Ben Weitz Profile picture
Mathematician, Gamer, Human. Enjoys Frisbee, Starcraft, and Chocolate as well. Senior Game Designer #WotCstaff, opinions are my own. He/Him
Mar 18 6 tweets 3 min read
Tarkir is finally upon us, so it's time to make good on my promise of being insufferable. As the Red color pie councilor, I'm very excited to introduce some brand-new mechanical space for Red. Unrestricted Manadorks! #wotcstaff🧵 Image Red has been a mana color for a long time. It has generated mana through rituals and treasures. Its mana production has been temporary and bursty. Unfortunately, bursty mana can be developmentally problematic. It's hard to make fun, smooth games of Magic with rituals. Image
Dec 27, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
OK here are my Biggest Disasters (read: my personal least favorites) of each of our tentpole sets for this year. These represent ONLY MY PERSONAL opinions. If you love some cards on this list that's awesome, different things appeal to different people. #wotcstaff

This card is just for nobody. It isn't particularly cool, it has a lot of text, and it's a reference to a 20-year old card that few remember. It isn't resonant. Archfiend of the Dross is this card but done right. Image