Buck Tulson Profile picture
Truth, freedom, philosophy, understanding, personal growth, living well, writing, culture​, healthy relationships -- these are a few of my favorite things.
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Jan 8, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
As you go though life, you will meet two types of people:

1) Those who seek to exploit you in unsustainable relationships

2) Those who negotiate with you, seeking mutually beneficial, sustainable relationships

The first are abusers, and enemies.
The second are allies. To know who your abusers/enemies are, and who your allies are; DO NOT avoid conflict, for it is in conflict where you see who is who.

Strong men always define, and always protect their boundaries, when others cross them.

Fail at this, and people WILL exploit you.
Dec 3, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
A pretty Beta is still a Beta.

A man's sexual-market value (SMV) is more nuanced than just being genetically pretty.

A man's SMV is defined by the level of RESPECT he earns from other men.

Male respect is the ultimate measure of a man's SMV. It's the coin of the realm. Look at what men respect in other men:

- Physical symmetry -- attractiveness
- Physical health & strength
- Mental health & strength
- High performance
- Confidence
- Courage
- Integrity

ALL of these are elements of a man's SMV.

Because men value them, women value them.
Jun 1, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
This sort of feminine, motherly hand-holding of blacks, looks virtuous, but is NOT.

It only enables the black community's addiction to a broken, dysfunctional, victim mindset.

It enables the crippling belief that black people LACK the power to succeed, b/c whites hold them down The popular, mainstream, liberal narrative is that the typical CONSERVATIVE is a racist white-supremacist.


It's really the well-meaning white LIBERAL who is the racist white-supremacist.

What?!!! Here's why:
Apr 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
EVERYTHING is downstream from the relationship between men & women.

The human species is nothing more than it's men, women, and how they relate.

The balance between the masculine & feminine has been destroyed. The costs can be seen everywhere, if you look, and understand. Western cultures have become feminine-primary. The masculine has defered & submitted to the feminine.

We have become nations of women.

Function has lost to form.
Performance has lost to what feels pretty.
Self-reliance has lost to dependence.
Feb 16, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
So, the USA is warming up to socialism. Bernie Sanders has momentum.

Want to defeat socialism? Take away their women.

Show their women how weak these socialist men are.

Women will follow their instincts, and abandon these "men".

These weak socialist men will follow the women. Socialists aren't strong men.

They're too weak to live in a free market.
They're too weak to live free.
They're too weak to live in the wild.

They're begging to be put in a zoo, and fed.
Jan 18, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I've seen men fall victim to abuse by women over and over again.

They don't even see it. Our culture thinks men abuse, and women are abused.


That trope was created by solipsistic women, for solipsistic women.

Men and women aren't equals. They abuse differently. Abuse is always about control, and breaking down the victim's boundaries.

A man is being abused by his woman if he finds himself:
- compromising his standards/values
- doing things he doesn't value/want to do
- saying things he normally doesn't say
- resenting her

Cut her off.
Dec 6, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
ALL our cultural problems come from a lack of RESPECT for men.

Feminism is NOTHING but systemic disrespect of men.

Women CANNOT fix our cultural crises, b/c women can't talk themselves into respecting men, and male authority.

Respect & authority can't be given. They're earned. Only men can earn his respect from women, and his authority.

Only men have a high probability of choosing principles, and objective Truth, over self-interest.

Only men w/ authority can defend virtuous principles, and objective Truth.

ONLY men can solve our cultural crises.
Nov 22, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Women don't divorce men b/c they love divorcing men.

Women divorce men b/c she made a mistake, and her man was needy, weak, and allowed her to make it.

Her man allowed his need for sexual access to cloud his judgment, and her solipsism to mislead him. He was weak as a leader. Women choose when SEX happens.

If she has sex w/ a man she doesn't desire, or that doesn't want to commit to her; it's HER fault.

Men choose when MARRIAGE happens.

If he marries a woman that doesn't truly desire him and isn't 100% invested in his greatness; it's HIS fault.
Nov 4, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
Women WANT to be "objectified"
-- especially in the bedroom.

No question.

The question isn't "if", but "by whom".

When a woman has raw desire for you, she not only welcomes her objectification, but is aroused by it. -Rape fantasies
-Being grabbed by the neck
-Being tied up and exhausted w/ orgasms
-Being urgently exposed, bent over, and pounded

This is the stuff women fantasize about;
BUT ONLY if it's done at the hands of a man she genuinely desires.
Oct 19, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Breakups are harder on men.

Why? Female Solipsism.

When she wants you, she'll build you up and make you feel like the greatest of men.

When she doesn't, she'll take it all back and make you feel like garbage.

Take women's claims about reality with a grain of salt. The only "truth" claims a woman makes, are those that are consistent with the narratives that serve her best interests.

If it benefits her, it's "true".

Only the MOTIVATION behind a woman's actions can be trusted to speak the truth, NOT her words.
Oct 7, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Sexually frustrated men: "Women got it easy. They can go out and get laid easily -- even the ugly ones."

Men ≠ Women

Women trade their value for COMMITMENT, not sex.

A woman getting laid, hasn't won anything. She's gambling, hoping to win commitment. Sexually frustrated men:
"I can't get laid."

Sexually frustrated women:
"I can't get a good man to commit to me."

Sexual frustration looks different in women, but they suffer disappointments too. Sometimes, they give up their sexuality, and fail to win commitment.
Jul 12, 2019 17 tweets 4 min read
Women evolved to depend on men for survival, much like children depend on parents for their survival.

It's in her psychology.

Women act entitled to the support, care, and protection of men, b/c they evolved while always depending on it. For proof of women's evolved dependence on men, all you need to do is look at who women blame when they perceive something is less than her imagined ideal.

Women always blame men b/c they have always depended upon men, and look to men to lead, build, and improve her life.
Jun 11, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Like most women, feminists are controlled by her emotions -- particularly her fears.

Feminists are overly fixated on what they fear about men, rather than focused on what they really want in a man, and what they can do to get it. Feminists fixate on the most feminized, weak examples of men, seeing them as the norm rather than the exception.

Women naturally have an innate fear of becoming dependent upon such a weak man. For most of human evolution, latching onto such a man was a death sentence to a woman.
May 8, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
For women who see some truth in Red-Pill philosophy, and want to work to make their inter-gender relationships more nourishing, there are some things they could try:

1) Spend time understanding the evolved psychological (physical are obvious) differences between men & women. 2) Accept that each gender has psychological tendencies that make them better than the other in some roles. If you are a spoon, be the best spoon you can be, and share it with others. Don't struggle trying to prove to yourself and others that you are a knife. Everyone loses.
Feb 22, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Men approach women. She doesn't need to feel confident to find a new lover. A man does.

Women monkey-branch, so, men MUST "spin plates".

This protects his confidence, and is the best strategy to counter a woman's tendency to monkey-branch.

Remember, all is fair in love & war. You've been conditioned, by feminine-primary culture, to think plate-spinning is wrong.

It isn't wrong to do unless you promised not to.

Women objecting to plate-spinning is like fishermen objecting to hunting.

If women can fish for better lovers, men can hunt for them.
Feb 8, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
Men are falling behind modern women in politically organizing around their own self-centered, immediate best interests.

This is b/c men haven't evolved a psychological mechanism that automatically prioritizes his own gender over "the other" like women have (Female In-group Bias) Western civilization has given women authority they never had in nature.

Women never evolved a psychology that exercised authority with virtue -- a psychology like men's, that's more objective and that uses authority to benefit their species rather than JUST their own gender.
Nov 27, 2018 16 tweets 4 min read
The Truth is, despite the popular babble, complaining, and hating on men by women who are frustrated w/ men; women still expect, want, and need men to be the leaders that evolution made us to be.

To lead, is a man's natural birthright. Men were born to be kings.
p.1 HOWEVER, a man's authority to lead is a natural inheritance that he MUST first qualify for.

Authority to lead IS NOT released to you until you qualify for it.

NEVER forget that.

You don't get it until you earn it. Try to take it before you've earned it, and you will fail.
Nov 5, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
It was men's failure to adapt to a radically altered (by technology) social environment, that has lead to our current gender war.

This is my theory: [a thread]
(2) Men's ingenuity, & problem-solving, generated technology that managed or eliminated almost every one of women's fears & challenges.

Men succeeded at solving most problems women needed men for.

In other words, men were successful at serving women, and women's interests