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Adventure and Tradition. Writing a comedic novel.
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Apr 7 • 24 tweets • 5 min read

I'm reading the diaries of the US diplomat George Kennan, and this 1942 entry sounds like much of the discourse the online right has had over the past few years.
A black-pilled Kennan, discusses Caesarism, homesteading, and the looming threat of cancellation:Image Context: It is 20 April, 1942. Kennan and the American diplomatic corp in Germany are being detained in a hotel after Germany and the US declared war on each other. He is unhappy with work, and doesn't look the State Department types trapped with him.
Nov 16, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Home Alone is a Christian movie about Kevin finding faith.

He starts the movie in a non-praying house, making an evil wish to Santa (an idol) for his family to disappear.

While at first he enjoys his time without his family, he has a yearning in his heart to be reunited with their love.

He consults a Santa impersonator asking for help, but comes to realize that this is a false god who can’t help him.

Disheartened he enters a peaceful and beautiful church where he encounters old man Marley, a patriarch who has inspired fear in him in the past. Marley approaches Kevin w/pierced hands, asks Kevin if he has been good, and tells him a version of the prodigal son story.

Kevin returns from the church, changed. He makes dinner and prays to God at home before his final confrontation between good and evil. The home is defending us now a Christian household.

Kevin’s victory is not just over the robbers but his sinful nature, and by conquering that he is reunited with his family and gets to experience the true meaning of Christmas.

It’s worth checking out this version of the screenplay where Marley spends 4 pages talking church, how he looks forward to reuniting with his wife in heaven, and telling Kevin to pray.

Sep 25, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Just look how awful the replacement is:

Confederate window: God is above man. There is a war going on, but through the Bible the soldier learns peace. Calming.

Protest window: No God above. Anti-human, no faces. Tense. Gov, not God, gives salvation. NO. Movement, no peace.

At the national cathedral you want to see how God has touched our nations history.

I don’t think the artist who designed the new window wanted to do that.
Aug 17, 2023 • 51 tweets • 18 min read
With COVID’s man-made origins being revealed, it’s worth re-examining the dark origins of Lyme disease, another bioweapon leak that continues to infect millions of Americans. THREAD on Lyme’s origins, Cold War bioweapons, and why this will happen again:
Lyme disease being a government bioweapon is *not* a conspiracy theory.

It’s one of the *leading mainstream theories* about the origins of the disease.

So much so that in 2019 a bipartisan majority in congress ordered the Pentagon to report on their weaponization of ticks.
Jan 17, 2022 • 16 tweets • 7 min read
You need to be watching Shakespeare.

Not only are his stories awesome, but they’re an enduring piece of western high culture so POWERFUL that they keep surviving in a society that wants to remove our traditions. Here’s how to dip your toes into learning Shakespeare. THREAD.
Most of us have been misled when it comes to Shakespeare. In order to *get* his works, you need to see his plays performed. This is the opposite of how most of us were taught… we read his plays on paper instead of seeing them lived out. (Also most weren't taught his war stories) Image
Jan 9, 2022 • 15 tweets • 8 min read
Cheap combat drones have completely transformed the modern battlefield. But there is a countermeasure… MOTORCYCLE INFANTRY! THREAD on how some armies may soon look like Mad Max.
Drones no longer are exclusively weapons of the first world. As @arisroussinos has pointed out, today much like the Spanish Civil War did in the 30s, far away clashes in places like Azerbaijan and Ethiopia, offer observers a sobering vision of how next gen warfare will be fought. Image
Feb 18, 2021 • 30 tweets • 19 min read
Black history in America didn’t start in 1619, it started in 1502 with black catholics coming to the new world as conquistadors! A thread on the conquerors and adventurers you don’t know about, why society hides this chapter of history, and how identity is messy. THREAD:

Black conquistadors were a minority, but the Spanish sought to include them in their conquests. The Spanish, who fought against black slaves in muslim armies, believed that Africans were natural warriors. Both Spain and Islamic armies used blacks in the Reconquista wars.
