Beecroft Charles Profile picture
Environmentalist. farmer. Love to share new ideas and meeting people with equal or superior knowledge. Gender equality. Passionate about Nigeria.
Oct 24, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
The SAP riot of 1989 still remains fresh and a watershed of some sort. The level of poverty SAP threw Nigerians to was unimaginable. IBB & Falaye became the face of insensitive hardship caused by government. In all, YOUTHS did not go on a stealing spree. Soldiers arrested, police brutalized the people. Student union leaders were rounded up. NLC was for better part compromised. Foreign fees could no longer be settled due to devaluation. Inflation was crazy from the inception of SAP in
July 1986 (from 5,4% in 1986 to 40,9% in 1989). Things were hard.
Sep 16, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
When people come on this street to heap our economic misfortune on the last 5years of @mbuhari I shudder at the deliberate and malicious intent of people to rewrite history. Many states, in the 80s were producing not only for export but also for domestic consumption. Nigeria has had to grapple with institutional & systemic corruption pervading every facet of our business and social life. One after the other these businesses that contributed to our GDP in the 80s started leaving in droves. Shagari's team started our death dance. Car plants all closed.
Aug 30, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
I had just finished my MSc from LASU in the year 2000. I actually went for my MSc to better position me for job hunting. At the end, I wrote and sent out many applications in search for a job. My hope still on the possibility of getting a contract renewal from Mobil Producing. That never did happen. One faithful day, a despatch messenger service came knocking at my gate to drop off a letter offering me employment. I was happy but had no recollection of ever applying to the company as I had sent in my application to several places. I reported as
Jun 7, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The truth is simple, @atiku cannot give what he does not have. What he has, we do not need nor even want.

Unless proven otherwise, Atiku remains a flamboyant documented fraud. To have people queue behind his supposed roadmap is a testament that vultures are relentless in their hunger to pick the state treasury dry. While has VP, @atiku till date has not told Nigerians what he did that was exceptionally brilliant and Nigeria gained points from his wisdom. But instead we had him using the BPE to share state asset and under selling many other assets. The
Apr 15, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
When you are methodical, speed is relative in comparison to results. When @MBuhari said he does not mind being called Baba "Go slow", he had actually developed methodical schematics and he has not allowed herd mentality to derail his focus. Now @NCDCgov has 13 labs from 6. Daily @TrackaNG is now informing 🇳🇬ns that truly @NigeriaGov is making use of the Social Register to pay some Nigerians with pictures. Also informing on lapses observed. Same program many said is non-existent. @DefenceInfoNG has started to get needed armament to face Boko Haram. In