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Apr 8, 2024 20 tweets 9 min read
Die Bundeswehr hat letzten Monat Rheinmetall mit der Lieferung von 123 Schweren Waffenträgers Infanterie (sWaTrg Inf) beauftragt, einer Variante des Boxer mit 30-mm-Turm als Wiesel-Ersatz für die sogenannten Mittleren Kräfte.

Der Schwere Waffenträger Infanterie basiert dabei auf dem für 🇦🇺 entwicklten Boxer CRV Block 2 und wird Down Under gefertigt, um eine schnelle Lieferung zu ermöglichen. Die ersten 19 Fahrzeuge sollen bereits 2025 ausgeliefert werden, 10 davon per Lufttransport.
Jun 4, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
In reaction to Russia revealing the T-14 Armata and fielding Relikt ERA, Rheinmetall has increased work on new penetrators.

Early patents suggest focus on optimizing penetrator design: by reducing tip diameter or making the penetrator (partially hollow), length can be increased. ImageImageImageImage In a further step, Rheinmetall has patented steps towards a "smart penetrator": using a hollow channel in the center of the penetrator to allow installing a cable, which then can be used to transmit a signal to the tip of the APFSDS sub-projectile. ImageImage
Jun 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In 1971, Krauss-Maffei offered the Leopard 1 "in a simplified variant" to Switzerland as part of a tender for the procurement of tank destroyers.

In order to simplify the vehicle, the electro-hydraulic turret drives and the TRP 2A commander's sight were removed. Image Following this offer, the German MoD allowed the Switzerland to test two Leopard 1 tanks between July 1971 and March 1972. In the trials, the Leopard 1 competed against the Chiefain and Panzer 68.

Based on informations forwarded to Krauss-Maffei, the Leopard 1 won these trials. Image
Feb 8, 2023 26 tweets 13 min read
One big difference between modern tanks and Soviet ones is the addition of blowout panels and blast doors in order to improve the post penetration survivability.

The idea is simple: if the ammunition detonates, the blast is vented upwards rather than into the crew compartment. Obviously this only works if the blast doors are closed and intact; if the blast doors are open or were pierced by a projectile/fragments, then the blast of an ammo detonation (or the fire and heat from a slower deflagration) will kill the crew.
Dec 12, 2022 15 tweets 8 min read
KMW called the @RheinmetallAG's #KF51 Panther a "3D power point project" & "a funny car" designed around a new gun. While it has not seen prodution yet, is at least the concept behind it sound?

At the recent Rheinmetall Defence Talks 2022, further details on KF51 were shared. Unfortunately the presentations have not been made public, which means we have to rely on media coverage of the event to gain new informations. I've been trying to find articles on it, but at the moment I've only found an article on @DefenceReviewGr.…
Apr 9, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
In Anbetracht der angekündigten Ost-Offensive der russischen Streitkräfte und der Diskussion um deutsche Waffenlieferungen, sollte man vielleicht einen Blick auf die Millionenstadt Charkiw und andere bedrohte Städte werfen.

Charkiw ist das (wehr)industrielle Zentrum der Ukraine. Dort befindet sich u.a. das Malyschew-Panzerwerk. In der Sowjetunion wurden in diesem charkiwer Werk zehntausende KPz T-64 gebaut.

Nach 2014 wurden zudem viele der im Donbass-Konflikt beschädigten Panzer in Charkiw repariert und nachgerüstet.