bunjil Profile picture
I draw and run the best Solana Validator @thelotuscorp
Mar 17, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ My previous role irl required a lot of emails to executives with a lot of information. What did I learn? Punchline goes first. If communicating for business purposes you want to get to the point quickly. Here is how to structure your message for maximum effectiveness. 🧵 2/ In communicating anything you need to go Big > Medium > Small.

CONTEXT > SO WHAT? (Why should they give a shit?) > SUPPORT (only for people who really care).

Most won't read past the first 2 sections which should be the smallest sections. More detail on each section below.
Jan 8, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
1/ Many people know I donated $52,000 USD from the @LotusGangNFT mint to @unitedsikhs to help support the farmers protest, but not many people know why. I want to explain why it was important to me and provide some more context behind the largest protest in history. 2/ There is a global movement to control agriculture. They have invented GMO seeds that bear crops without new seeds, so you have to buy more seeds like a subscription model. There is a push to snatch arable land that has sustained families for generations.
Dec 28, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ I think I have offered close to zero Alpha in the past 2 months.

I will be spending more time doing research, talking to gigabrains and actually learning/throwing money at new things/apps again.

That is when I had the most fun.

Let’s make this account worth following again. 2/ My basic read is this: In NFT space, don’t overthink it. 99% of new projects want the money and will fade into obscurity.

Go back to straight degen flipping TRENDS for max profit. Not roadmaps/utility etc. This will always work.

Hold projects with active devs. Image