Linda Hill Profile picture
Retiree advocating for common sense gun regulations. All posts and opinions are my own.
Sep 13 8 tweets 1 min read
Many migrants didn’t get time to pack their belongings before being loaded into buses, airplanes, trains and cargo ships.… Some died of dehydration after being dropped off at remote locations, according to historians.
Jan 29 10 tweets 2 min read
Beginning with a quote from Johnson, it assembles phrases that have worked well to bury the vast majority of mass shootings in the United States in pious nonsense, logical contradiction and legislative inaction. Please copy and paste as needed.… In the immediate aftermath of the mass shooting, you say:

“Prayer is appropriate in a time like this, that the evil can end and this senseless violence can stop.”
May 30, 2018 22 tweets 3 min read
“One thing I still haven’t figured out well, and I don’t think anyone really has, is how to capture Trump’s level of rally unhingedness in a regular article. The only good way is to list like 30 things he said.” Trump wrongly claims nobody would have believed him if he’d promised there’d be 3.3 million jobs added between now and Election Day. Over the previous 18-month period, under Obama, there were 3.9 million jobs added.