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The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories מרכז המידע הישראלי לזכויות האדם בשטחים RT ≠ endorsement. ✉️ mail@btselem.org
Andrea Salzano Profile picture War is Spin Profile picture Benjamin Inbaraj .M Profile picture UNconfusedMan Profile picture Jean-Marc /Othman Profile picture 6 subscribed
Feb 14 6 tweets 2 min read
We recently completed and published the findings of several field investigations into incidents in which Palestinians were killed in Nov. 2023.
Thread. Soldiers walked three detainees through the streets of al-Birah, and in clashes that developed killed a boy and a young man and injured two
Jan 23 7 tweets 2 min read
"A shell fell on our building and forced us to leave: me, my husband and kids, my parents, my sisters Samar and Nada, and my brothers Shadi, Muhammad and Mahmoud with their families – 25 people altogether. > Image Eventually we headed south, until we reached the checkpoint the army set up in the Netzarim area. The soldiers ordered us to sit on the ground. I was told to take my clothes off, and I stayed in my underwear. >
Jan 8 5 tweets 2 min read
1/5 The 2.2 million people of Gaza are going hungry. This is not a byproduct of war but a direct result of Israel’s declared policy, which denies them food. Gazans now depend entirely on supplies from outside, as they can no longer produce almost any food themselves. Image 2/5 Most cultivated fields have been destroyed, and accessing open areas during the war is dangerous in any case. Factories and warehouses have been bombed or shut down due to lack of supplies, fuel and electricity; stockpiles in private homes and stores have long since run out
Dec 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Original security camera footage obtained by B'Tselem captures two short-range executions of Palestinians in al-Far'ah R.C. on 8 December 2023. At the end of a chase after a group of Palestinians, soldiers in a military jeep shoot Rami Jundob (25), that held what could be an explosive device. Jundob falls down, the jeep got closer, and a soldier fires another shot at him.
Dec 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
סרטון מקורי ממצלמות אבטחה שהגיע לבצלם מתעד שתי הוצאות להורג מטווח קרוב של פלסטינים במחנה הפליטים אל-פארעה בבקעת הירדן ב-8.12.23.
בתום מרדף אחרי קבוצת פלסטינים, חיילים יורים מרכב צבאי בראמי ג'ונדב, בן 25, שמחזיק במה שנראה כמו מטען. ג׳ונדב נופל, הרכב מתקרב אליו, וחייל יורה מתוכו עוד ירייה לעברו. ג'ונדב מרים את ידו, והחייל והנהג יורים בו מטווח קצר. לאחר מכן מצלם אחד מהחיילים היורים את ג'ונדב בטלפון שלו. ג'ונדב מת מפצעיו למחרת.
Dec 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Together with other Israeli human rights and civil society organizations we sent yesterday a letter to @POTUS asking him to use his influence to change Israel's policy and prevent deterioration of the already catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. Image In the letter (also printed as an advert in todays @nytimes) we wrote " You have the power to influence our government to change its policy and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, in accordance with Israel’s legal obligations and the needs of the population."
Oct 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
30 Human rights and civil society NGOs in Israel release statement urging the international community to act on unprecedented levels of state-backed settler violence in the West Bank > Today, 30 leading human rights and anti-occupation NGOs in Israel signed an open letter to the international community urging immediate action to protect West Bank Palestinians from settler violence and forcible transfer from their land >
Oct 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Under cover of Gaza war, settlers working to fulfil state goal of Judaizing Area C

Since the war in Gaza began, violence against Palestinians has shot up in the West Bank. > Image In just ten days, soldiers and settlers have killed 62 Palestinians and injured dozens. Israel has put up roadblocks throughout the West Bank, closed off main roads to Palestinians and significantly restricted their movement. >
Oct 19, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
One crime does not justify another. The attack against civilians in Gaza must end

Gaza has been under Israeli aerial bombardment for 12 days now, with hardly any breaks. So far, Israeli planes have dropped thousands of tons of explosives on Gaza’s residents. > Image This is not the first time Israel has bombed the Gaza Strip in this way. This illegal and immoral policy was employed in previous rounds of fighting, during which thousands were killed, including entire families, thousands more were injured and left homeless. >
Oct 16, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
تخطط إسرائيل لإدخال عشرات آلاف الجنود إلى قطاع غزة في أية لحظة. ليس معروفاً، حتى الآن، نطاق هذا الدخول لكنّ وزراء وضباطاً كباراً في الجيش يدعون، منذ أسبوع، للانتقام ويطلبون إلحاق ضرر واسع وغير معقول بمئات آلاف المواطنين. مُلزَمون بوقف هذا، الآن. > Image قبل أسبوع، نفذ مسلحو حماس أعمالاً مُرعبة في جنوب البلاد. أكثر من 1,300 قتيل، أكثر من 100 مخطوف، آلاف الجرحى وعشرات المفقودين. >
Oct 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
בכל רגע מתכננת ישראל להכניס לרצועת עזה עשרות אלפי חיילים. היקפה של כניסה כזו אינו ידוע עדיין אבל שרים וקצינים בכירים בצבא קוראים כבר שבוע לנקמה ומבקשים לגרום לפגיעה נרחבת ובלתי נתפסת במאות אלפי אזרחים. חייבים לעצור את זה עכשיו. > Image לפני שבוע ביצעו אנשי חמאס מעשי זוועה בדרום הארץ. למעלה מ-1,300 הרוגים, למעלה מ-100 חטופים, אלפי פצועים ועשרות נעדרים. זוועות חדשות על שהתרחש באותו היום מתגלות מדי יום; >
Oct 13, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
With @PHRIsrael:
A humanitarian disaster in Gaza must be averted
Ever since the horrifying war crimes perpetrated by Hamas on Saturday, Israel has been bombing Gaza relentlessly and indiscriminately. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, more than 500 minors have been killed, as well as more than 276 women and dozens of families; more than 6,600 have been injured; entire neighborhoods wiped out, essential infrastructure has been destroyed.
Oct 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

A joint statement by Israeli human rights and civil society organizations 👇 Image 2/4 Image
Oct 10, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
B'Tselem: Revenge policy in motion; Israel committing war crimes in Gaza

On Saturday, hundreds of Palestinian militants entered Israel from the Gaza Strip, killing hundreds of civilians, soldiers and police officers, burning down homes and kidnapping more than 100 people. > Image The full extent of these horrifying crimes is slowly coming to light.

The same evening, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel is at war with Gaza and will “forcefully avenge“. >
Oct 9, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
On Saturday, Hamas committed a shocking crime whose horrifying dimensions are slowly becoming clear. Hundreds of Palestinian militants entered Israeli territory and opened fire indiscriminately, killing hundreds of civilians and injuring thousands. > Image 2/7
They burned down homes with the occupants inside and kidnapped more than 100 people – including children, women and elderly people – to be used as bargaining chips. Many others are still missing, their fate unknown. >
Jul 26, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
The invasion of armed settlers into Palestinians’ homes yesterday was not exceptional. Nor was the military escort. Nor the police ignoring it. This is how it all works. Subject Palestinians to violence until the leave and take over more land. >

haaretz.com/israel-news/20… Here is documentation of similar incidents from the very same area:

4.5.23: Maghayir al-‘Abid: Israeli settlers attack shepherd with club and razor blade and kill two of his sheep. Shepherd arrested by soldiers on claims he attacked settlers >

Jul 4, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
For 2 days, the Israeli military has been operating inside the densely populated Jenin R.C. as if it were a battlefield and not a place where human beings live, work, study and dream.

photo: Wahab Bani Moufleh, 4.7.23 2/10
Until now, reports have come in of aerial strikes and a ground invasion by tanks, APCs, bulldozers and hundreds of soldiers. At least 10 people have been killed so far, and hundreds injured. Hospitals are overrun and having difficulty providing the injured who have been
Jun 19, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
تصدرت جنين عناوين الصحف مرة أخرى هذا الصباح باقتحام عسكري آخر في مخيم اللاجئين المكتظ، بما في ذلك ولغاية هذه اللحظة وفقا لوزارة الصحة الفلسطينية سقوط أربعة قتلى من بينهم صبي يبلغ من العمر 15 عامًا و 37 جريحاً من بينهم أربعة في حالة حرجة. > 2/10
أصبحت الاقتحامات العسكرية في جنين وغيرها من المدن ومخيمات اللاجئين في الضفة الغربية أمرا شائعًا وفي إسرائيل لا تُثار أي تساؤلات حول هذه الاقتحامات. حيث إن العديد من الضحايا في هذه التوغلات هم من المارة أو المدنيين المقيمين في منازلهم. >
Jun 19, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Jenin is in the headlines again following an incursion by the Israeli army into the crowded refugee camp. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, so far, 4 Palestinians have been killed, including a 15 year-old boy, and 37 have been injured. > 2/10
Military incursions into Jenin and other cities and refugee camps in the West Bank, have become a matter of routine, and, in Israel, the military's conduct goes unquestioned. But many of those injured in these incursions are necessarily passers-by or civilians at home. >
Jun 19, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
שוב ג׳נין בכותרות, עם פלישה נוספת של הצבא למחנה הפליטים הצפוף. על פי משרד הבריאות הפלסטיני, עד עכשיו יש כבר 4 הרוגים בהם נער בן 15, ו-37 פצועים, בהם 4 במצב אנוש. הפלישות הצבאיות לג׳נין, ולערים ולמחנות פליטים נוספים בגדה, הפכו כבר לשגרה אבל בישראל לא מעלים שאלות בנוגע אליהן. > 2/9
אלא שבפלישות האלה רבים מהנפגעים הם בהכרח עוברי אורח או אזרחים ששהו בבתיהם. הנה התחקיר שלנו על אחת הפלישות הקטלניות ביותר השנה >

btselem.org/hebrew/firearm… Image
Jan 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
2022 هي السنة التي قتلت فيها القوات الإسرائيلية العدد الأكبر من القاصرين في الضفة الغربية (بما في ذلك شرقي القدس)، منذ العام 2004: 34 طفلاً وفتىً (في سن 12 حتى 17 عاماً). > كان بين هؤلاء

نادر ريان (16 عاماً) الذي أطلق عناصر حرس الحدود النار عليه في ظهره ثم واصلوا إطلاق النار عليه حتى بعد سقوطه أرضاً؛
