Boris Wertz Profile picture
Entrepreneur @abebooks (sold to AMZ) turned investor @versiononevc. Backing mission-driven founders at the earliest stages. Curious + optimistic.
Jul 27, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
One of the most frequently asked questions from marketplaces founders is what side of the marketplace to focus on.

The answer is BOTH but at different times.

[thread] 👇 First step for any marketplace is to bootstrap the initial supply.

Depending on your vertical & competitive landscape there are a number of proven strategies from direct sales to piggy-backing off an existing platform. Good overview by @lennysan here:…
Nov 30, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ It is budgeting time for most of our portfolio companies right now - here are a few best practices I have observed over the years as a board member and investor. 2/ Budgeting for pre seed / seed stage companies is mostly about managing your burn relative to the milestones that you need to achieve for your next round. But from Series A on the yearly budgeting process becomes a central element for managing your company's performance.