carina adly mackenzie Profile picture
writer/producer/disaster. we were liars, roswell new mexico, the originals. she/her
2 subscribers
Jan 8, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
Saw a bunch of “it IS fair for a network to just decide not to air a completed TV season, because everyone who worked on it still got paid” tweets so I wanted to talk about some of the nuances of that. First of all yes, of course it’s legal. It’s happened for decades — but it was very rare, and now it’s frequent. (It used to usually mean that a network burned off completed episodes on like, Saturday nights, but still aired them)
Dec 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I think “I told a lie when I was 34” is the line that makes me the angriest. She told 100 lies a day. She didn’t just live a lie, she roped everyone else into living it too.

She could have “recovered” at any point if she had any kind of remorse. Instead there was this: “The antidote to shame is being seen”

Still writing Grey’s Anatomy voiceovers instead of taking actual accountability.
Dec 7, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
And btw, while writing magazine articles (gotta get that $$!) about how tough she was to continue working "full time" during these treatments, she was taking Monday, Weds, and Friday off of the writers' room for "chemo." Interrupting everyone's work days to "throw up" regularly. I was so worried. I don't know what she did to make her skin turn yellow and green, but every time I saw her I was scared it would be the last time. Our whole room spent hours just talking about how terrified we were. It was hard for US to do our jobs. My boss openly cried.
Dec 7, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
Re the new Finch article, where she wonders why people blocked her on instagram (it's me, hi, i'm the problem it's me): No "email went out" instructing me to do so. I did it bc she was DMing me about normal shit like I hadn't just learned she lied to me for a decade about DYING. She says she started the lie because after she healed from her knee surgery, the friends who had been taking care of her through her recovery went quiet, and she didn't like that. So she never let it get quiet ever again.
Instead, we got to shoulder worry, guilt, trauma. ImageImageImageImage
Oct 18, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Still reading so many tweets/comments from people angry about the ten TikTok personalities that NBCU just announced a mentorship program for and I'm so annoyed about it. One does comedy skits, one's a cinematographer who makes high production value shorts, one is an actress/host who analyzes pop culture, one is an academic who helps kids in need get scholarships, one is a host who does behind-the-scenes content for Hulu.
Sep 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Have started giving screenwriting tips on TikTok so I get a lot of DMs lately from people asking for advice. Harmless, & I like to engage when I have time.

But there’s always one guy who ruins it for everybody. ImageImageImage I’m going to mute this tweet ❤️.

Unfortunately the Men have arrived to tell me I was disrespectful (he was just trying to flirt! maybe he’s autistic!) and I am tired.

An abrupt 180 from professional advice to “you seem open to my hands on you” is never ok.
May 2, 2021 18 tweets 3 min read
When you’re starting out as a staff writer, everyone says your job is to “just write in your showrunner’s voice!” Like that’s so simple. Great mimicry is actually HARD. I thought I would put together some tips (almost a checklist) that might be helpful in this part of the craft. STAGE DIRECTION. Make note of detail. So... does the showrunner write like:

Maya’s lip trembles. She grits her teeth, TRYING — but she can’t stop the anguished wail that escapes her. Tears begin to pour out.


Maya tries to hide her heartbreak — but fails. She shatters.
Jan 17, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
By the way -- I'm still thinking/annoyed about that fan fiction conversation from yesterday, so I just want to say, as a professional writer, I'm grateful for the people who make art based on my work. I've never read it, because I can't, but knowing it exists makes me happy. The BIGGEST frustration of my job is just limitations of time (both the 42 minutes I get to air and the time we have to shoot) and budget. Fan fiction writers don't have those limits, so it thrills me to know that the blanks will get filled in by your imaginations.
Jan 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Bad take. Anything that inspires you to read more & write more is good.

(With the exceptions of material that is intended to incite real life violence, etc etc etc.)
Jan 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Thread with some questions about TV/film and accessibility. So, my grandfather (the best person on the planet) is blind in one eye, and is totally reliant on hearing aids. He’s in his 90s in a pandemic, there’s not much he can do to pass time. It’s like he’s just waiting to die. He was telling me the other day that he can’t watch most movies/TV anymore because the background music is too loud and interferes with the dialogue, and he’s too blind to read the closed captioning. (It was cute, he told me to stop using music in my work, hah.)
Aug 27, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
When 14-year-old girls are raped the press refers to them as “young women” and combs their histories for evidence of promiscuity.

This dumb fuck 17-year-old crosses state lines with a rifle to hunt and kill grieving people & he’s “just a kid.” Can’t be held accountable. What that piece of shit did isn’t self defense. He left his home, armed with an illegal, traveled to another state, where he anticipated unrest. That’s premeditation. He wasn’t defending himself, his property, or his family. He was defending his favorite CONCEPT: White supremacy.
Jul 5, 2020 25 tweets 4 min read
After I saw Hamilton 5 years ago-ish, I super duper nerded out and read everything I could find, and here’s my favorite interpretation of some of his letters: it is possible Hamilton was madly in love with John Laurens. So first of all, Hamilton was not naive to homosexuality — at the time “sodomites” were sent to the West Indies. There’s evidence that he grew up around gay people. (Not that I’m saying this ~made him gay~ just that he might’ve been less uptight about it than other Founders.)
May 22, 2020 23 tweets 4 min read
There have been comparisons but it’s not apples to apples. In porn the precautionary practices concern the performers, but not the crew. Potentially testing 200+ people every day (not every 14 days) is a very different endeavor. To give people who don’t work in TV an idea of what that looks like... I read an estimate that suggests rapid-testing the whole crew every day would end up taking up to 2 hours. That’s 16 hours over the course of an 8-day shoot. That means 16 hours of footage that we don’t film.
Feb 16, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
I have been struggling to find words over the last few days. I’m awed by all the kids who experienced profound trauma and tragedy firsthand and have found their words so eloquently. Everything that can be said about gun control has been said. I don’t know how to add to the conversation because it’s not a conversation. You can’t converse with a pile of NRA money. Those people aren’t human.
Sep 8, 2017 21 tweets 2 min read
There's a thread going around twitter written by an idiot who believes that depression and laziness are one and the same. (Thread) I don't want to give him one more RT to masturbate to, so I'm just gonna tell you a few things about me. This is tough, but whatever.