new longevity protocol: microdosing Tirzepatide, a dual GLP-1/GIP receptor agonist.

Here is the existing evidence, my protocol, measurement plan, and what I expect to achieve by this intervention.
🧵 Image 1/ Here’s what I’m doing and why:

What is a GLP-1RA?
A GLP-1-RA is a medication that mimics the hormone glucagon-like peptide-1, crucial for regulating blood sugar and appetite. They’re approved for managing type 2 diabetes and aiding in weight loss by reducing blood sugar levels and increasing the feeling of satiation by extending the time of digestion in the stomach.

The use of GLP-1a has surged, with a 700% increase from 2019 to 2023 among U.S. patients without diabetes but who are overweight or obese. (1)

These medications are approved for managing type 2 diabetes (e.g. Ozempic) and, in higher doses, to support weight loss in people with excessive weight (e.g. Wegovy).

Robust evidence indicates that GLP-1 agonists have a rejuvenating and anti aging effect in obese people. (2)

More recent evidence suggests a potential for GLP-1 agonists in preventing age related disease in non-obese people too, as was demonstrated that its effect in reducing Alzheimer disease risk outweighed all other diabetes medications with similar risk reduction in normal weight and obese participants (3).

There has been growing scientific data suggesting that these meds are also beneficial for longevity via several mechanisms that are independent from weight loss.Image
Dec 19, 2024 8 tweets 6 min read
Daily Mail misinterpreted scientific evidence and doctors piled on, spreading misinformation and making you sound dumb if repeated.

🧵 Image 1/ It's best to not get your science from Daily Mail

They recently published this article where they managed to make a textbook example of how not to report scientific studies. All worst practices put into one article.

Doctors further shared the bad take, fueling their own confirmation bias, to win impressions.

Let's look at Daily Mail’s bad science reporting.Image
Dec 17, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Heading into MAHA, what is America's baseline health?

The worst healthspan-lifespan gap in the world, 29% higher than the global average.

Meaning, the average American spends 12.4 years in poor health, mostly due to chronic age-related disease.
🧵 Image 1/ Humans live longer since the turn of the century, but health is yet to catch up.

A study published last week reported that while average lifespan has increased since the beginning of this century, people are also spending more years in poor health. widening the healthspan-lifespan gap.

The study assessed lifespan and healthspan trends from 183 WHO member countries by analyzing the evolution of life expectancy (lifespan) and health-adjusted life-expectancy (healthspan).

Between years 2000 and 2019, global life expectancy has increased by 6.5 years to reach 73.1 years, while global health-adjusted life expectancy only increased by 5.4 years to reach 63.5 years.Image
Dec 17, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Air pollution is one of the greatest threats to public health.
🧵 Image 1/ Particulate pollution is set to reduce global average life expectancy by 1.9 years.

Contrast that with:
+ smoking (1.7 yrs)
+ child and maternal malnutrition (1.4 yrs)
+ alcohol use (5 months)
+ ; transportation injuries from vehicle accidents and unsafe water, sanitation and handwashing (4.8 months)
+ HIV/AIDS (3.4 months)
Dec 3, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
I've loved being in India. My first time.

I am shocked by how normalized Indians are to poor air quality. Breathing the air is like smoking multiple cigarettes a day. Yet no one wears a mask or has air filters in their indoor environments.

India has an amazing opportunity; cleaning up its air would unleash:

+ an increased life expectancy of 3.57 years (5). For context on how large of an opportunity that is, curing all cancer would only add 3.

+ $95 billion to its economic growth (3% of GDP) that is currently lost in productivity due to poor air quality

+ India is forecasted to be the world's 3rd largest economy by 2030, has an ideal demographic age pyramid, and is hungry for success.
🧵Image 1/ India's potential

With a real GDP growth of over 7% (1), a younger population than all other major economies, and an ideal demographic age pyramid (2), a birthrate of 2.01 per woman (3), in addition to an entrepreneurial mindset among Indians home and abroad; India is formidable.

Today the world’s 5th largest economy, India is forecasted to become the world’s 3rd largest economy by 2030, and 2nd largest economy after China by 2050.Image