Bryce Roberts Profile picture
Much taller IRL
Oct 4, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Lots of new fintwit followers last week so let me be clear-

As a seed investor in $fsly/sigsci I believe Fastly represents the single biggest turn around opportunity in tech with unprecedented upside.

But, I believe we have the wrong person in place to lead that turnaround. This campaign and these grievances were never intended to be made public.

My hope was that I could privately work with the board and some of the larger institutional shareholders to address the vacuum of leadership and absence of strategy at the company.
Aug 3, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
Tired of your revenue growing but your ownership shrinking?

There are more lending options today than ever before rebranding themselves as RBF (not THAT RBF!) but is there really a difference between Revenue Based Financing and good old fashioned Loans?

Here’s how RBF works: Based on data provided, and often scraped, a lender offers a fixed amount of funding. You pay a fixed percentage of ongoing revenues. No equity. No warrants.

Payments increase and decrease based on revenue. Payments continue until the initial amount, plus a multiple is repaid.
Jan 14, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
En route to Austin where we’ll kick off our v3 info session tour tonight at @CapitalFactory

Those who know me know that I actively avoid this type of public speaking or attention.

So why pick a format that makes me so uncomfortable? From our very first post announcing v1 of @indievc there’s been some misunderstanding of our goals and our model.

As with a lot of new things, many transpose their ideas of what we’re doing to fit their world view or agenda.
Jan 5, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
Sorry, something about this is stuck in my craw.

I don’t know @chamath, and TBH he comes off as a bit of a d-bag, but dunking on him for the changes he’s making at SC without looking at the substance of “why” is an unfortunately easy oversight. Sure, gossip and scandal drive clicks but did anyone read the annual letter? Once you get past the obnoxious chest pounding and the whole “heir to Berkshire” BS, there’s a substantive critique of the state of startups that deserves attention and reflection…
Nov 12, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
There’s a lot to like in the Qualtrics news. And with all those $ and % signs flying around it’s easy to lose one of the greatest strategic moves they made that cost them nothing, but sits at the heart of the narrative for the SAP acquisition. Of the deal, SAP’s CEO says “Bringing their 'X data,' experience, to the 'O data,' the operational data we have, bringing that together can claim the most important category of all. I think this is the biggest idea in my lifetime.”…