Richard Profile picture
Barrister, husband, father & winner of a Broadcasting House spurtle.
Jan 11, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
I work in the CJS & am pretty used to the day to day horror stories which pervade the system.

This weeks trial, however, sets a new low bar for standards.

It started with a kidnap, became a stabbing / attempt murder, & I don’t know how it will end.

A thread re prison
1/16 Monday.

Listed for trial. Allegation is one of kidnap (2 defendants). Jury sworn and sent away so that legal issues could be dealt with

Dec 17, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
A Christmas well-being thread.
Today I got shouted at by both Judge & prosecutor.

In fairness, what they were asking was reasonable from their perspectives. The problem was, to answer, or at least in the way they’d have liked, could have been to the detriment of my client.

1/10 So acting in clients best interests, I was unable to help court/pros & received said shouting.

Of itself, this is no big deal. Although not a common occurrence, being shouted at when trying to protect clients interests, is also not uncommon. we have thick skin after all.

Jul 17, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
First time I have had to calculate whether I can actually accept instructions.

Trial next week, a gang stealing ATMs by ripping out of walls and placing on to flat-bed trucks.

Serious work you might think? Worthy of senior counsel, albeit not silk.

Charged as conspiracy to burgle. Scheme 10 AGFS

Around 8500 pages of evidence

Brief fee £550 (to include first day of trial)
Refresher £300/day
Daily travel to court out of town, which won’t be paid, back £65.

Apr 15, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
I have just concluded a nasty kidnap trial. In essence, it was all gang oriented with the victim kidnapped, beaten and humiliated , having stolen drugs from a violent London gang.

My client was convicted along with his two co-defendants.

A brief thread 1/9 Throughout the trial my client demonstrated a bravado and nonchalance, almost a ‘don’t give a shit’ attitude. He displayed little awareness of the seriousness of the matter. He treated his legal team with little respect.

My client is only 18 years old.

Mar 21, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read
Today I spent much of the day in the Wild West of the CJS, Willesden Magistrates Court.

A brief thread about some of what I witnessed

(Spoiler: this isn’t pretty)

1/12 Sols had written chasing missing MG6C (unused schedule) and missing CCTV. requests had gone unanswered by CPS

MG6C at the door of court. It contained 3 items. One of those items was marked as the custody record and endorsed CND, notwithstanding it’s a PACE entitlement
