Christina Buttons Profile picture
Investigative Reporter @ManhattanInst | opinions my own | don’t label me, I’m growing 🌱
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Oct 8, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
A new investigation by @realchrisrufo and me examines Charleroi, a small town that has seen an influx of migrants under Biden, whose admin has funneled billions of taxpayer dollars into immigration NGOs, while local businesses capitalize on the availability of cheap labor. 🧵 Image Charleroi had just over 4,000 residents in 2020. Then, over a few years, ~2,000 predominantly Haitian migrants moved in, establishing businesses downtown. Strained schools are hiring translators. Car crashes, some into buildings, are also causing concern.
Aug 28, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
🚨: Tim Walz is celebrated by the left as a "champion of children" for policies claimed to benefit Minnesota youth.

But in May, he signed into law the most radical child welfare reform bill in the U.S., marking the most dangerous application of DEI principles to date. 🧵Image Walz's law, the African American Family Preservation and Child Welfare Disproportionality Act, is a method to enforce racial equity by lowering the standards for removing children from homes where they may have been neglected or abused—based on factors like race.Image
Aug 5, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
The distress young people feel is real, but it is being misattributed to a trans-identity. Trans-identified youth often have severe emotional and behavioral issues, similar to the “troubled teen” experience, a term that was used to describe me as a teen.🧵 Studies showing that trans-identified teens frequently present to psychiatric hospitals and the ER with severe emotional and behavioral issues are common. They often have eating disorders, psychiatric disorders, autistic traits, suicidal thoughts, and self-harm.

Jul 28, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
This exchange between @JoyAnnReid and @realchrisrufo in 2021 was a turning point for me. Watching it live, I remember the anger I felt seeing her gaslighting and refusing to let Rufo finish a sentence. Until then, I had viewed the mainstream media in a positive light. 🧵 I was mostly apolitical until 2020, voting Democrat in every election since 18. I hadn’t looked into many issues deeply because I trusted what mainstream media told me. Before this exchange, I naively believed they were committed to objectivity and truth.
Jul 26, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
The concept of innate gender identity is used to justify medically transitioning children. Here’s why it’s pseudoscience 🧵

I review the biology chapter of @jack_turban's new book, which claims "transness has an innate biological basis."Image Biological factors are associated with being transgender, but being transgender itself is not an inherent condition one is born with.

The studies seeking to discover a biological basis for trans are discovering evidence of gender nonconformity and interpreting it as trans.
Jul 24, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
Stop calling “gender-affirming care” for minors “medically necessary” and “evidence-based”

Those words have meaning!

I explain in this thread🧵 Writing is my preferred form of communication because it allows me to be precise with my language so that I am not misunderstood.

Which is why it infuriates me when trusted authorities misrepresent youth medical transition as “medically necessary” and “evidence-based.”
Jun 11, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨 GROUND-BREAKING NEW STUDY: A long-term study from Germany on insurance data reveals that the majority of youth outgrow their transgender identity, with 72.7% of 15-19-year-old females with a gender identity diagnosis desisting after five years.

Thread and Link Below⬇️Image A long-term German study found that more than half of young people aged 5-24 across every age subgroup diagnosed with "gender identity disorder" no longer had the diagnosis after five years. Over 63% of those diagnosed in 2017 desisted by 2022.…
May 31, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The world's leading science journal, Nature, sinks to a new low: an article in their new "sex and gender in science" opinion series encourages researchers to incorporate transgender activism into their work to influence how research is conducted.

Link Below⬇️Image The authors of the new Nature article imply that certain scientific research has the potential to bring "harm" to the trans community. They propose various steps for researchers to incorporate transgender activism into their studies.…
May 27, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Proponents of “gender-affirming care” for minors often claim that detransition is rare by relying on inapplicable studies. The often-cited 1% statistic comes from a study that examined an entirely different cohort than the one people are most concerned about. 🧵 The 1% statistic comes from a study that examined older adults under a different model of care, rather than teens and young adults under the gender-affirming model of care.

It also had considerable methodological flaws and a 28-40% loss to follow-up.…
May 18, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
NEW STUDY: When activist-researchers find that primarily white teenage girls with a gender dysphoria diagnosis are seeking medical interventions, they conclude that males, asian, black, and hispanic trans-identified youth need more “equitable” access to medical interventions. 🧵 Image The study examined youth (ages 14-17) using PEDSnet data (11 U.S. children's hospitals) and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. They found 3,453 (0.9%) patients with a GD diagnosis and 2+ recent hospital visits, and 5,262 (1.9%) trans-identified youth in…
Apr 24, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
In a recent episode of @DrPhil exploring the debate over youth transition, @LeorSapir explained one of the reasons why people believe the rate of transition regret is so low: detransitioners often don’t tell their doctors. “The system had completely forgotten about them.” 🧵 In 2021, physician and researcher @LisaLittman1 conducted a survey of individuals who had detransitioned, finding that 76% did not inform their clinicians about their detransition.…
Apr 11, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
🚨 New systematic review exposes deceptive practices among medical organizations that endorse youth transition. Rather than relying on robust evidence, medical authorities fabricated consensus by deferring to each others' guidelines.

Thread and Link Below⬇️ Image The new review reveals that medical organizations have misled the public by basing their recommendations on insufficient evidence, inaccurately labeling their approach as "evidence-based," and engaging in a corrupt practice known as "circular referencing."…
Apr 4, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
🚨 Groundbreaking new study from @MayoClinic, utilizing largest collection of testicular samples in youth, found mild to severe atrophy in the testes of boys who took puberty blockers, leading authors to doubt "reversibility" claims of these drugs.

Thread and Link Below⬇️Image The new preprint study (not yet peer-reviewed), by researchers from the Mayo Clinic—a globally recognized leader in medical research—challenges the longstanding view of puberty blockers as a reversible "pause button" on puberty.…
Apr 1, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
🚨New long-term study from The Netherlands finds the desire to be the opposite sex in adolescence is common, temporary, and declines with age

Thread and Link Below⬇️Image A new Dutch study using long-term data found the majority of adolescents expressing a desire to be the opposite sex no longer felt that way in adulthood, adding to a body of research showing that these feelings are often temporary and decline with age.…
Feb 20, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵: The @ArizonaMirror claims a bill aimed at providing healthcare and insurance coverage for detransitioners is unnecessary—it is a tactic by Republicans to hassle people who currently identify as trans.

I explain below why these activists posing as journalists are wrong⬇️ Image The articles’ premise is that detransitioners face no difficulties in accessing healthcare.

This is false. There are no billing codes for detransitioning, nor is there anything resembling a standard of care, and some insurance companies exclude gender-reversal procedures.
Feb 9, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) released its Gender-Affirming Psychiatric Care (GAPC) textbook and it’s crazier than I thought. In a recent op-ed, @Miriam_Grossman and @LHSchwartzMD call it a “political manifesto posing as a scientific guide for mental health care.”🧵 The authors of the GAPC claim the sex binary is “mythical,” created by “European colonial influences," and that scientific neutrality is a “fallacy.” Image
Nov 23, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
An explainer on how modern “Social Justice” is a Trojan horse for Marxism, where this pernicious ideology has taken root: in university Humanities departments in the form of Postmodernism and Critical Theory, and why this type of scholarship is frivolous and unrigorous.

Also, how Hamas’s allies use one of its offshoots, “Palestine Studies,” and online activism to convince hundreds of thousands of people to believe in a pseudohistorical narrative that aids the terrorist group Hamas.
Nov 18, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
TikTok is a big problem, but do not underestimate the influence of Instagram’s “Social Justice” slideshows. Far left activists reach millions of people with this form of propaganda infused with Critical Theory and pseudohistory, disguised as the next Civil Rights movement. 🧵 Image "Social Justice" art & highly conjectural slideshows reduce complex issues into bullet points that give people a false sense of being informed, where they learn to reduce people into oppressor or oppressed categories. It is what launched international BLM protests/riots in 2020. Image
Nov 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Conservatives please for the love of the god you believe in, please drop the abortion thing so you can win elections and take back the country from the communists trying to destroy Western civilization. By drop the abortion thing I mean adopt a stance in line with a majority of voters, which would be drawing the line at 22-24 weeks (viability).
Nov 7, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
BREAKING: This is the last photo of Paul Kessler taken just 5 minutes before he was attacked by an anti-Israel protester yesterday afternoon. I received photos and videos from a source at the scene. Image This individual is the alleged attacker, according to a source at the scene. In the photo on the right, a police officer takes information and the suspect points to the megaphone that was used to bludgeon Paul Kessler.
Sep 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: Gender Spectrum, one of the most influential trans orgs that provided "thousands of schools and school districts" with training and materials on how to secretly transition students announced today that it is "ceasing all direct service programming."
Gender Spectrum’s website has been stripped of many of its programs and services like “Gender Inclusive Schools,” which included a model bathroom policy and the infamous “Gender Support Plan” — used to hide the social transitions of students from parents. Image